Anger chapter 5. 💜🌺💜

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Now that we live together U2 there's not gonna be any issues is there Ariana asked promise me Max and Ian there won't be no problems at all we promise mom yeah we promise.       That's good now in because you went to school in Spain I think it's time you start a new life and new chapter in your life.          What are you talking my mom I'm happy the way I am.           You're going to be going to school with him with Max in.       Are you T.O.K. that say Jamal.               Yeah said Max.            What are you eating.      Ian.       Oh sorry Max yeah.         I can't wait to go to school with you.               Where are you.            Ian asked who is he.              Oh Max said 🌈esme🌈.          That's a head captain of the football team.               Wait he's a head captain.          Ian asked calmly.       Yes said Max he's at the head captain and football team.              Why do you ask Ian.        He's very cute.               Said Ian family.            Sure if you think he's really cute.        Wait are you jealous Max.            Sad and calmly asked asked.             Why would be mad why would I be jealous of him for.               Sad Max.                I thought you were saying that said Ian.               Do you wish you were the popular one or something.          No I'm not really I don't really care about being popular or anything.           Said Max mother can't voice.                  In anyway setting so anyway said Max he has a girlfriend.           The head cheerleader right there is his girlfriend.                  What's his name set Ian.          His name is Tristan Xanax.                And who is the head cheerleader Ian asked.            Her name is Diana.             And she's very mean.               Her mom is a school principal.          Is that all she gets good grades.            Ian asked deeply.              Yeah you can say that.        Then who is your father.                  Then who's our dad said Ian.          Hi dad is the mayor and the               Who's your dad said.               I don't is the mayor said Max.          And the daughter is very selfish.                She lives in a mansion bigger than our school.       Diana lives in a huge mansion and she's super rich.              Her limo is big.           What's your mothers name.                     Her mothers name is Lauren.                     And what's your father's name.                       Fathers name is Grace.                         Why do you ask Ian.                No reason I just asked.                  I'm sorry if I asked Max.             Don't worry I'm called it.                   Is Diana the queen of the school.            Yeah she is.          Making a boyfriend the king of.                  Hey Max.          What's up Ian.            Does Diane and her boyfriend leave.                 Yeah they do they do bully me.            You shouldn't let them do that.                   There's nothing I can do about that in.          Max said.            So wait you just let them bully you.           It's better than getting thrown in the trashcan.                   have you ever thought out telling Diana's mother.             No I ne they should do their own homeworker.                Why won't you just tell the school principal the truth.                 Said EN.             Because if I told Diana's mother.            She's in a fight as a Waze.           Other ways to get me it's spelled.                  Anyway anyways I can't tell her I wanted to the school principal.                 Max said with fear in his eyes.            I'm her daughter is laggy.                     What do you mean by that Ian asked             What do you mean you're lucky.                  She has me do her homework for her for her and her friends.            Including for her boyfriend and his friends.             You should do their own homework sit in.            And they shouldn't have you shou they should learn how to do their own homework.            Instead of having you do it.           I know.                 I think I will take it up to the school principal thanks again really thank you.                     You're welcome Max I'm just glad you're not going either home for them anymore.                Max and him went up to the school as him as Maxson N Wafflez office.                   I'm skews me come in so amazing is Laura.                 Oh good morning Max.               Laura.                  Please.                  Sure what is it.          I've been I need to ask about Diana.                   Her and her boyfriend if that's all right with you.           Sure please come and sit out.                  What about my daughter and her boyfriend.            I've been helping them with their homework.                 What do you mean even helping them with their homework.                     Diana paid me to help her and her boyfriend.         I don't want her to get in trouble her her or her boyfriend.                 Diana had paid me 50 grand to help her and her boyfriend and their friends with their homework.        I see.       Am I in trouble.                No you're not in trouble Max.          Thank you for coming forward and telling me.              You're welcome I'm just glad I did the right thing to come close complaining telling you.                Do you know where the the 50 on Grant is.      It's right here.                 Here you go.                   Thank you Max.            May I go now.      Yes you may now go.              Are you going to tell my father and my mother.        Yes I'm going to have to tell your parents.                     That's fine and I understand also the punishment.                   I don't know your mother but I don't know your father.          My mothers name is Ariana.                 As he finally walked out of the school principals office.            Laura had called his parents and he said his my mothers name is Ariana.      Ariana's working from home.               Ariana heard the phone ring.         Without the phone and ask who called who is calling.             Hi this is Miss Laura.        Hi I'm Ariana     Miss Laura can I ask why you're calling please.         It hasn't been with Max.        Is Max OK.                Yes he's fine but.          But what Ariana calmly said.           Ariana talk to the school principal.              Principal who she explained everything to Ariana.      The school principal asked asked is her Ariana's husband home.       Are you gonna said no I'm sorry he's not home right now.              He told Ariana what happen with Max.        Ariana found out Max has been helping the school principal's daughter.        And the school principal's daughter's boyfriend and his friends and her friends as well.         With their homework.              I found out her son Max has been helping them with their homework and got paid 50 bucks to help them with their homework.            Then since then Ariana told her she'll tell her husband.              The principal had Ariana asked is there anyway I can.           Clara had notice airing on his eyes.            Ariana was one of the artist of Clara's old school.                  Max walked out of the school principals office.          Max walked out of the school principals office.                 His brother in ask him.          He.    Hey Max.                 Sadian.                   what's up in.          Sad Max what's the matter.      Are you in trouble set in.                Yeah said Max I am in trouble.            Miss Clara says she's got a call mom and dad.             Said Max with right now he's.         Wait she doesn't even know mom does she.                    Who knows if she does.               Let's hope let's hope not she doesn't Sadian.                  In certain ask you can't.          Ian said max.          What's up Max.              what's up Max city in.           And I'm not trying to get any more trouble.               No I don't want you to get it spelled.             I don't think I'm going to get it spelled.                  Let's hope not set in.                Yeah I hope not Max I hope I don't get it spelt.                  What do you think is gonna happen Setian.         Ian's mom showed up Max and Ian we're getting ready to go home.              On the speaker.          Diana and her boyfriend.           Diana her friends and her boyfriend and them are called at her mother's office.                And so is Max Max got called up to the school principals office.        