Chapter 1

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In the clouded snowey sky, a great black crane soared through the air. He was flying a bit more franticly than his usual glide. Today was of up most importance! Today, he became a father. Flapping his giant coal wings, he descended into the clouds below, from there he saw the mountain where his nest lay. Slowly he lowered himself onto the tip-top of Mt. Shiver. The mighty crane gracefully stepped down where his mate, Iris, sat. She looked at his worried face.

"Is it time?" He asked panicked.

"Not quite, you must be patient, Jamaa." Iris calmly replied.

Jamaa nodded and crept over to his lovely mate. She was a beautiful white crane. Her wings where soft and at the tip of her wings, where pale blue feathers. Down her back, and tail where the same gorgeous blue feathers. The most stunning feature of Iris where her eyes. Her eyes where bright with green and blue, mixing into the color of coral in the clear sea.
Iris carefully rested her long golden beak on her two crispy white eggs. Jamaa admired her very much. She would make a great mother. She is patient, kind, giving, and above all, very loving.
She raised her beak off the eggs and looked at Jamaa with a special gleam in her eyes. Jamaa returned the stare and excitedly peered down at the trembling eggs. At first they just quivered, then started to shiver, the broke into a full shake. Crack! A little red beak poked its way out of the shell. Its big crimson eyes looked from one parent to the other. Its little black feathers had just barely covered his face. Snap! The other egg began to crack. Soon, a tiny blue head peeked out of the white egg. Her golden beak bent into a beakey smile.
Jamaa and Iris looked proudly at their new chicks.

Iris poked her mate and asked "Do you have any names picked out yet?"

He nodded and pulled his new daughter over, "I would like to name her Mira, after my grandmother."
Iris smiled and nodded in approval. She looked over at her son. He was black, like his father. He had a long red stripe from beak to tail tip. She knew exactly what to name him.

Iris wrapped her fluffy white wing around him. "Your name is Deiago."

The family would not be together for long. And evil grows in the world of Tigris. Soon, a wolf came and delivered the news to Jamaa. Jamaa would have to leave Aladan to join the Phantom's War in Tigris.

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