𝚂𝚕𝚎𝚎𝚙𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛 (short)

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𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 625


AUBREY came over for a sleepover, but both of them were too embarrassed to admit the crush between them. They would always gag at HERO and MARI kissing but didn't know how to feel about it after feeling the connection that they felt.


"Heyy Aubreyyy," KEL gave AUBREY a big grin at the doorway, as AUBREY rolled her eyes at him playfully before walking over to the door.

"Remember! Just cause you two are going to be home alone, doesn't mean you two can bully each other!" MARI yelled from the sidewalk with HERO by her side. "You two are old enough to behave yourselves!" She calls out.

"We knoww" they said as they waved goodbye before HERO and MARI doing the same.

KEL shuts the door behind them.

"We got the WHOLEEE house to ourselves!" KEL'S bright smile lighting up the room, AUBREY couldn't help but blush before responding. "Yeah! We do!" She said, her eyes lighting up, hugging MR.PLANTEGG tightly.

KEL jumps onto the couch, trying to ignore his feelings as his face turns red. "Let's play video games!" He giggles as he turns on the console and grabs a controller. "No, I'll just watch." AUBREY sits down next to him as she watches the console hum to life. "Alright! Im gonna defeat captain space boy!" His voice dies down as it becomes peaceful. The sound of the clicks of the controller was the only thing helping the silence.

AUBREY holds onto MR.PLANTEGG tightly as she begins to feel sleepy. KEL fails over and over again, not knowing why or how. He keeps on trying to concentrate on the game but ends up catching himself looking at AUBREY. His eyes dart back to the screen, blushing each time he does. As he looks at the screen, he starts to question his thoughts on AUBREY, realizing his own actions. His face turns bright red as he squeezes the control in his hands.

Lost into his thoughts, he feels a touch on his shoulder.

AUBREYS head rests on his body as she completely falls asleep. He flinched, waking up AUBREY off his shoulder.

"Sorry!" KEL said quickly. AUBREYS face turns red before brushing it off and resting her head onto the arm rests of the couch and falling asleep.

KEL, missing his only chance, he continues to game, trying to get his mind off of the situation.

After working on the game for a while, he turns over to sleeping AUBREY next to him, slightly blushing again before noticing an empty spot right behind her. An idea pops into his head. He becomes bashful as he begins to lay down right behind her on the couch and wrapping his arms around AUBREY, cuddling her close before drifting into a deep sleep.

AUBREY wakes up, looking behind her to see KEL'S sleeping face. She smiles before turning back over to back to the front, falling asleep. The warm embrace of their warmth. KEL pulls her in as AUBREY turns around to him, her face to his chest as she lets go of MR.PLANTEGG and starts to hug him closer.

After a couple of hours, the door opens softly as MARI'S head peeks through before walking in and seeing them cuddling. "Awhh~" MARI cooed, looks down on them. She grabs the camera off a stand and taking a quick picture of them together.

KEL and AUBREY wake up to the sound of MARI. They quickly shuffle off of each other as they blush hardly.

"Why did you stop? You guys were so cute~" MARI teased.

"Ew! We weren't doing anything!" AUBREY says as she grabs MR.PLANTEGG again."Yeah!" KEL backs her up.

"Yeah, sure, you weren't." MARI rolls her eyes playfully as she smirks.

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