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"It's finally senior year." Yumi screams hugging you glad that you guys have made it and remained friends. "I know we did it. Let me see your schedule. Oh no we don't have the same classes like last year we only have one."

She looks at yours and hers "Oh should I change them I can talk to the counselor and make something up." You smile "No it's fine at least you'll have Jimin. How are you two?" She starts getting shy making you say oooh teasing her. She didn't come with him wanting to come with you like always either way she'd see him later on.

You head to your first class and sit down in the back. Everyone was coming in while you were looking at the clock as the bell was about to ring in a minute. You go over your book while Yoongi comes in scanning the room and he sees you sitting alone. He smiles and walks there and sits next to you. You didn't bother to look to see who sat next to you since they didn't talk to you. The teacher came in and greeted you all making you all greet her as well.

That's when you notice in the corner of your eye the hair. You turn to face him but for some reason you thought it was someone else so you look away since he was looking down you couldn't really see him. The teacher starts taking attendance when she says Min Yoongi you scan the room if he's here when the person next to you raises his hand. "Here" he says and he faces you.

"Hi crybaby!" You were too stunned to speak and look away internally crying. Wondering how he is even here if it's a rigorous class and you recall Jimin saying Yoongi doesn't even try in school. You look around and see a few seats empty so for tomorrow you'd sit in one of those seats or hoped that the teacher would assign seats so you won't be with him.

"Alright it seems we are missing a student but as of now your seats that you're in will be your seats for the rest of the year." Many cheered while you shake your head saying no making Yoongi chuckle "You're so dramatic I won't do anything to you alright." You scoot away making him scoff "Who knows you're really unexpected sometimes."

"Aw you're talking to me. Did you miss me?" He leans towards you making you look around to see if they are seeing you two close. "No I didn't! Now shut up I'm trying to listen." Surprisingly he did stay quiet and the teacher passes an assignment and syllabus. You read over the syllabus and curse in your head as there's already a test this Friday and now you wanted to drop the class. It was the first class and now you were afraid of the other 5 that you haven't gone to.

"Okay now talk to your seat mate and get to know each other fill in the boxes." The teacher says making you face him just to see him evilly smiling as you're going to talk to him even if you don't want to. You wrote down his name while he asked you the first question. "Okay crybaby what is your name?"

"Are you serious?" He nods "Yes I am come on we have to get this done." You glare at him and breath in and out calming yourself down. It's just day one and it's already horrible. "My name is Kim Y/n and stop calling me crybaby."

He writes it down "Alright now my name is oh look you have it down already, do you like me that much that you know everything about me."

"Oh please it's just your name I don't like you got it." He laughs seeing you all worked up "Alright then favorite color?" You have many to choose from so you took a minute "Um orange" he hums "That's interesting mines is orange as well." Your eyes brightened up you never met anyone that likes the color orange "I'm just playing my favorite color is black." He says and you curse him out in your head since he got your hopes up for no reason. You ask him the next question "Alright what are your hobbies?"

"Listening to music, riding my motorcycle, sleeping, playing basketball..." he was doing pretty well until he gets side tracked "Oh also smoking, drinking, hurting people's feelings, and dating." You stop writing "I can't put that come on be serious the teacher will read these "But it's true. But fine then um hanging out with friends. What about you?"

"Well playing soccer, painting, shopping, camping, and listening to music." He quickly writes it down. "Ok what do you like?" You ask him and he looks at you confused "Like about what?" You look at the paper but it didn't specify "Well like anything do you like spicy food?" He says oh and his gaze changes "I like you!" Your eyes widened "What?" He nods "Yeah I like You the show. Don't you know it? Look at you thinking highly of yourself I don't like you okay I have a girlfriend."

"Oh wow good for you okay moving on. Well I like cats!" You both finish up and the lesson starts once the class was over. He quickly leaves and you leave as well just to see him in the hallway hugging a girl and you walk to your next class. This time he was in your class as well but he didn't sit next to you he sat next to his friends and you felt relieved.

It was quite lonely since you didn't have classes with Yumi until the afternoon so you were looking forward to that. Once lunch came you met up with Yumi who was with Jimin she hugs you while Jimin says hi to you. "Jimin is Yoongi not coming?" Yumi asks and he checks his phone seeing the message he had sent "No he's busy let's go eat."

A few days pass it was now Friday Yoongi didn't bother you as much but at least the week was about to be over. The tests you were worried about were just practice test the challenging things would begin later on. You were with Yumi and Jimin again eating. "So Y/n how were your classes." You start rambling on while they both listened. "You have fought Yoongi right I heard he's in all your classes?" Jimin asks and you laugh "No not yet he isn't provoking me anymore so I'm happy."

"Actually where is he? Isn't he usually with you but he wasn't this whole week." Yumi asked worried. "I don't know either hopefully he isn't ditching. Keep an eye on him for me Y/n."

You nervously chuckle "Okay I'll try to but I really can't and he's probably with his girlfriend so don't worry about him." Jimin was shocked to find such new information "Girlfriend? What girlfriend? He hasn't been in a relationship in 4 years. He doesn't even do relationships he used to a lot but out of boredom."

You shrugged "I didn't know that. He told me the first day he had a girlfriend. He always hugs this girl and they leave together." After school Jimin was hiding behind a tree with you and Yumi as you guys watch Yoongi with the girl you were talking about. They were in front of his bike hugging while talking with his friends. "See that's her." You whisper and Jimin really couldn't see her well and you all gasp when they kiss. Not a little kiss a full make out session in broad daylight.

"Omg that dumass is back with his ex!" Jimin screams and Yoongi looks towards your direction making you three hide before he sees you three. He looks back and continues talking. "Well we'll get going come on I'll take you home" he says and she gets on holding him.

"I'll visit him this weekend and find out." You leave first and Jimin walks Yumi home. You get home and see your brother playing on his computer "Hey Namjoon I have a question?" He stops his game "Sure little sis what is it?" He says removing his headphones. "Would you get back with an ex?"

"Well not really no matter the reason why? Did someone hurt you? Who was it?" You shake your head "No one I haven't dated anyone you know it's for a friend." He side eyes you making you afraid "You're lying come on what's wrong?" You end up telling him about Si-eun and he wasn't having it. "Please don't tell mom and dad I promise I won't get back with him if he comes back I promise."

"Alright come let's eat mom made your favorite before she went to work." Your older brother was someone you can talk to about any problem you had and kept your secrets for you but always helped you.

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