Episode 2: The Unhappy Objects Part 2

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Four: Previously on Total Drama Dream Island.
Me and my co-host, X, arrived at this abandoned summer camp in Canada where we invited 16 ex-competitors to compete for the chance to win a grand total of one million dollars. The contestants split into two teams and prepared for the first challenge. They're currently waiting on the top of the cliff as I recap. Who will win? Who will lose? And who will get their nonexistent butt kicked off the island first? Find out right here on...

{intro plays}

It cuts to the cliff where all the contestants are standing in their teams in front of Four and X.
"Okay, teams. Are you ready for your first challenge?" X asks the 16.
"What I want to know is why were our cabin doors locked." GolfBall says with anger clear in her voice.
"That's what the challenge is about. Your teams must take it in turns to jump off the cliff and into the water. Make sure you avoid the anything-eating sharks before collecting one of the 20+ keys scattered across the seabed. If you manage to snag one of the keys without becoming shark food, you'll have to run the 5 miles to the cabins and try to unlock your's. Every key works on both cabins so you should be fine. If your selected key doesn't work, you must run back put your key in the 'useless' box located at the bottom of the cliff." Four says to the intrigued contestants. "The first team to unlock their cabin will win and the losers will have to go to tonight's campfire ceremony, where you will vote for one of your teammates and one will have to leave the island and never come back. Prepare your order of jumpers."

"Okay," Blocky says facing the team. "I think we should go in a boy-girl order."
"To be honest, that sounds like a good idea." Bubble says, surprising the team. "It should probably start with the most athletic." Blocky points to the girl, indicating he likes the plan.
"Okay, so I think me and Pin should go first, then Sno-" Blocky starts before getting cutoff by Snowball. "Actually as I'm the strongest one here by force, I should go last so I can win the whole challenge for all you weaklings."
Blocky could only deadpan. "Okay fine, Coiny and Match will go next, then Pen and Bubble, and finally TD and Snowball. Sound good?"
The team voices their agreement, except for Teardrop, who nods her head with a wide smile and holds up a thumbs up.

"Alright team, I think a good strategy is to leave the sinking objects for last." GolfBall says, taking charge. "So me, Needle and Rocky shall hold out to the end."
"What about me?" Pencil asks. "I'm wood so I'll die in water!"
"Maybe take these density pills that Bubble gave me." Firey says, handing her the pills. "They really work."
"I know" Pencil says whilst taking the pills. "She hasn't popped in months."

{5 minutes later}
"Okay campers." Four says as Blocky and Needle prepare to jump." Your time starts... NOW!"
Blocky and TennisBall dive off the cliff whilst Snowball screams "You better not cost us the win, wimp!"

Snowball: I've never known Blocky to be weak, but with half our team as girls, we are bound to lose a whole bunch of times. So I think it's best to pump up everyone's non-wimpy level so we're nice and strong.
{End Confessional}

The jumpers reach the water, and Blocky swims down as TB is stuck floating.

TennisBall: I probably should've thought that through.
{End Confessional}

Blocky swims out of the sea incredibly quick with a key in hand.
"Sorry, TB." He says with a snarky tone, causing the floater to growl.
Blocky sprints all the way to the cabins without breaking a sweat, walks up to his teams' cabin and tries to put the key in the hole.
"Dang it. Too big." Blocky runs back to the cliff, unknowingly leaving a second key in the grass.

Blocky: Okay, maybe I should've checked if I had more than one key.
{End Confessional}

Blocky runs all the way back to and up the cliff. "No luck. Jump Pin!"
"FOR VICTORYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!" Pin yells as she plummets to the water.

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