When they were all sitting in the school principals office.             Max explained everything to the school principal.                  But he was expended.    For Diana and the others and her boyfriend them.                For them there it smelled they were expelled from the school.                 Headmistress cannot expel her own daughter.           Diana's mother sent her to a different school.              Instant instead of sending her to another school.                   Diana was told to stay at her mother school.               Instead she had apologized to Diamme to everyone else.           We had to apologize to max.            She apologized by forcing him to do her homework.                     He told her that's OK that's all right Diana.                   You're not mad at me so Diana.           No why would I be mad at you.                Sure you had me do your homework and stuff for you and your boyfriend and your teammates.                And even do the homework for your boyfriend.        Even though you're not even though you know I don't get along with your boyfriend at all.             I do forgive you.                   But do you next time dear on homework Diana.          And maybe you'll learn something.                    Ever since then Diana started doing her own homework                                Diana had broke up with her boyfriend.             Her boyfriend was angry with her.                  Before she got yelled at.          Max walked up to her and ask if she OK.                 Are you OK Diana said Max.           Yes thank you Max.  Max was sitting in the cafeteria with his brother in.           This is a huge cafeteria set in.    Yeah it's way larger than at least to be said Max         Ian asked nicely.        Did that girl apologize to you.           Set in.          Yeah Xanax she finally apologized and I finally forgive her.               If anyone if anyone ever did that to me I would never forgive them.     It's best if we give them instead of income being fighting with them.          Said Max calmly.                       I guess it is a kind person are you Max.            Sad and calmly.      Do you think so Ian.        Yeah I think you're too kind.           I guess I am.          What happened with the soccer team.              You mean the football team.           Oh yeah.      They got expelled if you're wondering that I've been with them I guess I heard they got expelled.               IMAX.       What's wrong Ian.     Tell me why there is a head cheerleader coming this way.           If you call me near me.       You're about to ask me to your home for you Diana.           I hope you know you can't ask me to do homework anymore for you.             That's not why I came over here Ian max.         Then why did you come over here.           To tell you thank you.            Any time.         To tell you thank you for help me realize the truth it's fun learning how to do your own homework and earning some thing from it.           I told you learning is it so hard now was it.        No it's really fun.             Oh Max.         Guess who see if I'm asked nicely.        This is my brother this is my brother and my twin brother Ian.            Did I just hear you say your twin brother.               Yeah do you know.           He was high school.          Max aghast.            I'm Max.         Max.             Yeah I was up in.            Who is C max.        This is the school principal's daughter.               This is Diana the school principals honor.   She seriously pretty inside.                  Ian said Max can you come Diana.         Diana wanted to max.             I have something for you Max.        Oh my lady said in.         What are you going down Mike's deli in.              Diana what do you have for me Tweedledum is more homework.                             If you don't mind Max can I sit with you.      Wait you wanna sit with me and my brother if that's OK if you guys.  Sure you can sit with us.                 Sad Max.        Thanks Max.        You're welcome Diana.      Well Max and Diana were sitting next to each other in a saying on the side by yourself with them.     Diana and Max smiles.     Diana's friend Carrie saw max so Ian.      And she asked to sit with him Mary please sit with you in.           Sure I don't mind please go ahead and take a seat.        Thank you Ian.            You're welcome I have never had a beautiful girl sit next to me before.             Are you sure you're fine with me sitting next to you.       Diana max for sitting closer.               I know you have a crush on Max.       That's not to Diana oh it's not.           And tell me why he looks so weird on me I'm at the football practice.       As Ian asked Carrie about Diana.                  Ian found out from Diana find out from Ian Ian find out from Max that he liked her.         Carrie look at Ian's eyes and told her everything about Diana that she's always had a crush on Max.         Schools almost over and Diana didn't want to go to the max.              Finally the football season was about to start again.            Diana and Carrie quit being cheerleaders by the football team Max was a soccer player.                   Diana sneak off and watch the soccer team.             Football practice is still going on.          Finally Max had to find a cheerleader for the soccer team leads to.              Max is the soccer team captain.        And Karen was actually dumb defense.          Diana wants Max forever even after practice.       Go back to work girls.          Diana please get back to work please girls.       The coach asked.      Of course ma'am yes of course.       Carrie didn't play soccer or she wasn't on the Chilean squad for any other sports.        Carrie was Diana's best friend.      Cc that I watched her best friend play.              All the boys are practicing for the football team.      Carrie gave her a coffee gave Diana her coffee do you want to carry your money Diana here you go your favorite thanks.                     What is Roxy take a drink she took a drink of it and Diana did not feel well.                Diana did not feel well like at all.          Carrie took over for Diana until she got back to on her feet.             Coach had told them they're not going through please Diana.               They ran it to the hospital.       Diana have poison in her system.   Diana had a headache for hours.          In the hospital though Diana have felt tired.       Carrie was not talking to down to max.       This afternoon Carrie Carrie was talking to Max is Maxim old Rival.    Ask told Carrie I don't like you like that Gary.    Maxide Ian stay away from her.           For him to believe Max Ian had to see you for a self.    Diana had no choice but she got it smells from the school.        Painfully she was never allowed to see her mother or her friends again.           Carrie Diana went to live with her grandmother in the country with her grandfather and grandmother.     Max missed in Miss Melbourne Diana a lot.         And found Max not touching his guitar or his music at all.         I told you and Max I told you to stay with Gary and now look.    Diana's mother had no choice but to kick it kick her out of school.    Ashley is about to get hit kicked out of school.        Max follows Diana to where she was at she finally followed in the fall D gave him the box.                Max found care I'm dying everywhere helping others besides yourself.                    Max Diana.              I saw what you did for those kids.      Why did you just tell me before.          Because I hide a side of me before I hide a side from others.      Is that why it's cool you are like a bully.             Yes that's why I do.          I'm sorry you got kicked out at school.              I'm not sorry I'm really not.       I deserved it.      No you didn't you didn't deserve this at all.            I've been watching you for hours and washing for days.          Mom knows my father.          Even if my dad even though your even though your dad knows my mother.               That's not gonna change anything Max. Only if you show them the truth.           Did you forget that my dad owns this restaurant.   I never forgotten.                How can I ever forget.             You can work off the beer.    Do you even think your dad would ever give me a job here.            I think my dad would.    And now that my mom is back I think my dad will let me work at the family business.  And I could help you.             Thank you Max.             