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Main Characters.

Mothman- A male Cryptid, like a moth. It has red eyes and black feathers/fur. He befriends CJ after showing up in West Virginia.

CJ "Moth" Williams- To TF "Human", goes by T/Th. He has blonde hair and blue eyes. He wears a black t-shirt, blue shorts, and glasses.

Chicken Ghost- A male Chicken Cryptid who befriends Mothman and CJ. It has white feathers and red eyes.

Flatwoods Monster- Flatwoods Monster. An alien Cryptid who befriends Mothman, CJ, and Chicken Ghost. He has green skin and red eyes. He wears a red and green suit.

Secondary Characters.

Roger and Linda Scarberry: First saw the Mothman with Steve and Mary Mallette. Steve and Mary Mallette: First saw Mothman with Roger and Linda Scarberry.

Humans: People who live in and around Point Pleasant, plus Mothman witnesses.

Animals: Critters who live in and around Point Pleasant, plus Mothman witnesses.

Cryptids: Cryptids who live in a pocket areas in and around Point Pleasant and The World/Space.

Aliens: Extraterrestrials who live in a pocket areas in and around Point Pleasant and The World/Space.


Men In Black (MIB): A group of Aliens/Humans, who hunt Cryptid/Aliens around The World.

Other Mothman- A Second Mothman, an adult male. Lives in The Woods in Point Pleasant, West Virginia.

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