Konoha Welcome Party

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Sarutobi Hiruzen at the moment was showing his experience at keeping a mean poker face, but inwardly his brain was working like a track star on speed, running a million miles a minute trying to comprehend what was in front of him. Reports years ago informed him that she died, although no one knew the cause nor if Kumo had decided upon a second jinchuuriki.

Speaking of jinchuuriki, if this were to get out to the public, then serious harm could come to those around her, or even more serious if she were to retaliate to any of the discrimination that Naruto had received in the past and Kami forbid what would happen in the upcoming future.

To top it off, she had many of the same features as Naruto. If you didn't know any better, you would of thought they were twins.

He could already feel the headache that the council was going to give him.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Yugito-san. I cannot lie and say that I'm not surprised that I'm in the presence of another Jinchuriki. That is a rare occurrence that I would of never, in all my years of being Hokage, thought I would meet another person with a...tenant in my village. If you don't mind me asking, which of the bijuu do you hold?" He asked politely, not noticing Naruto's eyes slightly narrowing in suspicion.

"You can answer truthfully, Yugi-nee. We'll play along for now." Naruto mentally communicated to Yugito, while she seemed hesitant at first; perfectly playing her part of being wary.

"I am the holder of, Nibi no Nekomata, the two-tailed cat." She said in a calm tone while giving a bow. "Hokage-sama, if it is in your power, I would like join with Naru-otouto in becoming a Konoha shinobi."

"Ah...I don't see any problem with that. I can arrange citizenship, however the part about joining the forces...we changed the minimum age requirement for Genin and added four years to the program. Naruto, I think you'll like to know that you will be back in your graduating class. The both of you will have to take the Genin exams, to be held in one week's time, so long as you prove yourselves capable."

Naruto and Yugito both grinned.

"Also, before he died, your father instated something just in case of any situations with the council wanting to deny your heritage." At this, Naruto raised an eyebrow while everyone else perked up.

"What did he have in mind?" Naruto asked.

"It's a law. It's a special law, for which you have option to approve of. The law states that you and your family that are active ninja, will only answer to the Hokage, and will receive diplomatic immunity because of the crimes committed upon you and due to your political status as the last Uzumaki. In exchange, you and your family will have to stay with the military forces of Konoha for the next seven generations with the same privileges and obligations falling onto them, and can be voided if one side does not meet the requirements."

'Though, Minato was able to pass that off to the Capital, otherwise that last clause wouldn't have been added.' He thought afterwards.

Minato was very thorough when it came to protecting anything of his and he was known for having plans within plans; even when it came to his own son. So, Sarutobi could only hope that the boy would never leave, and would make sure that his loyalties remain with Konoha.

He glanced at the small grin that the other blond man, Cloud he believed and nodded his head "Yea, I think that could work." He heard him say.

Sarutobi nodded, "One last thing, how do you stand towards the village?"

Naruto's facial expression turned ice cold. "I haven't forgotten the treatment and abuse I received, nor will I forgive them for it either. If anything, I'll defend myself and my precious people...and with lethal force if necessary; but only if my party or I are attacked first. I can live in peace as long as I am left alone".

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