You shouldn't have to ask your father they gave me a job here            It's the least I can do.          In anyway apologize to me anyway.               And were even anyway.           Are you sure about that Max.       Yeah.   Anyways I'll be great a great influence on you anyway.           Anyway my dad's almost home.                   I don't know who that is.           My dad's name is Jamal.          Jamal Senior agora.               She's his man's husband.               Wait that's your mother.  Yes her name is Ariana.        Ariana Gabriel Marissa Gomorrah Jamal Senior Aghamore is my father.               Your mother is a fashion fashion designer correct.           Yes she is you didn't know that.                 No I had no clue no one has ever told me about it before.    My mom is live in Spain I was born from Spain.              I guess you can say me and Ian were both born born and raised live born in Spain.               Your mom gave birth to you guys in Spain.                Yeah she did             But Max Ian has been living with my mom for years.             But you were living with your father why are you Max.          Yeah I was.   Ian live in Spain.           I live out here in Los Angeles with my dad.        And now.   No my mom my dad and me and Ian all of the other now.           As a real family.        Why won't you guys live in the other.             Mom had to work.             To support our family. So Ian lives in a huge mansion.              And you're not jealous of your brother.          Maybe the first time I met him I was.                       But when I got used to him I wasn't he gave me something a base.                  I got it all my life it's beautiful.            The locket on my mom's neck is the same of a rose.          So what's my dad's.         And so is mine and ends.              is it new to our school max.              Yeah he's new there.       I just hope you get used to the building in the school and the teachers do.            I heard you got accepted.          I heard you got it it's attitude it's action in high school.          Yeah I did.    But you're not gonna go.           No I'm gonna see if my dad and we're with him in the family business.              Well that sounds mobile of you love you.          When Jamal got home he heard them talking.             It was upstairs in his bedroom.          When Jamal walked in the door he overheard them all talking that you talking about something funny.           Carrie learned how to cook by Jamal.              Thank you sir I swear I won't let you down.              Can I pick it up very quick I'm very KM pick it up very well.    Jamal was impressed.             Carrie learned how to cook properly and decently as he even learned how to be a lady of the house.           She had no problem cooking for them and helping them around the house.                When Max went out for a couple days maximum max left work on months.               Good morning.          Good morning Gary.     And good morning message Jamal good morning Gary.                Max was already getting ready to leave Aryan was going to trip though and his mom their mom new.    Ian was curious about his brother.           Max left early in the morning before anyone woke up.          When Carrie woke up she washed her hands go in the shower and finally made breakfast.         She learned how to design stuff properly and decently.    She learned towel by Ariana.             By watching one of Ariana's videos.        All the outfits that he designed.                 She made her own cum outfits for herself and for the others. Each person has their own outfits out on their beds.           Jamal's and Ariana's outfits matched.               Ian's outfit looks very nice and they fit him perfectly.       Yeah we're sitting on the bed.            Gary have a dinner to him in his room.         I made him take another soup.               And you about face.            But Max ran in the room and said Ian don't eat it's poison.                Are you crazy Max.            She didn't poison my food.   Dad wants to cook it.                        Incense and I like different taste in flowers the flowers were not poisoned either.                 Mom call mom found her picking them she helped her pick them out.                Ian felt so sorry for what happened I'm sorry Gary.  That's OK Max I thought you were trying to poison my brother.          I won't be cooking anything ever again.                   As Max as he finally told Max Max Ian.      Do you know I'm the oldest right.             Carries an alarm to come properties and lady.        So mom offered a summer teacher.              In your clothes.              Since I've been living in Spain I needed some new clothes.              Carries mom is a Taylor.         At any age she talk to Carrie how to sew.               Carrie ever got married she can learn how to do this for herself.            And so a wedding dress back together.         And the other wearing it same as yours.                 Because my first offer got ruined I'm wearing the same one is scary.   But mine is a suit hers is a dress.             I thought you and I always match outfits.      We do.               In the bullying in school.             I told dad when I got home about it.   Am I school principal never knew mom.            I want to go friends with it that's your mom called.                 Wait mom called your old school principal.          Yes she had to go and pick up my papers.               Yeah for me to start school out here that's why she need me to go in with her to pick up those papers.              But I don't care who's teasing you.   No it was Carrie who helped me realize the truth with Diana the girls are teaching me something.                  But Max you were upset.               Not really reall I really wasn't upset.              Mom gave the phone to dad and let them lead dad over here with the school principal told you.                 Because dad knows I was living with mom.      They found out you were embarrassed.                   You are jealous of your older brother Ian.       Why would you think I was jealous of you and I don't know Max May because he wanted all the attention and blending on Carrie and Diane and the others and got the boys it's spelled.             So you can come ahead cat in the football team am I right you're lying.          Am I because the head of the head captain football team was me.    And Diana went to my school in Spain along with Gary we came from he came from Spain to visit out here.            We are in a competition and we found out there was another head captain of the school.                And I found out his name was Max Max Junior Agro Jamal son.                  Diana's older brother Maurice went to your school.          He told me what he told me to watch out for you.             And now I know what he meant by that.  So you choose them over me.              When Carrie told me she had a brother that goes to your school I want to find out for myself and so I did it was true his name was Diane his name is Maurice and he was very smart.                     He joined the football team in at 8013 when the scouts saw him he was very talented for a kid his age.        He got to play with one team from another school.                My brother came a legend.        Her brother came a legend.             The magazines pictures on TV and on cereal boxes he was very famous.                 Carrie and Diane and I were very in shock we were super happy for him.           Aunt Carrie's best friend was my best friend in college I watched out for Gary.        When we were in college we played football in college and Carrie's older brother was in the hospital since then.              Diana's father was a doctor he helped him and he said why he couldn't walk at all but he tried and kept on practicing.    He finally stood on its own 2 feet when we saw him walking we were so proud of him nothing happened on though he could finally stand up and walk again.          He was so happy to see Carrie he was so happy to see Diana and carry me.           Put carry on his lap.      Me and Diana sat down as we watched him hunger.                 And what was her brothers name.          His name is Derek Derek Alamari get a Morrison.        My dad would want his football games or dad will watch his football games every week because he was his favorite I'm rooting for his team even better on the team and his team one and a little boy went to college.                   