Puzzle Pieces.

378 7 13

// Normal POV //

*Two examined the scraps of the robot.*

Two : Hm, well, some parts are visibly missing.

Blackhole : What does that mean?.

Two : It means- I have a challenge, Specially for you!

*Blackhole floats away from Two a bit.*

Two : You need to go find all the missing pieces of our little friend here and give them to me! There are 5 pieces to find. Don't you worry about how you'll pick them up, I'll come get the piece you find as soon as you do! Goood luck!~

*Two teleports away, leaving Blackhole alone to find the missing pieces.*

Blackhole : ...*groan*.. Welp, better get to it.

*Blackhole starts floating about the silent empty forest, hoping to be able to fix Robot Tree.*




// Tree's POV //

*I follow Black hole as he flies around trying to find the pieces, glancing around occasionally before looking back at him. He's silent. Why wouldnt he be? I wasnt actually with him. Stuck in this limbo forever.*

*I see something out of the corner of my eye spotting an metal arm sticking out of a bush, Blackhole flew right pass it. I panic as I try to catch his attention to no avail, I manage to pick up the arm and drop it where Blackhole could see it.*

Blackhole: Huh? Oh.

Two: Greaattt job! You found one of the pieces!

*Blackhole fliew back as Two suddenly appeared infront of us-.. him.*


*Geez, Ive never heard Blackhole scream, best not to get him angry.*

Two: Woah whats gotten into you my space friend?

Blackhole: I-.. uh, sorry- i dont know what happened. stressed is all.

Two: Okie dokie! Remember, you still have four more pieces to find!

*Two teleports away yet again. Sometimes I forget how much they annoyed Blackhole, but, they were nice. Blackhole and Two had very different opinions about living in space, i dont really get why Blackhole disliked it so much.*

*Anyway back to work.*

//Author's note//

IM BACK BITCHES didcha miss me?]/??///(say no) anyway very VERY late but HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!1 some of the chapters have been updated/are in the process of being updated soooooooooooo awesome sauce!

also youre gonna see more tennis ball because i made him bhs emotional support

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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