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Hey Readers.....
How r u all doing.
I hope you're having nice days.

So this is all about 'Someone'
Finally it's complete. It was literally fun for me to write it. I'm kinda sad that it ended, but I guess taking it more further would just ruin it.
Well, it's kinda confusing too. Right!!
I want to know, what you guys got, so do comment your theories. It will be fun to read your opinions.
So let me explain my theory.......

Well, so Taehyung or the boy next door was never some alive person. He's a ghost, and comes to her for some purpose. You can see at last he says, I saved her. He's here just to save her. From what?
From herself. You can see, she never behaved like some normal person. She's alone, depressed, anxious, and an extremely sensitive soul.
Her loneliness, depression makes her believe him really frequently, that is extremely abnormal.
Her soul has stopped to welcome any ray of hope.
She hates the people outside.

And at the end, she finally comes at a stage, where she is drowning but she wants it cause she finds peace in it. She has no one, whose thought gives her a reason to be alive. But the knock at last, indicates Taehyung, a slight reason for her to get up.

And about Taehyung's crime, the crime was suicide, he himself did it, but doesn't want the girl to do that. The story also carries a dream in the ending chapters, where Taehyung is running and taking her out of that depression's trap.
Finally, his last knock or his thought kinda saves her. That's it.


Guys!! Do comment, how did you like the story.
And feel free for any kind of suggestion, if you want me to continue with a second book of it......
Thank you.

Thank you

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