'Friendly' Introductions

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The sun now shone down on the team of thieves.  Which was a nice change from being shot at with arrows.

Puss and Kitty had thankfully stopped arguing with each other, for the moment, and were now exchanging tense greetings along with you.

Kitty: "So what's your story new thief?" *gestures to you*

Y/n: *Fiddling with a knife*  "Y/n, I'm a mercenary"

Puss: "A mercenary.  does that mean you were paid to steal the map?"

Y/n: "No, actually, I did not Puss in Boots"

Puss: "Ah so you've heard of me then"

Kitty: *Muttering*  "Who hasn't"

Puss: "Not surprising though, i'd recognize that number of knives and fighting style anywhere. From one legend to another, the Flying knife.

Y/n: "That was my papa, they call the swift-knife. As lazy as that is"

Kitty: "I still don't trust you"

Y/n: "You don't have to senoritta"

After a brief pause Puss speaks up

Puss: "Soo, can we look at the map now?"

Kitty stares at him for a moment before rolling her eyes and giving in. You take the other end and help her unroll it.  To reveal absolutely nothing.

Kitty: "What!?"  *Checks the other side before pulling her mask off* "This is blank, we've been ripped off, where is the-  She's cut off as writing appears on the map.

Y/n: "You were saying?"

Kitty: "Yea, I-I knew it was going to do that"

Puss: "The dark forest is deep and far, within it's bounds you'll find the star"

Kitty: *Scoffs in annoyance*  "The dark forest.  No one goes into the dark forest"

Puss: "Or comes out"

The current writing on the map vanishes and is replaced with more.

Y/n: "A single wish, burns true and bright, this map is the key so hold on tight"

The two of you then roll up the map, only for Kitty to try and pull it out of your paws and for you to follow suit

Kitty: "Suéltelo"  *Draws dagger*

Y/n: "Tú primero"  *Draws sword*

Puss: "Both of you let go"  *Draws stick*

Kitty: *confused amusement*  "A stick, what happened to your sword?"

Puss: "Got rid of it, you know.  Made things to easy, I needed a challenge"

Kitty: "Yea you looked pretty challenged back there"

Y/n: "Si, and I will not let either of you hold the map"

Kitty: "Well there's no way i'm letting EITHER of YOU hold the map"

Before another three-way argument can start Perrito  chimes in

Perrito: "Can I hold the map?"

His response is getting a dagger, a sword and a stick pointed at him.

Kitty: "Yeah right, what's your deal anyway, you run with the Chihuahua gang?"

Perrito: "I don't think so"

Kitty: *Leans in closer*  "I don't believe you"

Perrito: "That's okay, as long as you believe in yourself"

Kitty: "Wha-"  *Backs up to Puss and an equally surprised you*

Y/n: "Is he deranged?"

Puss: "Yep"

Kitty: "What's your name?"

Perrito: "Oh I've been called all kinds of names, dog, bad dog, stupid dog, hey you you there get out, leave it, drop it, big rat, small pig, rat face, but nugget, $&#! for brains.  You know that sort of thing"
He finishes leaving the three of you looking shocked and concerned.

Perrito: "But, I've never had a name that really stuck you know, that belonged to me"

Puss: *Whispers to you and Kitty*  "Is he done?"

Perrito: "And you guys are"   *Puts his paw out to shake*

Kitty: *Smacks his paw away*  "Softpaws, Kitty Softpaws"  *Holds an extra fluffy paw up to make a point*

Y/n: "Y/n Swift-knife"

Perrito: "Wow, n-now those are good names, there's music in those names.  Kitty..softpaws  Y/n..swift-knife"
He says in a softer voice.

Kitty: "Nice try, classic con.  No one's that dumb, no one's that nice.  I don't trust you"

Y/n: "Nor do I"

Puss: "Me neither, he cannot be trusted"
He says this as he tries to swipe the map only for Kitty to smack his paw away.

Kitty: *To Puss*  "But I trust him and the mercenary more then I trust you"  *Points her dagger at his face and extends it's length*

Puss: "Wow, this trip is going to be.  Fun"

Several painful days later.

You finally arrived at the dark forest.  It was as to be expected, extremely dark with a lighting storm overhead.

Puss: "This must be, the dark forest"

The three cats grip their weapons before walking towards the entrance, with you and Kitty still holding the map.
You walk up to what appears to be a dark magical wall.  Puss draws his stick before sticking it up to his paw into the magical wall, only for it along with his paw to completely disappear.

Puss: *Freaks out*  "OH MY GOD!"

Kitty:*Also shocked*  "It's gone"
Puss's paw along with the stick then magically reappear.

Y/n: *Completely calm*  "And now it's back"

Puss: "Nothing to worry about"  *nervessly laughs*  "We step through as one"
"ready, one, two, after you!"  *Uses his foot to kick Perrito through the gateway*

A few strange noises are heard before silence.

Puss: "Dog.  Still alive?"

Kitty: "Let's go find out"
She says quickly grabs Puss's paw and pulls both of you through the gateway before either of you can react.

Suéltelo= Let it go
Tú primero=You first

(Published 23/12/23)

Wish come true: Kitty Softpaws x Male Cat ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now