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Thud . . .

Thud . . .

Thud . . .

Screeching sounds were kept increasing among the large expensive walls sending imprisoned stiffness.

Footsteps of the psychiatrist had only one direction to follow and it was the ── office of second senior doctor of the "Ventoniour Asylum east Seoul resonance 36".

Mostly know asylum of the Seoul for the criminals assertion.

In the country a sudden increment of crimes rates has been noticed.

Special goverment agents of Seoul National Bank gone anonymous in last week ,many humans trafficking reports has registered, black money being transferred to foreign countries, weapons transportation though waterways, vigour killing of police officers in important states, drugs dealing, bomb loading in west borders , World Bank of USA has stopped sharing it's trading with Seoul leading to a economic depression. Markets , officers, hospitals, school all are destroying day by day.

And who's doing all of this?

Well no one exactly knows . . .

Never any certain underworld gangster can handover all this. Some companies and organisations also supporting this hidden group inside. News reporters news headlines is only clarifying that it's a Russian group.

Apart from current digging condition ── across the east of country in the Ventoniour Asylum the psychiatrist heading over to meet the Mr.Dong the second senior doctor.

Holding some important piled files with his pair of gravediggers on assertion.

"May I come in Mr.Dong" slightly opening the door of the hollow structured office he asked politely.

Mr. Dong was circling and writting the words he did comprehend strangely ─ turning pages towards daylight.

Hearing a remarkably polite yet deep voice he acknowledged it's Mr.Kim Taehyung the Senior new transferred psychiatrist in the asylum

"Yes Mr. Kim, please come in" saying softly on a professional tone he took back his posture keeping his workload beside.

"Have a sit" Dong Lee gestured his hands.

"Good morning sir" Taehyung sat down on the expensive crouching greeting his senior.

"Very good morning Mr.kim , glad to see you back with your team. Seeing all circumstances of our country we had to ask for your presence"
Taehyung nodded smilling a bit.

"As you have already informed by NIS agency that we have a culprit of ongoing conditions on Seoul right now" getting a assurance nod , Lee continued

" we have only 10 percent of information right now , other's have yet to deal"

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