07. Lamentis [P2]

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It wasn't long before the trio reached the station, immediately being greeted by the sounds of people shouting and crying as soon as is came into view.

"Well, this looks joyous." Týr muttered, as they walked along beside the long line of people trying to get on to the train.

"Come on."

"We can't fight our way onto that train." Loki stated.

"Who said anything about fighting?"

"All your plans involve fighting."

"Not this one." Sylvie denied, "I'm going to enchant a guard, have him lead us through the crowd, and if anyone gives us any trouble..."

"Make him start shooting? And then what, kill every guard and hijack the train?"

"Whether or not there's a fight is entirely up to them."

"Or..." Týr started, eyes glinting, "I could set part of it on fire and then they would have no choice but to abandon it, and if anything goes wrong we just burn their scalp-"

"Okay. No." Loki cut Týr off with a slightly concerned look, "We're doing this one my way."

He grabbed the shorter man's shoulders as he moved the other side of him, transforming his clothes to look like the guard's uniforms.

"How do I look?"

"Like someone with a shit plan." Sylvie deadpanned, looking entirely unimpressed.

"It's a great plan."


"Just follow my lead." He instructed, placing his hands on each of their shoulders and pushing them forwards.

"That doesn't sound like a great plan either." Týr taunted.

Loki led them up onto the platform, Týr glancing around at the people being denied entry with a look of disgust on his face. These were innocent people, and they were going to let them die.

"I still think you should let me burn a guard or two." He muttered under his breath.

They walked up behind another, clearly wealthy, couple, as a guard stopped them before they could get on the train.

"Whoa! Hey!"

"Taking these two to Shuroo." Loki stated, trying to sound official.

"Okay. And the tickets?"

"Order come from the top to get them on this train."

"Sir, this-" The guard began, alerting another guard.

Týr quickly reached forwards, grabbing the man's wrist. His eyes flashed blue for a moment, before glazing over.

"Everything okay?" The other guard asked as he stepped over.

"Yeah, everything's fine." The guard Týr had enchanted said, his voice sounding slightly off, eyes remaining unfocused, "Yeah, I just remembered that headquarters radioed in their request for them this morning."

"Okay." The other guard sighed, staring at the three suspiciously.


"What was that?" Sylvie murmured to Týr as Loki led them onto the train and into a fancy-looking carriage.

"Enchantment. Same as yours." Týr responded, looking at her innocently.

"Good evening, passengers. Hi." Loki greeted the passengers, moving them towards an empty table.

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