So you don't even care about me no more you got the boy in danger Lee hurt why do you think he doesn't like looking at you or Diana.      Seriously max.                 Diana told me what happened to Carrie.      Carrie hasn't seen her brother since he they were kids.               And what you think it's my fault well it Hass to be someone's fault it wasn't mine.              He asked me to watch over Carrie and that's all I did.                I went to Spain it was easier for me.         Ohand me and Carrie and Diana we did it smells I'm hoping I'm hope you're happy you got what you wanted me out of the picture.                But because mom is happy with that I told her I'm just gonna go out and visit.            I'm not coming home.                  Anyway carries dad what is the governor.                     And Diana's father while he was Aamir.          I'm going home today.                    I'm glad I got to meet you Max but I'm better off being by myself alone.               Do you hate me or something and now he is a strong word I don't like you I really don't.               And I don't think I will never like you I don't have to like you to know that you're my brother.             They go to the same for me you might be my brother but I don't have to like you you're right.           See you around Max.     Sea rock I yeah see you around max.            Look on your own Ian.       Yeah YouTube.         Don't asshole me ever I mean it don't call me on my birthday or now I'm going to Spain I don't think I have to but good luck on your own in YouTube Max as Maximian didn't speak for years the parents were concerned but Ariana stayed all the way in California in Los Angeles or husband.         She missed Ian a lot and nothing was the same like at all.            Max mom you guys promised us that you would get along fire sakes Jamal secondly you guys promised me that me and your dad can spend some time together with you guys he started it though.         No he didn't Ian didn't start a thing with your max.               We like this since day one since the day you met your brother and since they moved in.            Ariana stay in her room and try to call her son I'm gonna try to call Ian.            Ian had different phone and a different phone number and when he called and his mom called him it went straight to voicemail how great three vegan.      Ian heard his mom's voicemail and painfully it hurt his heart by having to leave her side like that.             Ian was very happy for his mom but he did message you when I he called his mom.            Well Jamal was cooking so I got a phone call and Ariana was sitting in the bedroom with the door shut and locked.              And you're not you know not Ian was working in Spain I'm working on something.                  Ian had to save up money to go back to school.                  Ian got a phone call from his mom when he was at home when he was in cooking he said at the dinner table by yourself thinking about his mom and his dad.                    Spain was not the same but now that Ian changed it all he changed everything.                        And his old bedroom into an office.          He fixed up his old is mom's old bedroom and made out his bedroom and it was perfect.        House was nice and clean and spotless like a diamond.                  Ian was very proud of his mom she left him a lot of money though when he was a child.               When he found out she left him a bunch of money he was very rich.                       His mom is at the house into a beach house.                He owned hotels a hotel and he had a beach house it was perfect he laughed and felt happy.              Nana Diana was out of school she went out to Spain for the summer vacation break she's not about in for so long she had to see and again but Ian was not grown and tall and look like this like Ariana and Jamal's eyes.      Only when Ian was sitting in his room.             Sat on the bed of his room in his room and got a phone call on video call it was his mother.                Ian was doing other stuff and he still picked up his mom's phone call.           Jamal's bedroom door was bedroom door hers and Jamal's bedroom door was locked.              Ian cut his hair never look like his brother.             Kind of hair he looks more like his mom and dad every day he put his hair up in a ponytail and she is half as hard as I can sense and it's just like a smaller.   Ian heard his phone ring it was his mother.         When Ian was finally home and sitting down in his office.         And doing his homework from classes that he was in.      Fesser told him he need to paint something amazing.            Being a picture of his mother and his self.        And his father Jamal.           As well he being a brother and a picture of his brother Max.            They were very happy in the painting that he painted a long time ago.             When he was done painting it he took a picture of it and sent it to his mother for Mother's Day.        She put it as her wallpaper on her phone when she got it.     Ian missed his mom.         He gave her a call when he was done with his homework.          His mother was in her room sleep.                She was having a dream about Ian Jamal and Max.          I thought Ian was in danger so she gave him a call in the middle of the night.  I looked over her shoulder.            Max was asleep on the couch.              Is Santa crying.   Well I love his sleep.         Ariana I'm so sorry I did not mean to wake you up.     It's all right.              Do you know what the dream is about Ariana.       She sat and told Jamal everything.         They look up in N out electronic.           Do you need talk to you.      No it's all right now.           Max ran in his mom's room.          He found out Ian's been trying to call their mom for.              When's your mom was downstairs making dinner.      Ian called the house number.           Asa speak to Ariana.             Max width of the phon. And why does dad and say that it is an unknown number.      Who GoldMax.         Is an unknown number that.             Send Max.            And Ariana cell phone was a picture of EN.             On the bottom of the picture.           Said they grow up so quickly don't they.   It said they grow up so quickly don't they.           My firstborn Ian.        No matter where I'm at.          I will always love you in love mom.        Ian found a video.        Then he was born.         In the video. It was holding him.          Ariana was singing a song to Ian in a video.             Said don't ever forget who you really are my dear son and my dear baby.  Love always mom and I love you.        And I really do always and forever love mom.   Ian finally called his mother and no one can stand him this time.         This time Jamal picked up the phone.          Jamal saw Ariana's phone rang but she was asleep.       When Jamal picked up the phone he hurt his oldest son's voice.         Hi dad Ian.       He told his dad he tried to call the house number but no one answered the phone.        He told him that so I put up the phone and then I'll answer it.          Jamal told him that his mother was asleep.                  Jamal has sat down on the bed and explained everything to him.  Do you know Ian.        Your mom misses you a lot and so do I.          I didn't know you missed me.               Send Ian with a sad face.        I know how much you love Max.   That's why I left.            Yes I understand that I'm sorry that I have been passing away.   Hey dad said Ian yes we're going to be in when mom wakes up can you have her give me a call please there's something I need Dr. about.          I'll tell her and yes I'll have her give you a call               NN yeah don't ever think I don't love you because I really do.    I know your dad and I will always love you too.          Can you watch out for mom for my dad.               Always in all always watch out for her she's my wife make any of my son. I know I am and thank you dad for watching out for mom so thank you no problem you're welcome to come home anytime.            Thanks dad I'll be glad to come on for the holidays.                  Does have mom give me a call I love you I love you too in daycare you do that.        Oh and that you're the best father in the world thank you I'm going to Max to stay at mom's phone when he calls he answered the house number he has an iPhone and I love my face.             