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Prologue: Hades

The man stood, shrowded in darkness and hidden amongst the folliage of the foreboding forest. He was watching, waiting, like he had done everyday for the past year.

A gentle breeze blew through the forest, gently rustling the leaves surrounding him. The breeze carried along the delicate scent of blooming flowers and wild cherries. She was coming.

He watched her emerge from the towering trees, looking like a ray of sunshine breaking through the darkness. Her arms were outstretched, her fingers gracefully dragging against the trees and foliage within her reach.

Under her tender touch, life sprung back to the forest. The trees' gnarled, blackened bark was revived; blooms flowered on the exposed branches; the shriveled leaves returned to health and glowed a vibrant green; the grass below her bare feet burst from the ground in luscious shades of emerald.

The land basked in her return, relishing in the return of life and magic. Rays of golden sun broke through the thick canopy of trees to rest upon her sweet face. She glowed with life and innocence and beauty. He could not help but be enthralled as he watched her waltz through the dying land,restoring it's beauty. He followed silently behind as she made her treck to the medow that lay beyond.

There was a song on her lips; he could hear the whisper of the delicate tune. It was a wordless lullaby, something beautiful and fragile, reminding him of a bird in a cage. Her lilting voice drew him in, made him want to step out of the darkness, made him desire the feel of sunshine on his face.

He fought the sudden urge to reach out, to touch her, to feel her creamy skin under his fingers. He couldn't reveal himself, not yet. He anchored himself to a blackened tree trunk, his fingers digging into the brittle wood. He felt what little life force the tree had left, soak into his being. The wood crumbled into blackened dust under his tight grip. While she created, he destroyed.

When she was far enough ahead, the entire forest reviving under her tender care, he followed behind. With every step he took, the grass under his feet gasped for life before wilting away into nothingness. Before her, he had never known true beauty, had never known the wonders of life.

She emerged from the thick bramble of foliage, stepping into the meadow that lay just beyond the trees. She let out a sigh, he knew of dismay, as she took in the state her precious meadow had befallen during her long absence.

The grass was painted in hues of browns and blacks, crumbling into the dry, cracked earth below. The flowers she had spent hours everyday gazing, and tending to and loving, were reduced to dead, wilted piles of ash.

A horrific thought was twisting inside of her, he deduced as her face went ashen, her neck snapping to the side to take in her once magnificent pond. The emerald green waters of the pond resting in the middle of the meadow, had been transformed into a thick black sludge. The smell of decomposition and death wafted over to her, her nose twitching in a way he found enchanting.

She broke into a run, a look of pure panic twisting her features. Tears were welling in her eyes, making them glimmer like jewels. He felt his breath leave his body; even in torment she was beautiful. He felt guilt licking at his insides; it was his fault she was crying, it was his fault her once glorious meadow was barren, laid to waste. He had spent everyday of the last year stalking this forest, crushing everything beautiful as he waited in misery for her to return.

He watched in morbid curiosity as she perched at the very edge of the large pond, sweeping her arms through the murky waters. Tears were dripping down her lovely face, landing into the water below. She was crying something out, but his mind couldn't focus on her words, he was too enraptured in watching her.

The water below her began to shimmer, the black murk giving way to glowing green waters. He dared to venture closer, trying desperately to get a better view. He had almost wandered out of the veil of trees, if she looked now, she would have seen him. He continued to watch, mesmerized as he had always been, when suddenly a pale blue arm shot out of the water and latched onto her.

He heard her shriek of surprise and felt his body tense. He leaped from the overgrown, tangled forest, willing to protect her at any cost. His body spurred to action, moving deftly through the overgrown field when suddenly he stopped.

Her voice was ringing with laughter as she pulled on the hand clutching her, new tears glazing in her eyes. He stood frozen, twenty paces behind her, as he watched her pull a strange woman out of the water.

He felt a cool breath release from his parted lips, his tense body seemed to crumble into loose joints and languid muscles. He almost laughed at himself. He had forgotten all about the water nymph.

He slowly, quietly, moved back to his hidden perch, cursing himself for his foolishness. She could have seen him. It would be too soon, his plan would fall away. He needed to wait for the perfect moment to make himself known to her.

He watched as she reunited with her water nymph companion, a sad smile pulling up his lips. He had waited so long for her, and still he must wait. Soon, though, he would have her. She was the only one he could ever love, the only one he could ever want. She could balance his destruction, allow him access to life for the first time. She could save him from his bleak life of death and despair. First he must show her his world, show her his torment, so that she might save him from himself.

Author's Note
Word count: 1008 words

And yes, I know. Hades is portrayed here as quite the stalker, but according to the myth, Hades actually kidnaps Persephone and drags her into the underworld with the permission of her father. This scene takes place the day of the kidnapping.

Hope you all like this prologue from Hades' perspective! Sorry it took so long to post.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2015 ⏰

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