Prologue: The Reborn Of A Monster

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3rd POV:

In White Mask Base.









???: "Hello, can anyone heard me? What's the sitrep? Talk to me? What's going on here?"













There was a radio down on the ground and it was all silence around in the White Mask Base...and seeing all everybody were dead...some White Mask Soldiers were been slaughters...these are the terrorists that they both been hide there and doing their own plan to take over the world...until they both failed to take it...but thanks for R6S who were stopped the terrorists for what they were doing.

The White Masks are a terrorist organization featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege. They are the main enemy faction in Terrorist Hunt (now Training Grounds) and situations. They are easily identifiable by the white masks concealing their faces.

While the White Masks' motives were not explicitly clear, it is known that they were easily capable of carrying out attacks anywhere in the world and were known to be indiscriminate to their victims, disregarding age, religion, gender, or nationality. They were a big enough threat that the Rainbow program had been reactivated as a result.

The White Masks were defeated by Rainbow just as Aurelia Arnot left the program, with their bank accounts being taken by Rainbow. The White Masks however still exist in small, scattered cells and are much less dangerous than they used to be, but still have the resources to take hostages, set up gas bombs, and send hit squads to eliminate important targets, requiring team Rainbow to come in and defuse the situation. The White Masks show their true power in Situations, which take place back when they were still a major threat.

Then some soldiers were laying down on the ground and they were torn apart off with bloods all everything on the ground and then something else is here...just killed them...something else just wipe all of these White Mask Soldiers. No one single alive...and not let any motherfuckers alive by themselves and then there was a loudest footsteps coming right here and then it become louder and more louder at all.

The foot was revealed out to be dark black armor reptile and the figure was walking and keep walking right away and make him was heading to there right away and when he was stopped and the figure was stood up on the outside base of White Mask Territory and he was stare down at the jungle and all everything else around to him it and different location.

new and different location

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???: "*Growling*"

The figure or creature whatever it wasn't a human or whatever he really is for what they both see and this creature was big than bear and it had same height with 6 foot tall as and the creature was turn his head to look all around and he was scan anything else around here and make him was begin to moving out to somewhere else and he start to hunting and begin to killing and....consume everything by himself.

The creature was looking around here and make him was hisses out and then he begin to walking away from here by himself and make him start to moving out in this new world...whatever he really is...or the creature what he looks like...this one must be the smartest creature can find anything to hunt and kills and even better for what he must do is...terminating those enemies that he can kills.

The creature was sought for his own freedom and he want to be free away from White Masks...but these soldiers couldn't handle at the monster...and he personally wipe them all out by himself.














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To Be Continued.

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