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You walk out after school and wait by his motorcycle since he said he'd take you home so you patiently wait for him. "Look who it is the bitch who steals people's boyfriends."

You turn around confused wondering if they were talking to you or someone else. "I'm sorry do I know you?" You ask and honestly had forgotten about her and she starts pushing you making you even more confused. Why the hell was she going to these lengths until you see Sara come out. "I'm Yoongi's girlfriend how dare you steal my boyfriend and Sara's."

"I didn't steal no one and aren't you his ex that means you two aren't even together anymore. I also didn't steal Sara's so called boyfriend I was going out with him before we even met." That was true you had recently met Sara and befriended her but she left you to be friends with the popular students you didn't stop being her friend it was her who did. To her she kept on insisting you left her which is not true. "Yoongi is over you...you should move on too and I'm not with him if that's what bothers you."

"If you're not with him why are you here beside his motorcycle? Why did he hug you after the game?" She starts breaking down upset "I really don't know he's just a friend." You say and Sara starts lying again "She's lying they are a thing. If not he would've been with you. Didn't you say he ended it without any explanation well there's your answer."

"Sara you don't even know what happened between them just like I don't know either but that's not my business. I did not steal him alright. Also I'm sure you're not even friends with Sara she only approached you recently. Like a few hours ago right?" Clearly what you said was true because she stood there processing everything why would she believe what someone told her hours ago. Yoongi was coming out the building when he sees you three and he sees his ex approaching you making him sprint to where you are.

He pushes her away from you "Hyeri what the fuck are you doing?" He screams at her but you quickly jump in "She didn't do nothing it's a misunderstanding we should go."

"Yeah Yoongi I didn't do anything to her. My problem is with this other girl I'll leave you two alone." Yoongi apologizes and glares at Sara. He holds your arms checking you as if you had gotten hurt while Hyeri walked over to Sara and dragged her somewhere. "Are you really okay?" You nod "Of course come on let's go it's getting late."

He gets on the bike but you didn't see when Sara comes from behind you and pushes you off trying to beat you up. You fell to the ground with her on top. Yoongi quickly tried to separate you two along with Hyeri. Hyeri didn't do nothing to her other than slap her but Sara ran away and came after you. "I'll hold her you two go." Hyeri says trying her best to hold Sara.

He helps you stand up but you see he has a cut on his lip, bridge of his nose, and cheek. You were bleeding only from your lip as well were she was able to hit you. You look over at Sara she had rings which were what caused those cuts. You get out of Yoongi's grip "Hey Y/n come on." Hyeri let's Sara go letting you deal with her and you pin her to ground punching her back. "I'm done with your bullshit Sara. Just leave me alone keep Si-eun I don't care." Yoongi signals Hyeri to go which she does and leaves running. Yoongi hears the security and he gets you away from her "Hey come on let's go that's enough I'm sure she's learned her lesson."

You get on his motorcycle holding onto him you thought he was taking you to your house when he stops at a store. It was dark so he takes you with him. You both go in "If you want something get it it's on me." You smile surprising him he thought you'd be crying but you're happy instead. "Okay don't take your word back." You go to the chips section while he gets a first aid kit. After he pays for everything he takes you to the park. "Is it okay for you stay out late." You check your phone it was 7:50 "Yeah I let Namjoon know that I'm at a tutoring session which I was it just finished early." No you didn't Namjoon was pacing around the house wondering where you where. The message didn't actually send at all.

You cup his face "Ugh you're all cut up you didn't have to jump in." You start putting ointment on his cuts while he was smiling. "It's fine I wasn't gonna let you get beat up. You were getting your ass beat up crybaby." You were about to lightly his his arm when he winced in pain. "Are you okay?...And it was only cause she caught me off guard."

"I'm okay and I know. But then you beat her ass up. I didn't know you can fight?" All those fights with Namjoon came in handy. "Well I have an older brother who I used to fight all the time when I was younger."

You move onto his lip and place the ointment on it. His lips were soft but you quickly hurry up and finish up. "There you're all set hopefully it doesn't scar." He looks at himself through his phone "It's fine now come here." He grabs you by your waist sitting you down and sees your cut is pretty deep. He was hesitant but cleared his mind and throat before putting the ointment on your lip. The way you were staring at him and him feeling your lip was driving him crazy.

"Well you're all set too if it scars at least we'll both have matching ones." He drops you off home and you go in to see Namjoon, your mom, and dad. "Where were you Y/n?" Your mom asks upset since you'd never gone past the curfew it was 9:00 pm you and Yoongi went to the park and played in the playground that you didn't notice it was really late.

"I was in tutoring we finished late. Look I sent a message to Namjoon." Namjoon shakes his head "No you didn't let me see your phone." You hand it to him and he smacks his forehead "It didn't send look." He shows you then shows your parents.

You dad stands behind you "Come on love don't be hard on Y/n. Go on and change so we can eat dinner." You nod happily and go running to your room. "See you spoil her so much that she's starting to act up."

"She's doing well in school and is happy that's all that matters I'm sure it won't happen again." Your mom sighs but your dad manages to make her laugh "Oh alright then what about you my baby." She asks Namjoon "Mom I'm not a baby anymore but I'm doing well university is well I'm halfway there."

"See love and you spoil Namjoon so it's even." You come out agreeing and she scoffs "Oh come on you know I love you two evenly. I love my baby and princess come here." You run to hug her and push Namjoon away but he quickly sneaks in the hug making you all laugh. Your father grabs the camera and takes a picture. "Okay you scoot so I can go in." He sets the camera countdown and runs to you guys. You all hug while smiling for the picture.

Your father loved taking pictures and you love them dearly sometimes your parents were scary but overall they were always nice and understanding.

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