YES! I feel for her first,
so what I questioning about my own decision.
It's just a month in the relationship and I started feeling like she ain't meant for me
I still do love her the way I do the day I confessed my feelings
But I think it's fading for her side
She doesn't give me all the attention that I need.
Something thinking about it and it's hard to breathe
I can't tell her that I don't feel loved by her
Cuz that will make me needy, ig I am that.
I talked slot about her or a just want to hold her in my arm
Just hugging her or even by her little text or a notification just change my anger into love.
Wht is this can anyone explain
She doesn't even try me like a girlfriend when we are with her friends.
She doesn't search for me in the crowd if I get lost
She doesn't care where I am or why am I doing in parties she just be with her friends dancing and celebrating
It started affecting me now.
But I can't even tell her that.