Chapter One

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I groan, turning over in the sand as the sun shines down on me. I hear someone shout and then I hear footsteps running towards me. I lay still, not knowing who this is. I hear multiple voices and I finally open my eyes. I blink, letting my eyes adjust to the light. I see four people standing above me, two boys and two girls. I groan again, shutting my eyes tightly. I open my eyes again as the youngest girl kneels next to me, asking if I'm alright.           "I'm fine, I think." I respond, giving the girl a smile.             "Oh, I'm Lucy. This is Susan, Peter, and Edmund." The girl introduces, a bright smile on her face.                  "It is nice to meet you all. I'm Lilith." I greet, sitting up as my head spins. I stand up a pained expression on my face.           "Are you alright?" Susan asks, looking concerned.           "Yes, just sore. I fell off my horse." I explain.               "Oh....I see you carry a sword. Are you any good?" Susan asks, looking curious.                 "Yes, actually. I'm the best swordswoman north of the Lone Isles." I smile proudly.        "Edmund here is the best swordsman north of the Lone Isles." Peter cuts in.         "Care for a duel?" I raise an eyebrow, a smirk pulling at my lips, looking Edmund in the eyes.           "I don't fight women." He says blankly.        "What? Scared you'll get beaten?" I taunt, my smirk growing.          "You're on." Edmund glares at me. 

I draw my sword as Edmund does the same. We start to circle each other as we prepare to fight. Peter calls it and I swing my sword forward, him blocking the attack with his own sword. He aims his sword for my legs, but I jump avoiding the attack as I swing my sword towards his. I continue my attacks, keeping him on defense. He continues blocking my attacks, and I'm soon the one on defense. I block Edmund's attacks, pushing on my sword to push him back. I push him back, making him drop his sword as I pin him to the ground, my sword at his neck. I get off him, a smirk on my face as I offer him a hand to help him up.

He smacks my hand out of the way and gets up on his own, grabbing his sword as he does. I sheath my sword and turn to his siblings, all three of them staring at me, eyes wide and mouths agape. Turning to face Edmund, I stick out my hand for him to shake as I say, "Good match." Edmund glares at me, reluctantly shaking my hand as he says, "You aren't terrible." I chuckle, a smirk on my face as I relish in my victory. 

My smirk drops as I hear Susan yell 'drop him'. I turn to her and see her pointing her bow at two Telmerines on a small wooden boat, holding something that looking like a person. 'Probably a dwarf,' I think to myself, drawing my sword. The two Telmerine soldiers drop the dwarf into the water as Susan shoots one of the soldiers. The other jumps as Peter and Edmund jump into the water to save the dwarf and bring the boat to shore. 

As Peter sets the dwarf down on the sand, Lucy cuts his bindings with her dagger. Edmund walks up to his siblings as the dwarf speaks.         "Drop him?! That's the best you could come up with?" The dwarf glares at Susan as she smiles sheepishly.  The dwarf glances at the four of them as I stand off to the side a bit. He sighs and stares at the four siblings.               "You're kidding. You're it? You're the Kings and Queens of Old." The dwarf looks at the four as they nod, then he looks over at me. "And who are you?"           "Princess Lilith of Telmar. And yes, I know you all probably don't trust me now, but I am not like my shitty uncle, Miraz." I explain the the dwarf and the four siblings.

The dwarf stares at me with a small smile and nods his head. Lucy and Susan both stare at me with wide smiles, trusting looks in their eyes. Peter and Edmund however, Peter looks like he doesn't trust me slightly, but Edmund on the other hand, he looks like he wants to chop off my head. I smile warmly at them all and sheath my sword, knowing we are not in anymore danger. Peter however, draws his sword as I sheath mine and hands it to the dwarf.             "You don't want to do that boy." The dwarf warns, taking the sword.            "Not me...him." Peter says, pointing towards Edmund. Edmund smirks and draws his sword, him and the dwarf circling each other. I watch as the dwarf suddenly swings his sword, Edmund barely jumping over it. They go back and forth, attacking and dodging attacks. I chuckle as the dwarf almost makes Edmund drop his sword, Edmund shooting me a sharp glare as I stop laughing.

Edmund knocks the sword out of the dwarf's hands, successfully knocking the dwarf down. Edmund smirks and lowers his sword, not sheathing it. Edmund looks over at me as the dwarf says something.            "Care for a rematch, Princess?" Edmund taunts, a cocky smirk on his face.          "You really want to lose again?" I question, raising an eyebrow.             "I don't plan on loosing." He says cockily.           "Sure, let's have a rematch." I draw my sword, getting into a fighting stance.

We circle each other as his siblings and the dwarf watch. I make the first move, swinging my sword forcefully. He blocks my attacks, sending attacks of his own. I aim for his legs and he knocks the sword out of my hands, a smirk on his face, thinking he won. I spin around, crouching low to the ground as I grab my sword. I spin around again and kick out my leg, tripping him and he falls flat on his back. I stand up as he does the same, both of us readying our swords. He makes the first move, aiming for my arm. I block the attack and push him away from me with the force of our swords clanging together. I aim for his arm as I spin around, cutting his arm. I smirk at the hit I got in and we continue our duel. He aims for my side, slicing my corset and leaving a cut on my side, staining my white blouse red. I wince and my movements slow down. I swing my sword and end up falling to my knees, my vision blurring. Edmund stops his movements and looks down at me as my blood drips onto the sand below me. I fall on my side as my vision goes black and I pass out, the last thing I hear is someone yelling my name.

The Dark Queen {E. Pevensie}Where stories live. Discover now