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You were sitting with Yumi in the school bus. Your whole senior class was going to a daycare to help around for service hours since it was required for you all to be eligible to graduate. "Omg that happened. Y/n you're living a movie." You told Yumi just a bit not going into details since she kept asking you why you two are pretty distant.

"Hey Yoongi what's on your mind?" Jimin asks worried and he stops zoning out "Oh um nothing." Jimin looks away signaling Yumi what's the matter and she mouthed an "I'll tell you later." So he falls asleep while Yoongi was zoned out again. How was he supposed to act to going to dinner with your parents while last time he almost fucked you in a dressing room out of all the places.

You all get to the daycare and get off. Yumi was holding your hand and you two walk in following the teacher and the teacher starting creating groups. Your group consisted of Yumi, Jimin, and Yoongi. So you all go to the assigned class and as soon as you four enter the children stand up happy. They all surround Yoongi since he stood out with his orange hair Jimin went back to his black hair. You all greet the teacher and the fun began.

Half the class went with Yumi and Jimin while the other half went with you and Yoongi. "Hi everyone my name is Y/n and this is Yoongi." He waves and everyone started introducing themselves. The girls mostly went to Yoongi while the boys went to you.

"Y/n you're so pretty" a little boy says making you smile and when Yoongi heard that he stopped reading. "Thank you! You're cute too." You were with all the boys painting while Yoongi was reading to the little girls. What you found funny was how they weren't paying attention to him reading if not they were looking at him.

"You're really handsome!" One girl says and they all laugh amongst each other making you look over seeing as they are all shy. "Well thank you. You are all so pretty do you want to go paint with the pretty Y/n?" They all cheer and he stands up taking them with you.

"Alright boys let's switch you'll be all going with Yoongi to play some cars and tug of wars." They got excited as well and they run to him. You were busy painting with them when all of a sudden you hear Yoongi screaming. You look over to see everyone squishing him making you all laugh. You burst out laughing and Yoongi glares at you "Pretty lady come help me!" He says making you stand up "Okay let's all continue painting!" You say and they get off Yoongi and run to the tables to sit down and paint as well. The girls were laughing and you help Yoongi up.

"You got beat up pretty bad." He scoffs and you hold his hand bringing him with you and sit him next to you. While you were busy fixing his hair a little kid was staring at Yoongi noticing his expression how he was clearly happy about having your attention. "Y/n can you wait for me. When I grow up I'll marry you." The boy says making you smile and Yoongi interrupts "I'm sorry Yejun but I'm marrying her." Yejun crossed his arms "No I will marry her." You couldn't believe Yoongi was arguing with this little kid.

"Let's have a car race and let's see who wins." Yoongi suggests and Yejun agrees. Now the whole group was watching Yoongi and Yejun getting ready. After the count of three Yoongi slowed down a bit to let Yejun get there first but quickly speeds it up and he crosses the finish line first. The class cheers and you clap making Yejun sigh. Yejun extends his arm "It was a fair game you better make Y/n happy!" Yoongi shakes his hand "I will."

You found it cute how easy going he was with kids. "How about we all give Yoongi a make over I'll start first. They all got excited and you grab a marker and write your name on his cheek. "There you go!" Yoongi sits still letting them do their thing. The girls were putting bows on his hair while the boys were drawing on him. A few drew hearts, a dogs tongue, airplanes, cars, anything by the time they finished. You all head down to eat lunch.

Jimin and Yumi were laughing seeing Yoongi with bows and drawings. You cup his face "Isn't he cute? These kids are so talented." Jimin takes a picture of him and Yoongi stuck his middle finger out and quickly does a peace sign forgetting he's at a daycare. You all bursted out laughing. You see everyone eating so happily and talking with their friends. It was such a nice calming sight and made you realize you're never going to be child anymore you were heading for real life the adult life of having responsibilities and getting ready to achieve your career.

"Here's some cookies Y/n. For you and Yoongi!" Sera said handing them to you "Oh thank you" she runs back to her seat. "Oh these kids love you two. Our group was so nice too." Yumi starts talking and you laugh finding out they beat up Jimin too. "You want a cookie?" You ask Yoongi and he nods. You expected him to get it but he doesn't he just looks at you.

"You have to feed him Y/n." Jimin says and Yoongi smiles making you smile and get the cookie. He opens his mouth and you were getting closer to his mouth but then turn it around and you eat the cookie. "Hey!" He says making you shrug "Say please." Both Yumi and Jimin were laughing knowing Yoongi wouldn't beg but their mouth drops when he starts begging. You give him a cookie and he took a bite then smiled satisfied. "Oh wow those are good."

Yejun runs up to you two catching you two off guard. "Are you two dating?" He asks with his head tilted full of curiosity. "We are dating, right Y/n?" You nod "Yeah we are why?" Yejun holds both your hands and you both follow him. He points to the piano. "Oh I don't know how to play the piano." You said panicking now that everyone was cheering. "My dad said if you love someone you play them a song. That's how my parents met through music." You nod understanding and Yejun tells Yoongi to lean down so he does. "You can play it right?" Yejun whispers in Yoongi's ear.

Yoongi nods and Yejun smiles and tells him to take a seat. You were amazed when Yoongi starts playing making everyone stop eating and look at him. You sat beside him and were in awe at the beautiful melody he played. You felt butterflies in your stomach and once he finished everyone claps and he stands up bowing. You both head out to take a walk outside at the playground.

"That was beautiful what is that piece called?" You ask and he holds your hand "It's called I need u. I made it thinking of you." You hug him tightly no wonder you felt all the emotions through it but that love piece you thought it was would not always remain that. Your youth years together won't last long or will it?

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