I'll make sure he stays off the house phone including your mom cell phone thanks dad I love you I'll have her give you a call when he wakes up I'll see you soon see you soon dad thank you for being the best father in the world.      When Ariana opened her eyes Jamal told her who got sick right he's been trying to call you.                  Jamal what's wrong I was on eating all you what he asked me to tell you when you wake up to get him off he has in the deli he said he's been trying to call you since yesterday he's right at two but he said he's in a higher thank you.        You're welcome.                 Found it he called me from Arizona asked first but Max picked up the phone and hung up 🌈esme🌈's tell him to come here.              Max that all right.         When Max walked into his mom and dad's room he's not you're gonna wake mom you're awake.          Max I'm gonna ask you nicely did you pick up my phone when my phone went off ringing I was in the cold.             No I've been on the tire time last time I checked Max you weren't in your room you're in here I was asleep Max did you delete a number from my phone and block someone from my Facebook.        OK yes I blocked in.       Why would you do that.        Because you love him more than you love me.      Max that's not true.               When Ian moved in with me when he moved in with you and your dad and you when when me and him again he was very shy.         He didn't know how to talk to you or act around you he was very nervous.           Are your dad and I ask from you and your brother already get along with each other for our sex at least but what are you do you go ahead and act like someone's is a prank call and everything you blocked your brother from the house number so you don't have to buy a whole new phone with a whole new number and he gave to Ian before he disappeared.             Max please don't ever touch my cell phone again even if it does have a picture of your brother on it don't     touch my phone again.             So I'm not wrong you do love you more than you love me that's not true I love you both equally the same I am in Ian longer than you though.       But like I said don't ever touch my phone again Max ever again and I'm dead serious  e I love you and Ian Max I love you both equally the same yes I have a picture of Ian yes I have heard of Ian on my phone but I have a picture of you to wait you do yes I do I just didn't show it to you.          If you want to know it was Ian who sent me this picture of you both.               Why I was asleep this morning and why I've been asleep all day it was because I was dreaming about you both all this time and your dad knew so please don't be jealous of your little brother or older brother OK you're the youngest he's the oldest yes Ian gets the attention that he knows.           Enemy both have seizures but you have understand that that's something that doesn't get in the way of things even works he has a job when he does stuff I have never seen him deal.            And I heard your father told me you have a job now yes I do I don't know why you wanna get a job now cause I want to know if I can buy a birthday present.                 Do you wanna know why Ian really went back to Spain why it wasn't going to school or anything like that it was because Ian doesn't wanna stay here he's not used to the culture here like at all he loves Spain.             And it pains me if find me to watch my son get up and watch him watch him leave it hurt when I saw my son get up and leave but I need it for the right reason.  I'm sorry mom I didn't mean to make you suffer or upset you it's OK and it's right back I know how much you and Ian are you that's what he has in my tea favorite kids it's part of growing up.           And Ian did call me but I was asleep well I was so tired that's why they wanna call you cause I wanna wake you up on your sleep.             But that was OK I need to wake up anyway.             I said it like I said Max I will always love you and be involved equally.            You will yes I will I love you you are my son after all I do miss your brother but I'm very glad that he's OK I haven't spoken to your brother in so long but I'm worried about him now.                    I can tell you're the one who wanted me to stay in California with you and your dad in Los Angeles so I did instead yes I let Ethan go home he has a life in Spain he had a life very mean we had a whole life including school I love my baby I'm gonna always love him I love you too I need to trust@ me all right OK I'm sorry that's all right just promise me you will never do that again I promise OK then I love you mom I love you too Max I will always love you no matter what.     Do you think it'll ever come back though Ian has his own life and in Los Angeles his own fathers in Spain any of your families here anyway what I'm trying to say is that I think he'll come out and visit when he's ready now why don't you get up and get ready for school and I'll drive you it's OK mom I'll take the bus are you sure thanks mom you're welcome but you should get along with your little brother usually a large older brother OK for sake and for dad I will thank you Max I gave your brother a call later anthologize yes ma'am thank you don't ever have any cats who are you with your brother again.    Don't forget I was with him longer than you so please give him a call little later on today and apologize to him I am promising you will never do that again I promise and yes I will tell him I promise I'll never do it again either good I love you I love you too.      Good night Max grandma I'll go to bed you have school tomorrow OK love you love you and miss his mother Ariana so much.         Ariana finally woke up.       She told Max not to ever answer her phone again.          Instead of Max answering the phone.      Where is Jamal picked up the phone.          And he talk to his son Ian.          Ariana woke up a little bit later afterwards.             Ariana that you'll never hear Ian's voice again.         Ariana finally gave Ian a call back.              As she got out the shower and stuff she called him back.              Her phone sorry to ring it was EN.            See if they got the phone and it was her son Ian who talk to her calmly.                 After Ian was done painting some thing he sent it out to his mother.                  It was for his mothers birthday.           A week later she got her birthday present.                  She open the box and it was so beautiful      Inside the box was a painting of her her husband Jamal and she got a picture from her son Ian.              When she open the box there was a picture of her Jamal Ian and Max.    All together as a happy family once again.              It was a beautiful painting of them.     Jamal Jamal Ariana said what's wrong you're gonna look up Jamal saw the painting of him Ariana and the twins.              There's another painting of Ian and his mother though.                 Big picture on the wall so Jamal of me and you and the kids.     Canali yes of course.                  Jamal put the picture of him Ariana and the twins on the wall.     On can we put it on the wall do you have a picture of me you and the twins on the wall say Jamal.                        Canali yes of course Ariana I'll be glad we're on the wall for you. Thank you Jamal you're welcome and I'm glad that we're on a walk for you I love you I love you too.                     There was a medium size picture of her and EM of picture of her and EN in Spain that she put on the nightstand of her bed on her side of the bed.   That's a beautiful picture of you and him together yes it is we both lived in Spain for so long.            I don't miss it my love Jamal said I do I miss and it was different without him here.                 Mean you don't miss going back to Spain no I do I sometimes do miss it.                         Maxon picture of Ariana Nian and Sweeney other on his mom side of the bed.                     Max walked on his side of on his mom side of the bed and saw the picture of Ian in her.                  Quietly put a picture camera in the room he put a camera on his phone to see what's going on in his room.               Ariana got a guitar from Spain but was from her son Ian.                   Ariana play the guitar for a while and her new music room thinks Jamal's help.             On the living room TV there's a music room in the other room.                    There was a guest room down the hall from it.         Ian was coming out to visit his mom for her for her birthday but because he had to work that day he had to miss his mothers birthday.                     