Wandering the streets of London for you first time alone, can be both, a exciting, and scary thing, But moving up in to the heart of England from the country side, is a big change at six, where the most I'd saw is the train that brought me there.
Finally my mother decided that I was enough 'help' packing for the day and that I should 'see new sights'
Walking away from our new shop with only the instruction of not getting lost and not straying to far, I was on my way.
London was such a busy town. So many people.
I came across so many new things on that day;
I learned what a trolly was from a plump old 'Santa' man, I decided to call him.
I learned why there were so many shops and houses from a lovely looking couple.
I also learned not to touch or approach the homeless. That lession I learned the hard way, when the man practically lunged at my face demanding for food and money.
But the most intrusting and most life changing lession I learned that quiet 'finally-sunny-for-a-change' day, was what the royal gaurds were for.
Know his name...
RandomI didn't know his name for four years... I talked to him every day of the week.