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After getting blasted by away by a strong wind. Naruto was swallowed by a large snake. Naruto filled the snake's stomach with multiple clones. Which led to it's stomach exploding. After defeating the snake Naruto made his way back to his team. He joined in on the battle against the 'grass' ninja.

The battle became even more intense thanks to the inclusion of Naruto. Who was getting enhanced by the Nine-Tails chakra throughout the fight. He was darting all over the place punching at the snake like ninja. Massive gust exploded from the clash between the two monsters. In the distance observing the fight. Sakura was finding it hard to breathe due to the grass ninja's killing intent and the evil feeling coming from Naruto. Sasuke was silently observing. Finding it hard to force his body into action. The grass ninja glared at Naruto after their latest clash. 'She' was started to feel the Nine-Tails chakra burn 'her' hands.

His movements are becoming sharper. The boy has no real talent for ninjutsuu. If Kabuto's information is correct. Which explains the lack of jutsu so far. He's a loud mouth and seems to be similar to how that fool Jiraiya was at that age. The attack first ask questions later type. I should kill him before sensei send his ninja after me." Grass ninja thought

Out of the grass ninja's mouth appeared a sword. The grass ninja used it to stab through Naruto's throat.

After stabbing him. The grass nin pulled out his blade. Naruto's body fell down.

"Time to mark Sasuke." Grass nin thought as he approached Sasuke

"No Naruto." Sakura said horrified

"The dobe is dead." Sasuke thought as he still struggled to move

''Accept my gift. With it you will be able to beat Itachi." Grass nin said as he was in front of Sasuke

''I will be able to defeat Itachi." Sasuke

The grass nin bit into his neck and gave him the curse mark. After receiving the mark Sasuke passed out.

"Who are you" Sakura said still shaken

"My name is Ochimaru.Well goodbye for now" Orochimaru said he disappeared

"Orochimaru of the Sannin. What does he want with Sasuke. "

Sakura cried as she looked at Naruto body.

With Naruto

He was in a sewer. In the sewer with him was the Nine-Tails.

"Finally I will be free." Nine-Tails

"I am dying. There is still so much i wanted to do" Naruto thought

"Sorry but you not gonna be leaving anytime soon. " a white haired man said as he appeared

"Who are you" Naruto and Nine-Tails

"There is no time to explain.'' The Man said as he placed his hand on Naruto's head

"What are you doing." Naruto said before memories filled his head

The memories were of the white haired man.

"Why did you show me your memories." Naruto

"Because they will be of help to you. You are my reincarnation afterall." The man said before he disappeared

"Reincarnation." Naruto thought

After a few seconds Naruto woke up.

Sakura was surprised to see him alive. She saw his hair was turning white and his eyes were changing into a more beautiful color blue. His whisker were fading.

Naruto healed his throat using the power of reverse curse energy.

"Naruto you are alive." Sakura said before she hugged him

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