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During the ride to freen home becky was fuming freen acted like a caveman and idiot all possessive and shit.
''Miss Sarocha care to explain your behavior? Who do you think you are to act like that?'' Freen quickly glanced at becky, explain what, she internally said to herself she can't explain why she did what she did that anyway.

''My behavior? What did I do?'' She decided to play the innocent card, but becky already saw through it and she know it.

''What did you do? Are kidding me right now? You know what you did, it's not even one day and you already crossed the lines. Thanks the god I can control myself because you make lose my temper.'' Ok freen was in wrong in this but she would never admitted this not to herself and certainly not to becky.

''How so ?'' She has to think quick and give becky a good reason why she did what she did. ''Hmm becky listen I was just worried someone out there have it for us and following us around so I didn't do this to purposefully annoyed you it's just your safety matter to me and I drag you into this mess.'' For this part she was totally honest she was really afraid something might happen to the younger girl.

''Ok i will let it go, drive me home please.'' She asked she really understand the point of views of freen but she knows the older was hiding something to her but she wasn't the best to judged, herself she was hiding something, but she was tired and it's been few days since she was home.

'Wha.. what ? Why home? You come to my house right ? We have to talk tomorrow will be going at my parents.'' She panicked slightly she didn't wanted the girls second guessing their arrangement because of behavior.

''Freen i don't want to argue with right now, I'm tired I want my bed, it's been days that I haven't been home I need my own clothes for tomorrow's plus my friend miss me.'' It's true Irin have been blowing up her phone all days asking where did she go, and why she didn't see her anymore, since she has someone in her life.

''Becky please stay with me tonight, tomorrow before going at my parents we can go to do some shopping my treat and for your friend we can do a dinner at my house with yours friends and mines or I don't know whatever you want.'' She doesn't understand why but she doesn't want the younger go, plus it's time they meets each other friends because they were supposed to be dating around 1 years now it will seems strange that they never meets their friends.

''Aish... you exasperate me, you want always to do things your ways, I'm so tired I will agree with you just for today but I think we need more grounding rules.'' She was fed up with freen behavior the other wanted always have the last word and it irritates her.

'' Huh.. What ? What for? The rules we have are already good what more do you want to have?'' She said a little worried, what in the world she wanted to add she asked to herself.

''Good things we didn't sign it yet we have to that tonight. And you will see.'' She said with a smirk she knows the older wasn't going to like what she would add.

With a nodded of freen the rest of the car ride was silent freen keep glancing a becky time to time, the younger girl was already asleep by the time they reached home.

''Becky wake up.'' She shakes the younger girl softly, she was so adorable while sleeping freen almost didn't want to wake her but she knows she would her an ear full if she carries the girl to her penthouse.

''What?'' She said groggily she looked at her surrounding and saw that they were already here. ''Oh we're here.'' She said softly still sleepy.
They take the elevator and no words was exchanged, they arrived to the penthouse, take theirs shoes off.

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