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You sat in the nurse's office and after everything was settled Si-eun came running to you there apologizing on his knees. He didn't care that he got expelled and his class president label removed the only thing he was worried about was losing you.

"Y/n please reconsider. Let's get back together please." You wipe your tears and finally look at him "How do you expect me to take you back when you caused all this and apart from that you cheated on me. How could you?" His eyes widened his whole world crumbled down at that instant. "Did he tell you that? Did Yoongi tell you that absurd lie?"

"What does Yoongi have to do with this he wasn't..." he interrupts you "How dare he break us up it's all his fault!" You were stunned to find out Yoongi knew about Si-eun cheating on you. "He wasn't the one who told me! It was Sara!" Sara was the girl he cheated on you with she confessed to not feel guilty and with all this she knew he'd be expelled and won't come back or so she thought.

You stand up and leave him there heading back to class not wanting to see him. Everyone was gossiping but mostly worried about you. "Y/n are you okay?" You nod "Yes I am." You were upset how can Yoongi know and not even tell you. Not like you were friends or anything but you and Jimin are so did Jimin know too you thought.

A week passed everything was calm now with Si-eun gone it was peaceful and you hated being able to admit it. You liked him but clearly he didn't. You later found out he just used you to brag about you and create false rumors as well. The one that stuck to you was how he said you were really boring and always caring for others while with Sara it was everything to him it was always fun.

Jimin and Yoongi were talking at the bleachers like always. Jimin was still upset with Yoongi and Yoongi was just listening to him. "Why did you initiate things again Yoongi I thought you were going to change." Yoongi scoffs "Change my ass why don't we talk about you. You like Yumi why don't you confess already." Jimin looks around to make sure no one is listening. "Stop changing the subject but if you want to play then do you like Y/n?"

"No! I don't even know her." Yoongi looks away and sighs "I just felt bad. Based on how you talk about her she's nice and to be with him was a cruel thing." Jimin agrees "Yeah but how did you know he was cheating on her?" Yoongi makes a thinking gesture trying to remember. "It was pretty obvious he'll drive with her after school while Y/n was studying at the library. Also you know how we play in the park I saw them every now and then going on dates. I thought you saw them too."

"To be honest I don't see my surroundings that's why I have you." Jimin says while placing his hand on his shoulder and Yoongi just looks to see you walking around alone. "Yeah and I have you to resolve my shit. I'm really sorry for messing it up." Jimin chuckles "Oh no you're good hopefully we can still be friends with Y/n if not I won't be able to see my friend."

"You mean your girlfriend who you can't stop thinking about?" Jimin smacks his head quickly making Yoongi groan. Yumi wasn't there today for school so you were a bit alone and walk up to Jimin who was talking with Yoongi. Jimin smiles while Yoongi ignored you like he usually ignores everyone. "Hey Jimin good luck on your game today."

He gestured you to sit down which you do sit beside him. "You are coming to watch us right?" You nod and he looks around "Is Yumi not here?" Yoongi was about to say something but shuts up since you didn't acknowledge him at all. "She's not here also um Yoongi I'm sorry about Si-eun." You notice the light scratches he had on his cheek and lip that were fading now. "It's fine you don't have to apologize." You hadn't realized you started crying seeing Yoongi's hair it was the same color as Si-eun's they didn't look the same at all but if you're being honest you miss him.

"Oh Y/n what's wrong?" Jimin asks and hugs you to comfort you. Yoongi made a disgusted face "Are you really crying over him?" Yoongi said out loud making Jimin glare at him and you look at him. You usually don't dislike people but for some reason you didn't like him anymore. He looked so kind but he just expressed himself differently and was very straightforward.

"Sorry about that he's going through something too!" Jimin apologizes and Yoongi stands up "Well Jimin I'll go check my motorcycle it's been giving me some issues. I'll leave you two alone and leave since you probably hate me now." He says facing you and you just blankly stare at him. Since you didn't deny he left muttering something under his breath making you glare at him. "I swear he is nice in his own way." Jimin nervously says and chuckles.

After school you head to the basketball field as the game was about to start. Yoongi was surprised he thought you wouldn't come with what happened earlier but you're probably there for Jimin so he just ignored you. As the game started you sat down in the bleachers with a serious face crossing your hands. You make eye contact with Yoongi and he notices your eyes get watery again. He thought to himself why does it seem like you're crying because of him. You break the eye contact by waving at Jimin. Yoongi looks back to see Jimin happily waving.

As the game got intense you stood up among the crowd and cheered. You couldn't process it but for some reason the ball comes your way and Yoongi quickly catches it and scores making everyone scream. You could've been hit but he blocked it so you kind of owe him and leave to go buy drinks since break time was near. Jimin sees you leaving and wondered why but quickly focused on the game. You come back and sit down everyone was glad that your school was winning.

Once it's break time Jimin runs over to you and you hand him a drink which he drinks it. "Thank you so much you're a life savior. Oh I know you may not like him but did you get something for Yoongi not that you have to but..." you show him the other drink. "Don't worry I got him one too!"

"Yoongi come here!" Jimin screams and you give him the drink "Thank you." He says and he would make a joke but you two aren't even friends so he stays quiet. The game continues and you moved a bit to not get hit since they kept coming to your section. You talked to one of your classmates catching up that you hadn't realized Yoongi was coming and he hadn't realized as well that he was close to the edge so when he turns with the ball and you turn you both collide and you groan as he fell on top of you making everyone gasp. He blocked your head from hitting the ground but your back hurt tremendously.

Jimin runs over to help Yoongi and you up. "Y/n are you okay" you lightly speak "I'm fine" you take a seat and tell them to continue playing. After the game was over Jimin checks up on you while Yoongi runs off somewhere. "I'm fine it didn't hurt." That was a big lie Yoongi came back with a first aide kit "You're not fine you're bleeding."

"No it's okay." You say sincerely and he shakes his head "No let me see give me your hand." He extends your arm and sees the blood on your elbow since it came in contact with the floor. He puts ointment on it and a bandaid. "Hey Yoongi thank you!"

"Of course no problem." He says and you were so disappointed that your eyes were watery again by just staring at his hair. You hated how much you missed him. "Let me see your hand too." You put ointment on it and bandage it up. To distract yourself from crying. It was a rough week that you were still crying over Si-eun after all he was your first relationship that you decided to give it a go and look how it turned out.

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