Complicated Everything

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Tonight my thoughts are my compony,
This cold reality my constant reminder you have left,
You made it look so easy,
You made it seem like fun,
Once you've had your fill,
Once you've had enough,
You turn your back and walk,
You've walked so very far,
Cause thats all you've ever known,
Now tell me how far do you plan to go,
Tell me how far you've gone alone,
I'll listen,
I'm here,
Don't turn away from me,
Just because you can,

"Alone" is how found me,
"Alone" is what i'll be,
"Alone" is all you've given me,

Wasted time and energy,
Throwing hopes and dreams into a bottomless well,
So deep, no light has shined through,
Gave my heart to the cold sea,
I pray it reached the bottom,
With the rest of you,
Always up and down,
Strong but weak,
Keeping me at arms legnth,
Watching me,
Testing me,

I've failed,

I'm sorry, i added to your pain,
I'm sorry i didnt have it in me to make myself special,
Sorry you believe I'm not,
Sorry is all I can say,
To the you who is stubborn,
To the you who only wishes to see the bad i have done,
And none of the good i am campable of,
You've branded me,
Like all the rest,
Sentenced me down the road you've walked before,
A road filled with cracks and holes,
Secrets and lies,

All i can do is follow,
Thats all I've been doing,
From the very begining,
You've only showed your back,
Afraid to confront,
Afraid to commit,
But maybe im worst,
Cause now I don't want to let you go,
Cause you want to go.

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