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Renjun had spent the morning finishing his book in the cafe. Jeno and Jaemin were quite busy as people were coming in to buy their breakfast before school and work. His work started pretty early, so he was never caught in the traffic hour of the bakery.

"Renjun," Jeno called out, taking off his apron and gloves, "Wanna grab lunch?" Renjun replied with a bright smile and nod. Jaemin walked out of the kitchen shortly after.

"Where do you want to eat, Junnie?" Jaemin asked. Jeno scoffed at the nickname Jaemin gave the oldest boy. "Junnie? That's all you could come up with?" he asked. Jaemin glared at him, "What? Can you come up with a better one?"

"Yes! I've got the perfect one! Moomin!" Jeno yelled back, his voice getting louder.

"Moomin? That hippo? What is that even supposed to mean!"

"Well if you're ever observant you would see.........."

Renjun had gotten used to their bickering now. He's seen them fight like this multiple times. He's learned to just tune them out at some point because they won't listen even if he tries to stop them. Some best friends they are. He thought.

It's been a few minutes and they haven't stopped fighting, Renjun was getting hungry. So, he decided he's had enough of their nonsense.

"GUYS!!" he yelled loudly catching their attention. They stopped their bickering and turned to him in surprise. He was usually very soft spoken, they've never heard him be so loud before. "I like both of the names. Now can we go eat?"

Jeno and Jaemin were dumbfounded. They had forgotten that the thing that started their fight in the first place is getting food. "Oh yea, of course." Jeno replied rubbing his neck sheepishly. "So where do you wanna go?" Jaemin said.

Renjun thought for a moment about what he's craving. He usually pouts his lips unconsciously when he's in his head. So cute. The best friends thought.

"How about the Chinese restaurant near here. I've never been there," the oldest boy suggested. The pair nodded along and followed the small boy out of the bakery. They locked up the store securely before heading towards the restaurant. Renjun walked ahead of the pair skipping slightly when he thought of something, he gasped and turned his head around to face Jaemin. "What's wrong, Renjun?" Jaemin asked. "You said Moomin was a hippo! He's a troll!" he was really worked up about this, but the only thing Jaemin and Jeno saw was cuteness. They can't help but adore him even when he's angry. They laughed heartedly at his behavior.

"Alright, I'm sorry, Junnie. I'll keep that in mind from now on," Jaemin said patting the small boy's hair. Renjun turned around quickly after the younger boy took his hand away from his head. Even such a small gesture can make me flustered. Renjun thought.

They soon arrived at the restaurant. A server sat them down and took their order. Renjun found out that the waiter is Chinese so he ordered in his mother tongue, he missed speaking in Chinese to someone other than his brother. Jeno and Jaemin sat in amazement as they watch the boy speak in a foreign language, even though they know he's Chinese.

"So, Renjun. What do you do for a living?" Jeno asked, trying to make conversation while they're waiting for their food. Truthfully, he wanted to get to know the boy, they only had a few short conversations.

"I work in the Starbucks that's a few blocks from your shop," he answered. "I just graduated a few months ago so I'm still looking for more permanent job. I always wanted to be a barista since I was little, but I don't like working for big corporate companies. I might quit soon. Plus I think they're closing down that location soon anyways," he confessed.

The pair sitting across him observed his facial expressions and listened to him carefully. He seemed to be quite stressed about his job hunt. Suddenly Jaemin gasped, an idea hit him. He looked at Jeno who seemed to be thinking the same thing, he just has a less dramatic reaction than his best friend. Jeno nodded at him and they both turned to face Renjun, who seemed to be pretty confused at their expressions.

"What if you come work with us, Renjun?"

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