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A week passed but you avoided Yoongi at all cost and what bothered you was they way Yumi was messing with you always bringing up the kiss. Yoongi as well was silent didn't really say much other than give you a sincere thank you because in the end you guys did get money.

Namjoon dropped you off at school and you walk in and see Yumi with Jimin. You walk towards them and Yumi runs to you hugging you "Y/n how was your weekend?" You smile "Pretty good!" Jimin gasps realizing something making you jump as he almost gave you a heart attack. "I just realized something?" You were about to defend yourself if he brought the kissing up again. "Yoongi has changed he hasn't smoked and doesn't ditch I think he's dating someone."

"You're right he doesn't hang out with you anymore." Yumi adds and you cross your arms "He probably is but then again he doesn't hang out with you guys since he doesn't want to third wheel anymore. Just like I don't want to either I'll be going." Yumi quickly hugs you "No please don't go" you were laughing and you stop when you see Sara and Si-eun making out with each other but what bothered you was why the fuck was Si-eun looking at you.

You look away unfazed and tell Yumi to let you go. "Crybaby and you two Santa helpers how are you doing?" Yumi let's you go "Yoongi we're not Santa helpers and Y/n isn't a crybaby." He nods "Yeah but I'll stick to those nicknames alright."

"Fine you faded highlighter" you say loud enough for him to hear and get on your phone. "What did you say?" Jimin was dying of laughter "Oh she got you good Yoongi. I wouldn't let that slide if I were you though." You ignore him making him scoff Yumi stands up and sits you both down and takes Jimin with her "You two talk you guys got along in the competition why can't you get along now?"

"Yumi it was an act." You say and she nods "I know just act like you guys get along please." He sighs "Yumi you know that's not possible she's stubborn and doesn't listen to anyone who'd want to be her friend." You glare at him "Stop bothering me and bother someone else it's not my fault you already wasted your money."

Jimin comforts Yumi "Babe these two won't get along because they already like each other." You and Yoongi scream "What no we don't!" You both say making him laugh "See let's just leave them alone." They walk away and you were about to stand up and leave but you don't "Si-eun really does have staring problems." Yoongi says.

"What?" You say and he discreetly signals you to look and you do then flinch as they were closer to you two. "Oh what the fuck they were at the building why are they by the tree?" He shrugged and you get back to being mad "Stop calling me crybaby and I don't like you either." He stares off to the distance while you're looking at him "That kiss said otherwise and I'll keep calling you that okay it just suits you."

He finally looks at you "It was just a peck it wasn't a kiss okay." He smiles and leans back on the bench "Are you sure cause you were literally swirling your tongue inside my mouth." You gasp not believing him "Me! That was literally you! What the fuck you're talking about?" He was smiling seeing you so worked up but get interrupted.

"Hey Y/n can we talk?" You turn to see it's Hyeri thanking that someone came if not you would've chocked him to death or something. "Oh yeah. Sure come on." You say and stand up "We're not done" he nods and waves patiently waiting for you. You walk with Hyeri to the fountain. "What did you want to talk about?" You say a bit worried hoping she won't try to throw you in the fountain.

"Um I'm sorry to be asking you this but do you like Yoongi?" Are you dating him?" You were a bit unsure if to answer her because it's really not her business. "I know you don't have to tell me but..."

"No I'm not dating him and I don't like him like that." She smiles "Oh alright because I don't mind if you do because I actually want to be friends with you and didn't want you know...to get in the way between you two."

"Oh you're not and sure we can be friends." She was glad "Okay I'm really sorry about last time." You smile "No it's okay don't worry about it." She let's you go back and you walk back heading to Yoongi who was asleep. "Faded highlighter we are not done!" He opens his eyes smirking while you take a seat. "As I was saying it wasn't me I was just following along. You were the one kissing like if you were starved."

"No it was you. And we're done with this conversation, crybaby!" He was about to stand up but you bring him down "No we are not."

"Oh my god your ex is getting closer!" You quickly turn around and they were freaking you out and you look back at Yoongi. He blows bubbles on your face "We are done because I said so." You wipe your face "What the fuck Yoongi!" He stands up making you stand up too. "That's more like it." He says liking how you're copying him.

"You're so fucking annoying." You lastly say and walk away then roll your eyes at Si-eun. Yoongi walks after you making Si-eun stop kissing Sara. "Crybaby we have the same classes why are you running away." During class he was really quiet like a different person you two work together and didn't fight it was like an outside thing were he gets obnoxious for no reason.

"So why did you even go out with him?" Out of nowhere you and Yoongi were talking about your ex. "I don't know okay I was dumb?" He shakes his head saying no. "Oh you poor thing did you two um you know?" You sigh "Yeah whatever you're thinking yeah cause I thought we'd get married."

"Oh you're dumber than I expected but you two weren't even together for that long and you were thinking about marriage?" You cover his mouth since he was being loud "Shut up it was only cause he was sweet talking to me okay I don't even want to get married. You're making this a big deal you go around sleeping with people."

"Well um...I'll stop doing that." You hum "Yeah you shouldn't mess with people's feelings. Oh also where did you get the bubbles?" He laughs "I bought it at the store I thought it was a lighter but it wasn't. Do you want it? I don't really need it."

"Are you serious?" He nods and hands it to you "Of course crybaby." Your smile faded making him happy on the inside.

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