Forever home

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after Charlie and nick stop texting. Charlie goes downstairs and sees tori in the kitchen. he tells Tori about how happy he was staying at nicks..

Charlie: hey tori *Charlie smiles*

Tori: oh hey Charlie!!
Where were you last night?

*a warm smile appears on Charlie face*

Charlie: y-yeah i slept at nick's and it was one the best nights ever

*tori sips her drink and then looks at Charlie with a warm smile*

*tori and Charlies parents come into the kitchen*

Jane: Charlie?!  Where have you been? Nicks I assume?!

*Charlie looks up and takes a big gulp *

*before Charlies speak tori interrupts*

Tori:  well mum, they have been dating for 2 years now..

Charlie: ye-yeah i mean we are boyfriends and we can sleep at each others houses and now that I'm an adult i can make my own decisions.

Jane: Charlie!

*Charlie looks at his mum and walks away*

*Charlie mutters to himself*

Charlie: *i wish i lived at nicks! at-least when I'm at nicks my problems go away*

*tori hears what Charlie says and goes after him*

*knock knock*

Charlie: come in!!

*tori enters the room, sits on the bed and goes and holds Charlie hands*

Tori: are you okay Charlie?, you know you can tell me anything.

Charlie: yeah why?

*Tori deep breaths and collects her self*

Tori: well when you were walking up the stairs i kind of heard of you..

*Charlie looks down and starts panicking*

Charlie: oh

Tori: I wish mum wasn't so hard on you and let you go see nick. I know how much you love him.

*tori kisses Charlie on the head and smiles at him*

Tori: i love you Charlie..

Charlie: *smiles* looks up and says love you too and Yeah its fine. Im used to mum and her comments.

*tori gets up and walks to the door , turns around and smiles while her eyes start drowning with tears*

*about 20 mins later tori brings Charlie an sandwich upstairs*

Tori: here, i made you lunch.
Here you go pls eat, i know its hard to eat when ur parents say stuff to you but pls eat.

Charlie: hey hey tori, I'm fine but thanks a bunch your the best.!

*tori smiles and leaves the room*
*Charlie eats all his food and sends a picture to tori*

*texts between Charlie and tori*

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