Chapter 2: Victor

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All the eyes are locked on the young boy who looks like a thirteen year old. A young boy with messy black hair and a pair of sharp sharp blue eyes that resembles the blue sky. His face can't really be seen as he is wearing a black breathing mask that covers the lower part of his face.

He is wearing a white shirt underneath of his blue jacket, paired with a black jeans.

Headmaster Viole narrowed his eyes at the young boy. For some reason, the boy looks oddly similar to someone, "And you are?"

"Victor Fallen, it's a pleasure to meet you." The boy named Victor said as he offers a handshake.

The elders and the crowd gasp at his actions. No matter how you look at it, his action is disrespectful. Headmaster Viole is after all his senior. Not to mention, he is also the headmaster of the academy

"May I know what is your relationship with Maxwell Fallen?" Headmaster Viole's face darkens.

"You could say that he's my old man." Victor said casually. His eyes trailing to both Lilian and Ryun who are now standing side by side with a gleam in his eyes.

"I see. I didn't know that Maxwell actually remarried. He didn't even tell me that he got himself a kid." Headmaster Viole laugh with a wide smile on his face. Finally after years after that incident, that brother of his finally got himself a woman and move on from the past.

Headmaster Viole glance at Ryun for a moment before glancing back at Victor. If what Victor said was true, then the two can be said to be somewhat related.

"Yeah, he's been living his life." Victor cough as he remembers all the hellish training the old man put him through throughout his entire childhood.

"Anyway, can I start the testing now?" Victor ask as he points to the testing platform.

"Sure, you can go ahead." Headmaster Viole said calmly gesturing to the testing platform. "I hope you can surprise us like how your father did during his entrance exam."

'Should I tell him that the old man is the worst when it comes to parenting? Nah, he'll know sooner or later.' Victor thought to himself as he walked passed the headmaster and make his way towards the testing platform.

All the eyes are locked on the young teen who is now standing on top of the testing platform.

"All that I have to do is to put my hand on this tablet right?" Victor ask, putting his hand on the tablet.

A few seconds later, nothing happens. There is no reaction from the tablet nor does the holographic screen appears.

This only means one thing. Victor doesn't have any spiritual root nor does his soul is strong enough to be a soul cultivator.

"I thought he's some hotshot. Turns out just some trash."

"I was about to get on my knees to pay my respect."

The people on the crowd laughs. Their mocking eyes staring at the youngster in blue with a sneer.

They had thought that Victor was some genius as he was recommended by a former core disciple of Celestial Dragon Academy. Turns out he's just some trash without any spiritual root. Even those with low grade spiritual root are better than him.

Ryun snort, "Just another trash."

"I don't really think so." Lilian narrowed her eyes at the masked youngster.

"Oh? And what makes you think so?" Ryun rise his eyebrows.

"Those arrogance in his eyes. It was as if he disdain even being here. He needs to at least have something to make him that arrogant." Lilian said, her face remains emotionless.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2023 ⏰

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