First Real Feelings.

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Cameron looked at her, she was beautiful, and he loved her.

Kirsten looked at him, and she didn't know what the fuck was going on. Honestly, she started to feel all these feelings that she couldn't categorize. Fear-of falling in love? Sadness-because she couldn't love him fully like he did her? Or was she scared that she was feeling love for him. She felt insecure about these feelings because everyone else knows how to deal with them, they knew what to do. She didn't.

He was willing to help, and she wanted him to.

First Real Feelings.
AU for the scene where Kirsten interrogated Scott.
"Cameron?", she had followed him out, fisher had paperwork to fill out, so she took this chance to talk to Cameron.

"What Kirsten?", he was annoyed.

"What was all that about?", she asked. Cautious Cameron was acting up today and honestly, she was getting fed up. She had already told him he need to calm down with is overprotecting personality. She never knew why he acted so strange when it came to her and stitching. She was determined to find out.

He closed the door after Kirsten walked out. He didn't want anyone else listen to this conversation, since he's not a real big talker when it comes to his feelings. The least he wanted was having someone else find out about how he felt. He already gets judgment for it, he doesn't need a daily dose from Fisher.

"Cameron, I need you to be honest with me. Please, you said it yourself, the only way we could get along is if we trust each other and so far, you're not doing a good job.", she was looking into his gorgeous green eyes, they were starting to water.

"Her name is Marta. She couldn't get out of a stitch, and I had to pull her out. I blame myself, she's been in the hospital for a while now and I don't want to see you like that, Kirsten. I can't even sleep at night anymore, she haunts me, what happened haunts me. She trusted me and now I don't know if she'll ever wake up. Kirsten, I can't let that happen to you. I know you don't feel, but I do. I can't loose you like I lost her, I couldn't live with myself.
She was the accident, she's the reason I'm so worried about you. She's the reason why I'm afraid.", he spoke, his voice trailing off in fear because every time he speaks of it, or thinks of it, he relives it.

"Well, I'm not her, I'm not Marta. You don't have to worry about that.", she responded, hoping it would calm him down. She'd never seen this side of him, she was worried.

"Oh no, princess. I can't do that.", he looked up at her, and a sad smirk formed on his face before he looked away again. More tears filled up his eyes. "I know you don't understand now, but one day you will, hopefully. Just, please, understand that I worry for a reason, and not because I want to get under your skin."

"Cam...", she walked up to him slowly, searching for his eyes. "Cameron please look at me." He didn't budge. "Please?" He looked at her, straight into her eyes. His emerald eyes made her feel a certain way, a way she couldn't describe. The feeling shot through her body, from her heart to her toes. She never felt this way about him and it was freaking her out... but in a good way? Her eyes made him go crazy. He felt the same way when Kirsten kissed him in the lab. Of course she didn't feel anything because the stitch was still lingering onto her, and well, she's Kirsten Clark.

Their gaze held on when Cameron reached for her hand. Slowly, his fingers wrapped with hers. Kirsten looked at their hands in awe, she didn't know if she should pull away. She felt like running. She felt like screaming? She felt like kissing him? She wanted to know what it would feel like, and she let it happen, and her heart was beating faster and faster.

"What are you feeling right now?", he asked her, looking at her hand.

"I don't- know- I have- never, what is going-", she was looking everywhere, everywhere but his eyes, she was afraid of feeling, love?- was it?

"Kirsten...", he whispered. His hand squeezed hers.

They both leaned into each other, Kirsten let her feelings take over, so did Cameron. As their lips were inches apart, his other hand reached for her cheek.

"I don't know what you've done to me, Kirsten.", he leaned in closer.

"Same here, " she replied. She looked into his eyes, "Cameron...".

The moment was here, she felt his breath on her mouth, her heart was about to explode, and all she wanted right there, right then, was to feel his lips on hers. She wanted to actually kiss him, and feel him.

His lips were soft, that's what she was thinking, along with a 'holy shit this is amazing' feeling. Her hand was on the back of his neck, pulling him close. Her body was against his. His hands were around her waist holding her in place. His lips was all she wanted, she never know someone could feel like this. Was he?

He had kissed her, and she had kissed him back. He thought she would slap him like when she found out she slept in his bed, but no, she kissed him back. She kissed him back and he loved it. He deepened the kiss, he wanted to feel more of her, or what she had to offer. The kiss felt right. He wanted to save the feeling forever.

He slowly walked her to the wall, lightly pushing her on it, and not once did they break the kiss.

He held her, he kissed her. He kissed her how he wanted. He kissed her like there was no one watching, maybe as if the world was ending, and instead of trying to survive, he wanted to keep kissing her. She thought the same, Kirsten has never felt like this and now she couldn't go back. She wanted more. She wanted to feel more.

"Hey, Scott was jus-", it was Fisher.

They broke apart, Cameron jumped to the other side of the hallway, and Kirsten turned towards Fisher.

"What was going on?", Fisher asked.

"What? Nothing, she just, she- wasn't feeling well, so I was trying to- um-", Cameron replied, with no ideas.

"It was nothing.", Kirsten said. Of course it wasn't "nothing", but she didn't know what else to say.

Fisher was confused, he looked at both of them with a smiling stare, knowing that they are both lying. "As I was saying, Scott was just released. He's pretty upset, more than he was before."

"I wonder why.." Kirsten said. "I'm going to talk to him.", and she started to walk down the hallway.

"So... I'm going with her, just so she doesn't, you know- mess anything else up.", Cameron said, while trying to avoid eye contact. He started walking in Kirsten's direction.

Fisher smiled, "Yeah, yeah... JUST CONTROL YOURSELVES." and he walked off.

Cameron smiled as he caught up to Kirsten and their hands met again.

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