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You were hanging out with Jimin who was finally able to reach out to you. Ever since you moved closer to your university nobody has been able to reach you. Yumi went to your house just to find a new family living in it. Jimin only found you because thanks to Namjoon. Namjoon felt bad how you left your friends just like that. In your part you did find it immature how you ended things and feel bad. So as soon as you got a text from Jimin you went back. "Y/n does Yoongi know you're back?" You smile "No he doesn't I did try reaching out to him years ago but he never answered he has moved on right?"

Jimin stayed quiet answering you of course he did he was different now. He had flings here and there but when he's reminded of you he stops but then it's a cycle again. "Y/n he needs you." You tilt your head "Are you sure? What's wrong with him?"

"He's not the old Yoongi he's manipulative, possessive, obsessive, has anger issues, he's drinking and smoking ever since you've left." You hum "Well what does he work as now?" You ask curious hoping he's not nothing that he's at least someone. "He's a detective." You were glad he had a job and smile a bit not believing it. You then shake the thought away that he didn't become that because you told him to.

"So can you see him please?" Jimin was begging and you nod "I'll try but I can't promise you anything." Jimin was thankful and hugs you. You walk in your old neighborhood and pass his house. Jimin told you he didn't live there anymore he left home when you left and never came back.

You then get reminded of Minho and feel bad for not keeping your promise it's been seven years so Minho was 17 now. Minho was walking from school when he recognizes you and runs to you. "Y/n" you hear your name and turn around. You immediately recognized him. Minho was indeed a mini version of Yoongi. He hugs you and starts crying "Y/n I missed you so much. Have you seen my brother yet?"

"Not yet where can I find him?" He wipes his tears "He works at the police station come on I'll take you." You two get in your car and you drive to the direction he gave you. Once getting there he just points but doesn't get off. "He works in there I'll wait here."

"Why not come with me?" He shakes his head saying no "I can't go in there I'm not allowed anyways ask for Detective Min. Also be careful of her don't let her think she can beat you." You nod understanding that there's someone in the picture. "Alright I'll be back." You go in and it wasn't busy and look around but don't see him at all. An officer approaches you  "Hello how may I help a pretty lady like you?"

You were taken a back but see as a gentleman came in and was greeted the same way "Hello sir how may I help such a gentleman?" You smile "I'm looking for Detective Min!" You say and he nods "You'll have to speak with Officer Lee." You nod and he guides you to where they are. "Hey Lee she's looking for Detective Min." You see her look away from her screen and she looks at you up and down. "May I ask why you're looking for him?"

"I just have a few questions regarding a case." She stands up "Well he's not working in any case right now so you may go." You nod understanding and hand her your card "Please give him this I'll wait for his call." Minho comes in and sees you handing your card to the first officer that helped you. "He's not here" you tell him and Minho nods and looks at Lee. She clenched her fist knowing you are her. The one Yoongi can't get over.

"Omg she's L/n, Y/n?" Lee looks at her coworker "What about her?" They all peek out the window to see you leave "She's the best rookie lawyer of the city. I heard she went to H.U. Law School and graduated as a valedictorian." Lee sat down and threw your card away. "You all better not tell Detective Min about her coming here." They all just ignore her as she bit her nail nervously.

Yoongi finished his cigarette and got in his car heading back to the police station. Once getting there he parked his car then headed in. They all stand up to greet him and he goes to his office. Officer Lee runs after him making everyone roll their eyes. "Hi Yoongi you're back!" She tries kissing him but he pushes her away. "Nara stop it what we had was done a while ago."

She clears her throat "Your younger brother came again today." He was focused going through the documents on his desk "So what." She hesitated on whether to mention you or not. "Well he didn't come alone this time he came with a young lady she's a lawyer...to be honest she is pretty..." he cuts her off "I don't care did you kick him out?"

"No I didn't have to she took him with her." He then wondered who it was since Minho doesn't really talk to girls. "What was her name?" She shrugs and sits on his table "I don't know a kiss might help me remember." He chuckles then gets serious "Get out!" He stands up and exits his office making everyone flinch. "Who came by just a few minutes ago?"

"It was your brother sir and a lady here's her card." He hands it to him making Nara mad and Yoongi reads it. Upon reading your name he couldn't believe it. Your name it was your name "Is she still here? Did you guys tell her to wait for me."

"No sir. Lee said you weren't available." He glares at her and runs out getting in his car. You drop off Minho home. "I'm sorry Minho I tried we'll have to wait hopefully he calls but something tells me he'll come home to you alright."

"Thank you Y/n for trying your best."

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