Moth I

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you are where you have been...

...this is true

           is known

memories like breadcrumbs, dropped

behind us on the trail

the diet of birds and rodents, moments

of joy and travail

the objectification of time...perpetually perishing

you are what you eat... is known

                    ...this is true

gram by gram...ounce by ounce...pound by pound

molecule by molecule, the miracle of mitosis

...the weight of it all

memories are but strings of protein

spindle fibers and pulsing neurons

webs woven with peptide-bonds

                    washed in amino acids

the cold rush of a wraith

spring winds bite the cheek

rain pools in the dirty-street

mud-puddles, a skin of ice

ghosts melting in sunlight

memories shrouded in a fog

warped narratives worn like camouflage

a mottled-weft shuttled back...and through

threaded patterns stretched on the loom

spindle-fibers sparking

                    neurons catching fire

electrons repeating

                    in their looping circuit

strange-funny moments, twisted on the skein

patterns of

                    stretched, worn and faded

worms lay their eggs

                    our poor cloth consumed

the moth sprouts its horns

                    emerging from its cocoon

meiosis...and there we are 

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