02. Glorious Purpose [P2]

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Týr hummed an out-of-tune melody to himself as he flipped through another one of Mobius' jet-ski magazines. He was sitting back in his chair, legs crossed and feet up on Mobius' desk.

He genuinely hadn't felt like causing too much chaos today, which was why he was keeping his distance from Ravonna's office, but they seriously couldn't expect him to sit in that awful cell-like room all day every day. It wasn't like anything else interesting happened around here anyway, unless, of course, he was the one who caused it.

At least that was what he had thought before a raven-haired man in a TVA jumpsuit, matching his own, slipped into the room, looking incredibly suspicious.

The man glanced around, before quickly approaching Casey, a worker whom Týr often took great enjoyment in frightening. He whispered something as he got Casey's attention.

"Hey! I know you!" Casey exclaimed, causing the man to shush him as he pushed them both behind a desk. "You're that criminal with the blue box-"

Týr swivelled round in his chair, taking his feet off the desk and scooting closer, straining his ears to listen to the hushed conversation.

"What's your name?" The man whispered.


"Give me the Tesseract, or I'll gut you like a fish, Casey!"

Týr stifled a snort of laughter at the man's attempt at being threatening.

"What's a fish?" Casey asked, loudly, quickly being shushed, before he repeated in a hushed voice, "What's a fish?"

At this, Ty was unable to contain his amusement and let out a short laugh, drawing the attention of a few other workers, but most of them were aware of his antics at this point and, so, remained unbothered.

"How do you not know what a fish is?"

"I've lived my entire life behind a desk-"

"Well, what difference does it make?"

"I wanna know exactly what I'm being threatened with before I comply." Casey explained.

"Death, Casey! Violent, painful death!"

"Okay! Okay. I comply, I comply. I comply, jeez." The worker slowly stood up, opening a drawer in his cart and pulling out a glowing, blue box, handing it the the man.

The ravenette sighed as he took it and Týr grinned. He knew very well that things like that were useless here.

The man paused as he looked into the drawer. "What? Infinity stones? H-How... How do you have these?"

"Oh, we actually get a lot of those. Yeah. Some of the guys use them as paperweights. Some of em'."

The man slowly stood up, looking around like a lost child, and walked over to the centre of the room, staring at the screen that showed the Sacred Timeline. He was followed by Casey, who pushed his cart after him.

"Is this the greatest power in the universe?"

At that moment, the elevator dinged as it opened, B-15 rushing out with two other hunters in tow.

"And that's my cue." Týr muttered, setting the magazine back down on Mobius' desk. He made eye-contact with B-15, grinning at her and winking, before he disappeared in a flash of blue.

He hadn't really focused on where he wanted to warp to, and so now found himself in one of the TVA's many identical interrogation rooms. Odin, it had been a while since he was last in one of these.

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