The Night Of Your Life

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"Christopher! Are you crazy?!" I yelled... well, more like screeched

"Crazy in what sense?" He asked

"Oh, I don't know, how about the, 'I feel like risking getting this girl I just met murdererd by her mom, and just expect her to get on my motorcycle with me to ride off into the freaking sunset' kind of crazy?!"

"That was an intense run on sentence." Was all he said

"Also, how the hell did you get my jacket?"

"Ah, that was harder. I had to sneak into your room. You're a pretty light sleeper so that was kinda terrifying. Nice underwear by the way."

"Oh my god. You're a psycho."

He just threw me a wink, and jumped onto his motorcycle. He started it up and revved the engine.

"You coming, cutie?" He asked

I looked down at my outfit. Booty shorts and a tank top. I ran my hand through my hair and pinched the bridge of my nose. I was gonna murder this boy. He cut the engine and walked over.

"Ahh yes, your clothes. I have some for you. He handed me a bag.

I looked In It and all that I saw was some black. I pulled the first thing out, only to see a dress that would mayyybe go to my lower thigh. It was cute, but not something I would wear. Not in a million yeeears. The other option in the bag was a pair of black short jean shorts and a shredded white t- shirt. I went behind a tree in our yard and switched into the shorts and shirt. That being done, I threw on my leather jacket, and hopped onto the bike. I had barely met the boy, and he was getting on my last nerves, but I really didn't see much other choice.


A little bit later, we pulled up to a house with loud music and a lack of drunk teens pouring out of It. I recognized the song, it was 'Bad Girls Club' by Falling in Reverse. I started humming along, and Chris, looked at me with a stupid grin on his face. I honestly have no idea how it happened, but not seconds later, we were singing along with it, making an epic duet. When the song ended, we both had the same expression on our faces. I cleared my throat, and against my better judgement, let Chris grab my hand and pull me towards the house. This would be a good escape from my normal life I suppose.

When we walked in, my senses were overwhelmed by the music and smell of alcohol. The only difference between this party and every teenage party ever, was the fact that no one was heavily making out, or dancing around sluttily. Instead, everyone had a glass of some sort of pop, and or alcohol, and was gathered around a couple tv's. They were all just playing video games.

We walked closer and everyone greeted Chris as if he'd been gone for years. Then their focus turned onto me.

"Is that a... girl?" One asked with a stunned look on his face

"Yeah, ass. But I wouldn't expect you to recognize one." I replied

"Easy there tiger. These are some of my friends. I adopted them in a sense." Chris whispered.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Who's the winner? I challenge them to a round of Call of Duty. If I win, you'll leave me alone about being a girl at a nerd party, and if I lose, I'll leave."

The challenger stood up. He shamelessly checked me out, his eyes lingering on my legs a little too much. Finally, he looked up.


And so it began. I was in the zone. What they didn't know, was that I actually did play video games, and I was freakin good at them. I won, by quite a bit. Chris had been sitting beside me on the couch, and as I looked down, I saw that his hand was sitting on my thigh. I flinched and moved aside. I didn't miss the look of confusion pass through his eyes.

I stood up and every eye followed me veeery carefully. I walked over to the counter and grabbed a coke. When I sat back down, I grabbed my controller and grinned.

"Who's up for round 2?"


It was around 4 am when we left. I was dead tired and really just wanted to curl up and sleep. We had school the next day.

"Ahhh hell, I have practice tomorrow." I groaned

"Me too. But that's why the world invented Redbull, cutie." Chris said with a small smirk

"Yeah, that's cool. Except, where am I gonna buy Redbull in like two hours?"

"I have magical powers."

"Is it sleeping with the owner of the store? Because, that's the only way I could figure they would let you in."

"I like the way you think, but no. I work there. Or I did anyways. I just still have the keys."

"Have I told you that you're a psycho yet?"

He didn't say anything. All he did was laugh and beckon me to join him on his death trap of a vehicle. Too bad the blue eyed monster was cute...

When we picked up our energy drinks, he drove to an apartment building. Not my house. He parked his motorcycle and helped me off.

"Look, I had fun, but I carry a knife, I box, and I can probably outrun you soo... I'll just be going."

"I'm not gonna kidnap you. Jesus, you must have a rough life. Just think, the only way we can get back to your room is by waking up your mom. I get the feeling we don't wanna do that. You can wear those clothes to school to school tomorrow, and your bedroom door is locked. You'll be fine."

He had a valid point. We went up to his apartment. The entire thing was black. Black curtains, counters, carpet, etc. He showed me the bedroom. Unsurprisingly, black blankets, pillows, dressers. He walked in behind me, pulled off his shirt, and handed it to me.
I really didn't have much choice. I turned around and pulled off my shorts and shirt. Thank god I was wearing boyshorts and a sports bra. I threw on the shirt and stood there awkwardly. He crawled into bed with no shirt on. I looked away.

"Doll, I don't have a couch. Don't worry, I won't bite... hard."

I climbed in and sunk into the deep abyss of sleep. Man his blankets were just so dang warm, and they smelled so delicious.... and his arm around my waist was something that made me feel so safe. Like when my dad used to tuck me in...

¤.¤ sooooo let me know what you think, and don't forget to vote!! If you don't know the falling in reverse song, you should look it up. ♡ you all!!

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