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Lino  Monretti

My  gaze  stayed fixated  on  my  phone  screen  as  I  watched   the  video  that  was just  sent  to  me.  It was a recording  of  Dario's  biggest  shipments  that    my  men  had  just   intercepted.    Dario   totally  messed  things  up  when  he  made  that    call  to  end  Akeira's  life.  He  called  for  war and  I'm  about  to   bring  it  to  him  in  full  force. 

There's  nothing  Dario  loves  more  than  his  business  and his  family,  his mother  most  especially.  These  are  the  only  things  he  cherishes  more  than his life  and  I'm  about  to  take  them  away  from  him.

Dario  heads  one  of the  biggest  human  trafficking  organisation   in the  world.   His logistics  business  is  a  front  to  hide  his illegal  businesses.    I  got  to find  out  he  had  one  of his biggest  shipment  ever  today.   He  was about  to  traffic  thousands  of  girls  from  all  around  Africa and Asia. I  had my  men  intercept  the  package  midway.  Human  trafficking   is not  my  thing.  I've  never  engaged  in  it  and I do not tend to  start  now.  Theres  nothing I need  the girls for.  I'll   have my  men  send  them  back to  their various  countries  to  reunite  with  their  family. 

A  smirk  creeped  on  my  face.  The first  phase  of my attack is  done, I'm  about to proceed   to the next.  Dario  doesn't  know  what  is about to  hit  him.  As much  as I'd  love to end  this game  and  end his life once  and for  all.  I  need him to feel  the  same thing  I  felt  when  I  saw  Akeira  being  flung  away  by  the  impact of  the  bomb.  I  want  him to feel  that  and more.  I  want to  hurt  him  so  bad,  render  him  hopeless, I  want to see him  suffer, I want him broken  before I finally render him  lifeless.

I  turned my  phone  off, raised my head and  got  comfortable  on  the couch.  I  returned my  gaze  to  the  middle  aged  woman  who  sat  in  front  of  me  frightened  as  hell.

  I  returned my  gaze  to  the  middle  aged  woman  who  sat  in  front  of  me  frightened  as  hell

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"Now  where  were  we"  I  asked  pointing  my  finger  at her in the  process.  She  jumped  at the  sound  of my  voice.  She  glanced at  me  briefly   before  looking  away. 

"Oh  yeah,   the  similarities   between your  son  and  my  uncle  Antonio.   How  was he  able  to  hide  you guys from  Lola.  Well   Antonio  had always been a sneaky  bastard.  I  wouldn't  even get  that past  him. I  guess  that's  also  another thing  Dario  got from  him."   If  Lola had  known  Antonio  cheated on her or  had another child  out  of  wedlock,  she  wouldve  hunted  them  down and  given  then  the most brutal  death  one can  imagine.  She was  such  a  badass.

"What  exactly  did  you see in  him,  I  mean he  wasn't   the most  attractive   man"

"Can  you  please  tell  me  what  this is  all  about?"  She  mumbled timidly. Her  voice  and  lips trembled  as she let  those  words  out.   Her entire  body  covered  in  sweat even though  the  atmosphere   is  quite  chilled.  It's crazy  how I haven't   done  anything and she's  still scared  shitless.  Hell  I  haven't even  raised  my  voice.  I've been chilled with her since  I arrived  and  we've  been having a nice  lil  chat so far. 

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