Prologue: The Dragon and Phoenix

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Hidden in between the clouds, a city float highly in the sky, the light of the sun shone upon it brightly. The buildings on this city was tall, some of them even piercing through the clouds. Around the city, thousands of formations are unscripted on the floating rock that surrounds the city.

This city was known as the Dragon City, a city ruled by the Dragon Race. It is also the capital city of the dragons where the Dragon Emperor reside. In this city, the dragons rule like kings. Only dragons or those who possess dragon bloodline are allowed enter this city.

As for those who are not a descendant of dragons, it was impossible to even locate this city. This is because of the formations that have been described around the city, creating an illusion of a thick mist that will trap anyone who attempt to approach this city.

Currently, the city that used to be lively is completely silent. Not even a single soul can be seen on the street.

In the middle of the city, stood a tall gigantic palace. On each towers of the palace, a dragon with azure scales stood silently. Around the palace, countless dragons are kneeling on the ground. Their heads bowing down in respect.

Inside of a grand hall of the palace, two figures stood in front of an altar. Nemorous high ranking formations was described around the altar that glows in golden colour. On the top of the altar was black coloured egg with markings of a coiling dragon.

The two figures stood in front of the altar, one was a man, while the other one was a woman.

The male was handsome with long blonde hair reaching his shoulder and a pair of golden yellow eyes that seems to contains countless wisdoms. He wore a long golden robe with dragon embroidery.

His very present is like a divine ruler who rules over the heavens.

While the man is the embodiment of handsomeness, the woman beside him is the embodiment of beauty.

Long black hair and a pair of black eyes. Similar to the man beside her, she is wearing a long golden robe with dragon embroidery.

The man is none other than the current Dragon Emperor, publicly known as the strongest dragon in this era and the ruler of all dragons on this planet.

As for the woman, her status is only below the man's. She is the Dragon Emperor's wife, the Dragon Empress.

Currently, they are waiting for their first son to hatch. As the of two of them have a very pure bloodline, thanks to the generations of inbreeding, the chances of the Dragon Empress to conceive a child is almost impossible.

Not to mention, the two of them are not just any ordinary dragons. They are a part of the transcendent grade dragons, the highest rank in the ranking of dragons, making it even more less the chances of the two of them having a child.

Despite this, against all odds, with centuries of hardwork and dedication, the Dragon Empress finally conceive their first child.

Now, finally after centuries of waiting, their first son will finally hatch from his egg and he will become the dragon prince, and if fate allows it, he will inherit the throne from his father in the future and become the Dragon Emperor.

"Husband." Dragon Empress look at her husband with nervousness and worry clearly plastered on her face. This was their first child, and will hatch any time soon, what if something bad happen?

"Don't worry, we have enough preparation in case something bad happens." Dragon Emperor pat his wife's shoulder and give her a reassuring smile.

Suddenly the whole castle shook, startling the two dragons. The two of them look at each other, a look of worry on their faces.

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