Instead so instead he gave her a call.           She was so happy to hear his voice again here in Harbor Day mom I'm sorry I can't make it out there.                 That's OK and I'm proud of you and thank you for the picture of me and you and your father and Max too and really thank you for the picture of me and you from Spain.                       You're welcome I'm just glad you enjoyed it.     But I promise you I will never forget your birthday ever again.        I know you won't honey.                  How's work been it's been fine slow but fine.                      And thank you for the guitar I know you love that gift.               I love you and I wish you happy birthday mom.                 Maybe next year I'll come out there for your birthday next year I love you.             I know you do EN and I love you to my friends I do I love you all my heart.     I know you do and I'll talk to you later if you like I love that honey love Ian I love you mama.                And please don't be sad promise me you have a great birthday think about me.                      Ian Flanigan beautiful song for his mom's birthday and sent it to her.                           He found a beautiful song of hers the day she came in artist of music.   The first time she learned how to play the instruments he found that video that beautiful video of her.                If what I am yours and you are mine and I will always be here for you no matter what.                            Love always and hang for a day mom love Ian.             Ariana started crying when she heard that song for the first time again she started to cry.                And she never forgotten how to play she kept planet Qatar again and never starts playing see remembered how to play again thanks to Ian's help as he must've really much missed him in the house I realize she's an artist of music.      Never forget.          Never forget who I really am to you love always and I love you mom and have a great birthday.                   Thank you and I love you my baby I really I feel happy.    Thank you for asking Jamal.          No problem I'm just making sure you're happy.   When did Ian say to you.           He told me that he's OK now.        But he does Mrs.      I miss him tell you now.            I know you do.        And so do I.            I am a 17 now      When are you miss him to the max we all do.              Is he gonna come back out and visit us again.             Well he's in the middle of school right now.       And he can't right now.            Well that sucks.                     No that's him being responsible            No anyway anyway your dad and I are very happy for him.             And he'll be coming home next month anyway.           He's in a graduating you mean.           Call mom how do you know he's gonna be graduating.              He might not call the house a lot but I did raise them all the way out there.                Sorry I was just asking.           I know.         I have an idea.          What's that you're gonna asked.           Maybe for the next family trip let's go out and visit.              I would love that but do you have work and Max at school.       I'm actually on my summer vacation so it'll be good for us.           What I mean by that is max is that you're you got expended you can't do anything for fun.      When do you hear about that.               The school principal.               She told me that you were helping her daughter and her granddaughters boyfriend and them with their homework.        And for 50 grand to.                So do you think that's fair to all the other students besides you           Dad please tell I wanna go did I hear right did you get almost got expelled for helping the school principal's daughter and her daughters boyfriend and them with their homework and paid 50 grand.                Yes I did and you almost hit it on your own homework as well.               Wait wait I wanna Jamal.        What I'm saying is Ariana when she called you did he tell you that he had almost got expelled for helping her daughter and her daughters boyfriend and them and got on he got paid almost gone he got paid for 50 grand for not telling us or telling anyone about what happened definitely her.          She's planning on kicking him out of school this coming month.         You can sweet talk I don't can you dad do you think I want to sit at the principals house or sit with her and do something to make her beg her to let you do the school on subjects like other subjects like everyone else.            No sir right I don't wanna do that no more I don't wanna do that at all.                      This time max you're going to this year doesn't have to learn the hard way no school field trips and no go on the six flags or Magic Mountain.                In no way am I going to do that for you you have to learn the hard way.                Yes sir you better and I better be the hard way yes sir.          What do you mean by that anyway.              His school principal Laura has a crush on me we used to work together.              Oh I didn't know I'm sorry and tell you before it was a long time ago though.           I mean before you and I got together.              No we were so together and we were married so.             I was going to sign my legal rights over to you for free.  If I was a long time ago Jamal.            Then what about now then.           I love you Ariana and that's all that matters I don't love nobody else but you.              And our sons I live in I love Macs death away we are I love you too and sodas in I know Max does too.       I'm proud of you thanks baby I'm proud of myself too.              And thank you.           Why are you tell me thank you for.               For being the best husband.            In the world right now you're truly welcome.               For what.       For being the best wife in the world.        You're truly welcome Jamal.            Are you really standing behind me.        Yes I am.      Do you have a problem with that Ariana.                    No I have no problem with that Jamal.                          Do you mind if I kiss your lips.               Sure sure you can.            But what about Max.                   Max doesn't really care what I do.           As long as it's with you.              Are you kissing the back of my neck Jamal.             Yes how do you know.              I can just feel your lips on my neck that's all.          Yeah and I get for yours on my neck.                  And thank you.        What again or you tell me thank you for.        For being the best wife in the world.              Then you're welcome.           But thank you very in the best husband.              You're welcome Ariana I'm just glad we're together right now.          Yeah me too I'm really glad to be here with you.           I wish Max I wish Max and him can we together.             Me too but Ian high school still in Spain.       Yeah and Max always argues with his brother anyway.               Yeah they do.       The first time me and Matt Max.                When you and I went to the monster tint demo for school.     Oh yeah back to school shopping.                Yeah and that's a neighbor found out they were wearing a walk at the little same.               I didn't know that they had to lock it on the next.               Yeah and that's when they all that's enable switch places in Kanna Luv here and ask him to go stay with you.            That's right I heard the idea remember that.   Max asked me how does Ian do it.               Yeah and Ian asked me how does Max do it.    I'm just glad I have any and you have Max.           Yeah I'm glad too.           I'm not saying I don't love you I'm not saying I don't love Max are in legally.              I know it was hard for me to find out I had to voice.                        Yeah in the hospital huh.        No in general.                   I thought we only gave birth to one child.             I guess God had another plan for a city.                 Yes I guess he did and we had an annex we had both of them.           And we still do even the one I was all in Spain and one is on out here in are you gonna go back to Spain and visit Ian.           Don't tell Maxis.            But eons already come out here.             Wait are you serious.                 I'm not joking I'm serious.        Our suns coming out here.              Yes he is he's going to go this weekend for his birthday.      I can't we are gonna be 17.                  Well we better believe it.            Jamal.           