Big mess

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''Hi madam I'm Rebecca armstrong nice to meet you.'' She present herself extending her hand to freen mother but the later surprise becky with a hug her eyes widen looking at freen.

''Rebbeca ?'' Her eyes widen in recognition ''So you're the beautiful fiancé of my dear daughter here. Freen why did you hide her from us and why I have to learn through nam that she's your PA?'' She scolded lightly. Freen eyes widen once in panic she look at becky and prayed that she wouldn't say anything to contradict her mother.

''Hmm Ma we're gonna wash our faces and brush our teeth why don't you finish the breakfast and we can talk when we're ready ?'' She take becky hands and drag her to her bathroom without waiting her mother answer.

''What the actual hell boss ?'' Becky whispered yelled when they arrived in the bathroom.

'' Shh i can explain lower, your voice please.'' She say frantically and tried to calm becky down taking her hands in her own.

''You can explain ? Explain to me why your mom think I'm your fucking fiance ?'' Becky was getting agitated no-one of question were answered and it irritated the heel out of her.

''Please I explain to you later, just go along for the time being please.'' Freen was pleading she can't deceive her mother with her lies, she was restless and if she has beg on her knees she would do it.

'' Why would I do that, give me one good reason to lie to your mom.'' She can clearly see the desperation in her boss face but she hates lying the most.

''I can't tell you the whole the story now my mom would be suspicious but I can't deceive her again please.'' She begged her on knees, becky widen at her action she tried to make her stand up but freen keep pleading et her to go along.

''Ok but you have a hell explanation to give me later.'' She finally conceited freen, in the same time they did wash their face, she explained the basic thing about her and how to address to her mom, becky file her with the basic information on her too and how their supposed relationship started.

When they arrived in the living room her mother just finished the breakfast a awkward silence passed between them until freen mom spoke.

'' Oii it's not like I found you two in a compromising situation.'' She tried to joke lightly when she saw the silence remained. ''Let's go to eat girls so I can learned more about the girl that stole the heart of my dear daughter.'' Smiling she take becky hands in her own and take her to the dinner room.

The duration of the breakfast freen mom's question becky about their relationship how they meet how did they fall in love and such. Thanks to freen, becky wasn't caught off guard and can lying smoothly. Freen mom tried learning everything she can about becky and becky answer as the best she can and was a little uncomfortable but she try to not show it, and freen at the same time learned new things about becky. Becky was well spoken and freen was definitely sure that she made a good impression on her mother if the smile on her face indicates anything else, it made things more difficult about breaking up things with becky when the times come.

''So becky why don't you come at home this weekend with so we can learned more about each other and you can also meet the family?'' She asked kindly she grew to like becky she was well mannered, educated smart and most importantly she can keep up with freen but she wanted to know about this girl.

''Hmm ...'' becky started but freen intervened.

''Mom don't ambush her like that, I will talk to her later we're already late to work I call you tonight Ok? Why don't you go see Fa Ma she will be please to see you.'' She tell her gently, she literally throw her cousin under the bus she hope just that her cousin doesn't have one of her night stand at home, she winces at the thought.

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