I am David. But I have his memories.

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Father why am I here. And what is this alchemy circle all about could you please tell me Father. My son this is a purification ceremony if you can purify your heart and soul to be like our ancestor Robert you will be granted your royal rank again. Here is a historical and full record of everything that he has done. And everything that he stood for. You probably already read and know most of this historical facts about Robert but refresh your memory with his life and all of his good and glorious deeds. And when you have memorize everything that he has done you will be tested with the purification ceremony. And if you passed the purification ceremony you would have all of your titles and position back my son. But if you fail just a teeny bit you will be back in the academy stronghold being trained by the commander again wearing your obedience collar until you complete your punishment and has been rehabilitated. Do you understand my son David. Yes this relies on your free will and you choosing and wanting to change. Yes you have to want to be better to be who you are supposed to be a true Prince of this Kingdom of ours. And if you choose to fail this test you know the consequences it is up to you to choose to be like our ancestor the glorious Hero Robert. Or you can choose to be like the Demon Lord with Greed and Hatred and Malice and Darkness within your heart and soul. Yes it is your choice my son. Who do you choose to be????????. Frick frick frickin crap he is forcing me to choose humiliation and physical torture or to actually choose to change who I am. Yes he is trying to force me to be someone that I am not. And do not want to be. Freaking crap and damn it damn it damn it. Can I fake this test. Probably not they probably already figured I will try to do that. But I do not want to go back to the academy again. I do not want to suffer that humiliation again. Yes I do not want to wear that Fucking Damn slave collar again. Crap crap crap crap freaking crap. Son what is your answer what do you choose to do and who do you want to be. Fuck. Father why do you want me to be someone I am not. Give me a few moments to think Father for I can decide what I really want. About 20 minutes later David opened up his eyes and said I would do my best to pass this purification test. Good my Son I am looking forward to having you back to be a member of our family again. Damn it damn it damn it Father Whyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!. David picked up the historical record of the Hero Robert life and read every page of the history of his "Hero Ancestor". My son are you finished reading everything about our ancestor Robert. Yes Father. Good drink this purification potion in preparation for the ceremony. Robert glared at this gold and silver goblet that he was given. And he realize that this potion look like it was blood. And he raised his right eyebrow and looked at his father with a questioning expression on his face do I really have to drink this look. And David's Father just nodded in confirmation. So he drunk the potion and he was directed to the center of the alchemic circle and was told to kneel on this spot and place his hands here and focus all of his magic into the alchemic circle and when it is fully charged he will be tested. Yes he would have to choose to be good and virtuous if he wants to be welcome back into the family again. Freaking crap crap crap crap crap David said to himself when he was kneeling at the designated spot that he was told to kneel at. And he took several deep breaths and calm down. And then he started channeling his magic into the alchemic circle. And soon as he started channeling his magic into the alchemic circle it started Thrumming with even more magical power............. Brother I have already told you my opinion about doing this. Because there is historical records of Robert's true personality that the Church only has. And I have warned you that he is not who you believe he is. Yes he is the Hero. And yes he stands for goodness and justice. But it is not the goodness and Justice that we and the Goddess believe in and stands for. It is what he believes is good and right and what he believes in and stands for. Yes I have told you this my brother but you still insist on summoning him why. My sister The High Priestess if you would have told me all of the details and why I should not summon him I would consider if I should summon him or not but you would not tell me why you are reluctant to summon him again. My brother the Holy Temple of the Goddess have corrected his historical deeds to lined up with what the Goddess believes in and not what he believes in. Do not get me wrong Robert was a very good and very honorable Hero but he is a product of his world and how he was raised and what he believed in and what he knew was right and wrong. It was not what the Goddess and the Pantheon of the other God's believe in and stand for. Sister if Robert was so opposite and contradicting on what the God's believe in why was he summoned to our world then. Basically he was a good and pure person and he was the most powerful warrior and Hero