Our sons are getting older.                  Yes they are and then turning in the fine young man.    Yes they are very fine young man.                   It's so shocking at the twins are the same age.                  True it is feeling it does feel weird.             Really it's not really their birthday.                Wait what do you mean it's not really their birthday Ariana.          Look at the calendar Jamal.                  December 22, 1994.         It's your birthday.       Yes it is.     Did you forget already.                I am so sorry if I forgot your birthday.       That's right Jamal I didn't ask no one to remember it.         Do you want me to buy you something for your birthday this year.              I said tell you I don't like surprises.        This time I will let you buy me something.              Already have everything always wanted you are signs            If I the lien he will surprise me.                  Wait with what Max asked.        Ariana got a phone call.                 She            And she said quiet the phone answer the phone.            She heard a voice on the phone.         And found out it was Ian's voice that is when hearing.             Happy birthday mom.         Thank you in.         What do you want for your birthday this year and asked.             Ariana told him what she wanted.          Ink while he hung up the phone.              His dad heard a knock on the door.            Yeah.   Play dead inside calmly.             Come inside quietly and walked in quietly.     Ariana has not heard from Jamal to come downstairs.              She did come downstairs and she heard a beautiful voice playing the Atlanta.               Ian was standing on the side of his father.                 As mom walked downstairs and every beautiful Aretha blue dress.     He looks so nice.                         His mom his mom his dad wanted down the stairs in quietly. thank you.                    Set Ariana calmly.                Taking Ian's hand and he started dancing.                         A tearjerker on the ends on there.             Happy birthday mom.       Thank you Ian.              I told you I'll be coming out here.             And I promise you I wasn't gonna forget your birthday this year.                     I see that you never pry so you didn't forget you my birthday nope I remembered it perfectly well.              I'm proud to see you my love.                Flat in Sultana lien.             Yeah I've been growing a lot and working a lot too.                   I have a birthday surprise for you if that's OK with you.     I want to watch it with a surprise to me.                 He told his mom the beautiful painting in the world.                  Before he can show his mother.         Hey surprise.          Max got so mad.                      Without anyone knowing Max destroyed the birthday gift.       The present Ian made for his mother.                         What is it mom yes I am.        Ian unwrapped it.               And there was nothing there my glass.          There's nothing there the guy said.                           It was a painting of him his father and him and her along with a painting of her sitting by the waterfall.             And a picture of his dad his mother him and Max.                The present it's ruins who would do this.         Ian asked calmly.     Ian found the glass found the picture of him his mother and father and brother.    I cleaned up the glass.                And put the picture in a picture frame.         It was a lot better in a picture frame anyway.                 🌈esme🌈 to frame that he got for it was a lot easier.                  The painting it's so beautiful.          Ian how to make a whole new picture.               So he did all through the night he painted a whole new picture of him his mother and father and brother this time all over again.           What's a beautiful waterfall behind them.             The next morning Ian woke up a lot early.        And put the picture and his mom and dad's office.                  Quietly he put it on top of the wall and it fit.               When Jamal woke up.                  He's not breakfast.             He went downstairs to the kitchen.                      Ian was in the kitchen cooking.              And he was playing the company is coming on his way in this Christmas.             What he was cooking he played this Christmas and dancing to it and definitely singing to it.         Good morning.                 I'm sorry if I just walked in walked in the kitchen and cooked.      Please help yourself it's fine in.               So you're not mad with me being in the kitchen not really no.                      I can't wait for today's mom's birthday you better be helping it I can't believe today's mom's birthday.               Ian quietly went upstairs to his dad and mom's room.              Rihanna was still in bed and still asleep.       Jamal quietly open the door.                Ariana Kylie open their eyes and get small pancakes in West Hills and eggs and squeezed orange juice on the side of her.           What's a bouquet of roses.    Happy birthday mom.                 Sadian calmly thank you Ian.             I can't move today's her birthday.                 Yes and I'm very glad.            Jamal went downstairs and turned off the stove and then off the oven.              He found out his office door was open.         You made it out here Max and here yeah your brother Ian's here.         Now that your boys don't live with us anymore.                Max asked why is in here he asked calmly.     I'm just going to visit mom for her birthday and that's why Max I'm just going to visit mom.              Are you still mad at me or something Max.          Ian asked.            No lien I'm not mad.               Said Max.             No Ian I'm not mad sad Max.              Why would you think that he and why would you think I'm mad.             Oh I don't know maybe because I came home from M came home from Spain to visit mom and you and dad.    Don't forget Max Jamal and Ariana are not does your parents the mining team.          I know your parents I know that your parents as well they're mine.            You don't have to remind me every day                      All right I'm just making sure.                 All right all right I thought you were still mad.              No I'm not mad you are my brother after all.     So there's no reason for me to get mad at you.           Does let me stick up for you all right.              Seriously max you in the world to me you know.           I thought I didn't.        No you really do you and dad and mom all of you guys mean a lot to me.           And tell me what you want to come home then and visit us as much.           I have to work and I have to go to school every day.               That's why I haven't been home.              I promise I will stay in touch.                 You mean in Saint Maxx.          Yes I promise I will.          If I stay in touch will you stay in touch with me to set max.             Yes Max and yes Max I will stay in touch with you as much and mom and dad too.           Said Ian calmly yes I swear I'll stay in touch with you are you and dad and mom.          You are my favorite younger brother you know.            Set Ian calmly.        I still can't believe it's mom's birthday though.              Said him and said Max to end.          Yeah I still gonna be I still can't believe it's her birthday as well either setting.               Max finally explained what happened to his mom's birthday surprise.            I accidentally I accidentally broke something.                  Why do you break sitting I'm sitting calmly.         I accidentally broke the birthday present you got mom.                  You what said Ian.           I didn't mean to say max.                I can't believe you max said in.         Come on in I didn't mean to break it.                      It took me all day max to make that.          It had a picture of you and mom together I guess and I guess I was jealous.                Actually Max he had a picture of me you and dad and mom all together.              I can't believe you actually broke her birthday present.               So thanks to you I had to paint a whole new picture all over again.                     And it took me all night to do and I mean it took me a night to finish it.                          Ian said was anger in his eyes and did not look very happy at all.        Max said then why did you make a picture of me you and mom and dad then.        