Chapter 10

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Rileys POV

"and, yeah that's it! You got the last question right" I smiled at James. We had finally finished James' homework, well I had explained it all to him and now he knows basic algebra. He smiled at me. There was a silence, but it wasn't an awkward silence, it was a comfortable silence, it was the kind of silence we didn't need to fill with words. We could just sit there and look at each other. Suddenly, the TV clicked on, I think the power was back on. I got up to turn on the lights but of I forgot that I had a torch in my lap. When I got up the torch fell out of my lap so I had to lean over to pick it up. When I reached the light switch at the wall and turned around James was smirking at me. 

"What?" I asked him slightly confused, leaning against the wall.

He got up and walked towards me. He stopped directly in front of me and I could feel his hot breath fanning my face. "You have good ass Riles, you should wear short shorts more often." he said, then he winked at me and exited the room. I stood there against the wall in shock, I didn't know how to respond. It's not that I hadn't been hit on by guys before, it's just that I thought James only went for the sluts. I guess not, and what was with the nickname? People either called me Ri or Riley. I peeled myself off the wall as James' mum walked in.

"Riley honey, are you still cold?", she passed me a fluffy towel, "Come with me, you need to take a hot shower." I followed her through the house until we reached a bathroom. I've got to admit, James had a nice house. It wasn't super extravagant or rich but it was so homely and warm.The complete opposite of mine. I thanked James' mum and locked the bathroom door. I stepped into the shower and let the hot water wash away all my worries and thoughts.

After I had finished in the shower, I wrapped the towel around myself and opened the bathroom door. I noticed that someone had left a pair of cotton shorts, a baggy jumper and some clean underwear outside the door. I grabbed them and went back into the bathroom to change. I was half-changed when I heard the door open behind me. I turned around quickly and surprise, surprise it was James. He was staring at me, but not at my face and I looked down at my body and realized that I was only wearing the shorts and a bra! I covered myself with one hand and poked his muscular chest with my other.

"Get out" I yelled at him while pushing him backwards, "out, out!" He slowly walked backwards but not before giving me a wink. Ugh, he frustrated me so much. 

When I was fully dressed I exited the bathroom and was immediately overwhelmed  by a magnificent smell. I followed my nose to the kitchen and saw about 20 chocolate chip muffins cooling on a rack next to a bowl of rice with a phone in it. Hey that's my phone, I thought to myself as I decided to ignore the muffins and grab my phone. I thought it would be rude to start eating the muffins if I hadn't asked permission yet. I turned my phone on and saw about twenty new messages pop up. They were pretty much all from Em, and there was one or two from an unknown number. I opened up the texts from Emily:

Ri, guess what! 

Ok whatever don't guess, I'm just gonna tell you.

I made the cheer team!


Ri, where are you? I just got home and you're not here.



I quickly sent her a text letting her know that I was safe and okay and I would be home as soon as possible. My stomach started to growl and I couldn't help myself. I took one of the warm muffins and snuck back into the lounge room. I turned the TV on and was excited to see that Orange is the New Black  was on. I got comfortable and started to watch the latest episode. 

A/N: Sorry this wasn't the best chapter, I've been really busy with exams and schoolwork but I will try to update as much as possible!

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