that could be summoned at that time to face the Demon Lord threat so he was summoned. But the God's thought he would be killed when he defeated the Demon Lord but he knew how to stop that from happening. And he even lived long enough to fight a second Demon Lord and survive the defeat of that Demon Lord to. And if it wasn't for the grandson of the last Demon Lord that killed and defeated him he would have lived several more decades before he would have died a very old man. And if it wasn't for his son Marcus revenging his death and preventing the third demon war at that time we would not be here having this debate about summoning Robert again. And now little brother it is to late and your son is being sacrificed to bring back Robert into our world again. I hope that you are willing to deal with the aftermath of his return...........,....Damn it. I can feel it activating. And it is like I am being electrocuted. And the alchemic circle is shocking the hell out of me. O crap I can feel the circle is about to activate. David started screaming his lungs out with pain and fear that he would die when this circle fully activates after a few moments the alchemy circle was completed and the Hero was quote quote quote quote Summoned. Everybody went to Robert the Hero to see what condition he was in. He was given a healing potion and when the potion took effect Robert opened up his eyes and he looked around and when he realized where he was he said how did I get here and who are everyone of you that is standing around me. And where is Kristoff and my son Marcus. The King and the High Priestess his sister helped Robert to stand up and they brought him to a table and some chairs and started explaining everything that took place in the last 400 years since he was alive. Robert said so I was dead and you found a way to contradict those damn false want to be God's who kidnapped me. And you found a way to bring me here to this time without their permission. And I wish I would have figured out a way to get back to my world. But it is to late for that now I suppose. The High Priestess looked at her little brother the king and said see what I am talking about he doesn't believe in the God's. Robert said I figured you would have knew this by now it has been 400 years since I exposed there lies and apocracies that they was committing to this world. Robert said how can they be God's. Yes they are not God's they are Wizards like me who pretends to be a God. The very same thing took place in my history with my ancestors they pretended to be God's for the non-magical people. And they controlled and ruled over them with there tyrannical rules that they forced upon them. Yes they are only human beings with magical powers and abilities that they use to force others to falsely worship them. Because there is only one God our Father that is in heaven and who made us and who keeps us alive and existing because of his love for us. The King and his sister just gave each other a shock look on what Robert just said. Robert sighed to himself and said I guess I will have to save you again from them. And from this new Demon Lord's threat. And I guess a Hero's job is never ever done I suppose. Hahaha. But anyway do you have a guest room I am feeling a bit tired and dizzy from what I understand you did not officially summoned of me with the permission of those false DemiGods. So there was probably some mistakes made and I am feeling very tired and drained and I need to rest to recover my full health and mental focus could you please show me a guest room that I can rest in please if you would. The siblings just looked at each other for a moment and then the King said my Steward could help you with that Toby will you please come here and help Robert to the visiting Royal guest room. After Robert was brought to the visiting Royal guest room he cast several magical Wards Shields and Protection spells on the room to ensure that he was not disturbed. And he just barely made it to the bed before he collapsed unconscious on top of the bed sheets. And about 15 minutes later after Robert passed out David woke up confused and dizzy until all of what has happened came back to him. And he realized that he was not Robert and that he has Roberts memories and his powers and abilities that must have been given to him through the potion that he drunk. Yes it must have some of Robert's blood in the potion. Yes somehow they must have acquired some of Robert's blood to create that potion and the only reason he knew this because of Robert's memories that he had inherited through that damn potion. Yes the summoning ceremony did not work. And only Roberts powers and memory's was transferred to David. Yes his soul was not replaced with Roberts soul. Because the alchemy circle wasn't properly cast. Yes what should David do now should he tell his Father that the summoning ritual did not take place the way they wanted it to. Or should he start lying that he is Robert. Freedom and power and all of the authority and privileges that the Hero Robert possesses or freaking slavery as himself David the disgrace Prince. Yes dilemmas dilemmas yes freaking dilemmas.

I am the Hero and I have been reborn?????Where stories live. Discover now