Well the only thing that came to my mind that's why I made it.                Who is Max I'm not the only kid to Ariana or to Jamal I am me and you are both her kids.          I didn't know that I thought mom loves you more than she loves me.                She loves us both equally the same.                  It'll take me some time to forgive you I hope you understand that right now.                    But right now I need some space and I mean a lot of it until then.                          I'm gonna go ahead and go home later on tonight.       That's all you do said Max.               No Max I asked you come out here to visit mom and you.      I don't always stay home in Spain.             Sure is a beautiful country and stuff but I don't always stay out there all the time.                       Actually go to school and I work all the time.                    I asked you go to school and I work a lot I don't always have time for myself at all.               Do you mean by that said Max asking Ian.        I get up I go to school and I go straight to the office after prom after school and stuff I have other things to do besides sitting around.                And I have to feed my cat as well.  So when I get home I have other things to do like plant flowers in the garden I work in a rich families house.             I'm a bodyguard for the governor's daughter do you think that's fun all the time being around spoiled brat all the time.            It must be if she's super prettier than any other girl you met.             Did you just hear me she's selfish she's spoiled and she's very mean.            She doesn't stop and think about no one else but herself.           Doesn't ask me am I OK she always things are self and no one else.      Nine her own father.           Are you still a bodyguard for her do you mean for Cara yeah I'm still her bodyguard.             Call me when I'm not at when I'm not at school or at work or the wildflower garden I still work for Clara every day do you think it's fine doing that Max it must be in Saint Max she spoils you today doesn't she.        Do you know what Max I'm not gonna fight with you.                  Has Ian started packing up his stuff to get ready to go home.             His mom and dad overheard what happen with Ariana and Jamal both asked are you really gonna go home Ian.             I'm sorry if your brothers being a spoiled brat right now says Jamal family.             But it feels like having a job every day and being boss around by the president of the mayor the governor's daughter every day and her friends.            Ian said calmly to his mom and dad.       Jamal.          Ariana said what's the matter Ariana leave it with him leave me with him for a sec.          Sure I'm not up to max I'll talk to him already and happy birthday sweetie thank you.            I'm sorry mom if I ruined your birthday.           I'll be sorry and I'm proud to see you.                   Said Ariana calmly but you really shouldn't have to it's OK mom if I don't go home tonight anyway the governor's daughters are you looking for me anyway.             Ariana hugs in a lot and hold on tight and gave them a kiss on his cheek without even being concerned.            What will the when will the goodness daughter do anyway to you.              Show this call me and call me until I answer my phone mom and I don't want her to do that to me on your birthday tonight that's all.          Please don't forget.           Mom I'm not mad at Max I'm jealous.               And what do you mean I'm jealous of Max.                      Mom I've always been jealous of Max he gets yours it's yours and dad's attention.               That's not true you've always gotten my attention when you were a child.                 I would come home and visit you guys more like this all the time.        Has Ian cried in his mom's arms.              I think Ian I think Max is the one who's jealous of you.           Why he had the perfect life he has dad he has you and it would be amazing if me and him can live in the same house.             Your dad and I have always wanted you and him live in the same house we tried it when you moved in with us but you both always argued.                When you were leaving for college and everything and I was so sad.                   But wait why why were you so sad mom because you were leaving me and you were leaving for college someday.              And I had to let you go how do you think that makes Max billion.                    Wait I see an N is that you got a travel the states with me around the world when you were still a child.             Your brother never got that like you did.            Have you got the mother a love that he deserved and you did.     I guess that's why he's so jealous of you.                He might not ever tell you anything but he is jealous and envy of you as much you got to travel to Saint with me when he was still a child.               And he never got to and I felt bad I didn't keep him but I kept you.      You know mom you're right you should take them traveling then mom you should take them traveling the seats with you.             I would in but I'm too old to go traveling the seats now.               I don't have the time or the patience to do that no more like I used to.     You still should think about it mom gave them the same it's vans that you gave me.   If it if it Hass to be just you and dad I don't mind in anyway you're right he has been jealous of me and I've been jealous of him he had dad's attention I had yours.          That's why I'm gonna go ahead and leave for a while.          We gonna go in I don't know mom maybe might look around the world and this travel the states.           Or go to the mall and hang out with my friends I wanna go to a movie or something and hang out with my girlfriend or just a friend anybody.                 And buy them some thing I guess or go to a movie hang out or something.                 But I'm gonna let you hang out with your max for the rest of the week now and for the rest of his life I'll be OK on my own though.       I love you mom and thank you for the best childhood in the world.         You're welcome in maybe you're right I'll take him travel in the states and maybe let them see China and everything like that too like I did with you.           And let him experience it herself like you did.                 But in a different way of it though I want him to see the world like you did.                   Can you ask your brother if I'm here in Schurr.          Hey Max.       What's up in.                          Mom wants to know if she can talk to you.           I'm sure.       Am I Angelo mom.               I was thinking Max would you love to go on I don't know travel to stays with me.               Wait dispatch of us yeah.            I would love that and yeah.    Thanks                  You're welcome Max I'm proud of you.         I know you are.       Oh and mom.                    Yeah happy birthday I love you and happy birthday.        Thank you Max.                 I love you too and I appreciate it I really do.       You're welcome and I love you too.                I'm sorry if I broke your Pam birthday gift them inbox it.        That's all right max.                        I can tell it was just an accident and not a purpose so I'm not mad.                  Already have the best gift in the world.         And was that mom.       I have youdad.                    My best birthday gift is you max and N.          That's all I really want it for my birthday.                  Density of you for my birthday that's the best gift I could ever get.                         And dad to.                yes including your father all three of you are my favorite people on my birthday on my birthday so I do appreciate it Max and EN and Jamal.                      So thank you for making this the best birthday ever and memories in my life.                   You're welcome yeah you're welcome you're surely welcome my sweetheart.             And we're proud to have you as a mom and a wife so thank you for giving me to aMAYZing kids.                Yeah welcome Jamal I can tell you love your sons a lot.                  I really do from the bottom of my heart I really do mean it I love you as well.              I know you do and I love you a lot more than you think that I would   And I'm very proud.           I'm proud to be a wife a mom a mom and a wife and a beautiful da i'm proud to be a mom I'm proud to be a wife and a beautiful daughter and I love you

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