Safe place

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Charlie has slept over at nicks , Charlie and nick both cuddling each other tightly like at any moment one of them will disappear.

*Charlie slowly wakes up looks around and notices that nick is cuddling him, Charlie looks down, smiles
and kisses his head.. he cuddles him tightly back*

Charlie: hey Nick, good morning

Nick: mhmm?

Charlie i need to go home soon my mum will be annoyed with me.

Nick: no this is your house

*Charlie giggles while looking down on nick, nick looks up and smiles and kisses him*

Nick: good morning char

Charlie: morning Nicholas

Nick: you never call me Nicholas

*nick and Charlie both laugh*

*nick goes downstairs to make breakfast and sees his mum*

Sarah: morning baby, did you and Charlie sleep well?

*nick smiles warmly *

Nick: morning mum , yeah it was one the best nights ever.

Sarah: aww that's amazing!! *Sarah smiles at nick*

*Sarah starts making breakfast*

Sarah: what do you fancy for breakfast?

Nick: i will have some toast

Sarah: and Charlie..?

*shouts from the top of the stairs*

Charlie: i want some jam on toast!!

*processing what Charlie just said nick and Sarah warmly smile to each other knowing he has recovered from his eat disorder"

Sarah: ok darling!!

*About 15 mins later breakfast is ready*

Sarah: my boys!! breakfast is ready!!

Nick and Charlie: coming!!

*Charlie comes down and has a huge smile on his face*

Sarah: hello darling, good morning! your very smiley.

Charlie: good morning! yes i am very happy that i got to snuggle nick all night and not have to worry. He takes away my stress.

*Sarah comes over and kisses him on the cheek*

Sarah: you and nick are meant to be.

*Charlie's smiles*

*at the breakfast table*

*Charlie, nick and Sara both talk about happy memories*

Sarah: i love it when you stay over at ours Charlie.

*Charlie smiles and looks at nick*

Charlie: i find nicks house as my safe place.
This jam on toast is delicious!

Charlie: c-can i have another slice please?

Sarah: of course my darling!!

*after breakfast*

*Charlie gets changed and has to go home*

*at the front door*

Charlie: Sarah will you be able to drive me home?

*nick looks at Charlies and has a proud smile on his face knowing he wants to be safe*

Sarah: yeah of course, Nicky get my keys.

*Nick gets his mums keys and notices an letter that reads "best boyfriend" *

*nick kisses Charlie goodbye. Charlie goes in the car and goes home*
*nick goes inside and reads the note*

The note reads: dear the best boyfriend, i just wanted to say since becoming your boyfriend i have accomplished a-lot and i did that because you were by my side. thank you for changing my life. thank you for letting me sleep at yours tonight. It was one of the best sleeps i have had. Knowing i can hug my boyfriend and not worry about anything made me feel so safe.. your house is my safe place. Thank you nick. I love you.

Love from Charlie x

Nick: omg this is so cute *nick starts tearing up*

*Sarah drops of Charlie*

Sarah: bye sweetheart, call me if you need anything I'm here for you.

Charlie: yeah bye thank you.

*they both smile, Sarah waits until Charlie goes in to the house safely
Before closing the door, Charlies looks back at Sarah and gives her the nod of reassurance . Sarah waves goodbye before driving away*

*Sarah comes home and goes straight into the kitchen and sees nick with his head in his hands*

Sarah: Nick whats up baby?

Nick: nothing! just happy that i could help Charlie
*nick hands Sarah the note*
Nick: mum look what Charlie wrote

*Sarah reads the note and gives nick the biggest hug..*

Sarah: I'm so happy he has you baby.

*Nick smiles*

Nick: I'm going to go upstairs and text Charlie, i miss him already

*Sarah giggles *

*texting Charlie*

hey Charlie, i loved our cuddles last night, you make me so happy! I got your note btw ! Your the cutest

Charlie: ❤️❤️❤️
Im lucky i have you.

When ever your feeling down or just need an break come to mine. No matter the time. Just remember you never annoy me. I love your company.

Charlie: your my safe place ❤️


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