You've changed a lot

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"Okay mom I'm already ready so I guess I'll go call some friends to see if they wanna go" I said
"I'll transfer you some money into your acc ok" she says "omg really mom thanks!" I said. "Okay well I have to leave now but I'll see you later bye honey" she says "bye mom I love you"
"Love you too honey" she says as she leaves and closes the door behind her.
I go upstairs and open my brother's door to see him still sleeping even though it's 9:24 AM but ok I guess. I go to my room and picked up my phone and called two of my friends but they didn't answer so I said "fuck it I'll go my self it's fine" I wake up my brother to tell him I'm leaving. "Okay I don't care stop waking me up" he says annoyed. "Whatever" I go down stairs and grab my keys and close the door behind me .
I start walking to the bus stop when I see someone sitting there. He looks familiar..
I walk more closely to see it's Gustav! "OMG HEY" Gustav looks up and sees me in front of him and gets up then says "oh my god hey! Y/n how have you been!? I haven't seen you in ages I can't remember the last time we talked" he says "i'm good, i'm sorry we don't talk often. I have just been focusing on other things but we should hang out more though!" I said back "where are you heading?" He asks "the mall, I'm trying to get some new shoes and get something to eat, hbu? I said "oh I was just heading to the mall I was gonna get something to eat too!" He says "oh cool wanna go with me" I ask "yeah for sure he says" the bus got here and we both got in and talked the whole ride and when we arrived we went all round the mall and found the food court and bought some food and ate and talked. We had a good time then he says "I'll see you at school tomorrow right?" "Yeah I'll be there and I saw my schedule online and saw I have two classes with you!" I said "Oh that's awesome finally we have classes this year together." He says "hopefully us having classes together is not the only thing having us talk more" he says " oh no ofc not I just was very busy last year and I didn't realize I didn't get to talk to you guys more" I said "how's bill,George, and Tom?" I said "they are good, they look a little different from the last time you saw them though" he said "how so?" "Well you will see for your self tomorrow" he said "okay well I got to go home but it was awesome seeing you again Gus" we hugged and I left and got a Uber home.
When I got home I just watched movies for the rest of the day by my self.
When it was night I changed into the same pjs as yesterday. And went to bed excited for tomorrow.

Next day
I wake up to my alarm at 6:47 Am and got ready, school does not start till 8:00 so I have time. I change into

This outfit and did my makeup and hair to look like

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This outfit and did my makeup and hair to look like

This outfit and did my makeup and hair to look like

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Tom Kaulitz x y/n Where stories live. Discover now