Silent treatment.

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•chapter seven•

Mitch's pov:

Watching his figure escape the building, I suddenly broke as I began to sob.

"What the fuck have I done." I muttered slightly panicking. Immediately regretting my recent actions. I began pacing back and forth against the tiled corridor floor, roughly tugging on my dark thin hair. I officially lost him. he utterly hated me, I could see it In The way his eyes suddenly shadowed causing an emotional to Appear that I've never experienced Before. I couldn't breathe, My vision fading. Attempting to inhale I slid my figure against the Sheetrock, resting my frame against the tile. pulling my knees toward my chest, I wrapped my forearms around my legs as I began rocking back and forth. Blindly grasping my phone I attempted to text Kirstie, miserably hoping she'd come.

To: Kit Kat :)
Kit I need u pls come.

2 minutes later I heard her hushed voice summoning my name as she sprinted throughout the corridor searching for my figure.

"Over h-here" I roughly choked out, struggling to muffle my sobs through the otherwise silent hallway. Her figure appearing around the nearest corner as a horrified expression Flashed against her features.

"Mitch...Babe what's wrong?" She questioned panic practically engulfing her entire being. She immediately rushed toward my figure kneeling down to my Level, attempting to comfort me she wrapped her arms around my frame. I couldn't reply, my mouth refused to form proper words. Our bodies connecting, as we rested against the tile. She embraced my figure while I sobbed Into the crook of her neck. After what seemed like a century I finally mustered up enough self control to calm my emotions to be able to tell her the reason I was so torn. Immediately after we fell into tense silence. I noticed She was processing the entire situation, attempting to grasp the information until she finally spoke.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but What the fuck is wrong with you!" She sternly whispered, shaking her head in disapproval.

"Everything..." I muttered, slamming my head against the Sheetrock in defeat. This is all my fault. I ruined us, the one stable thing I could relay on. I replanted my head on her shoulder as tears began cascading down my blotchy discolored cheeks.

"K-kit I'm terrified...I lost him and that's exactly what I feared the most. he's different...I've never experienced This amount of overwhelming emotions before..."

" entire life I've built this massive stone wall, then he suddenly comes along and everything comes crumbling down. that fucking terrifies me." I sobbed, causing my throat to close resulting in gasps instead of steady breathing.

"Babe, building boundaries doesn't keep others out, they box and fence you need to tell him before it's too late."

Unfortunately I knew she was right, she undeniably always is whether I'd prefer to admit that or not. I couldn't comprehend how to tell him how I felt, I wasn't provided with the courage. My mind was exploding with a million conflicting emotions. I couldn't process properly. I'd be surprised if he forgave me, I didn't deserve forgiveness.

He hates me.

I hate me.

Scott's pov:

The roles suddenly reversed, I was now the one who chose to avoid contact. Even glancing at him for a mare 5 seconds tore me apart. I don't understand...did I mean nothing to him? Was I just a pawn in this game he refers to as life? My heart couldn't take this pain. It's been 3 days since our last Encounter and I continued to relentlessly replay the most recent events in my mind, as it painfully increased my heartbreak. This was exactly what I attempted to avoid, this is exactly why I don't get remotely attached. I knew better, and yet I still got so undeniably attached. I felt like I couldn't breathe, we spent multiple weeks practically inseparable, and now it's as if we're nothing more than mere strangers again.

Now I was forced to endure a painfully long amount of time with him while we spent hours on a pointless assignment. I doubt I could handle this.

how could I possibly endure this amount of torture when I could barely control my emotions for a mare five minutes? This was all too troublesome and painful, how could he do this too me? I craved answers, no I deserved them.

the hum of the doorbell ringing brought me to my feet As I timidly made my way down the stairwell to greet him at the porch. I attempted to mentally prepare myself for what was about to occur. I Grasped my fingers around the handle and tugged it forward causing the door to unlock revealing his delicate figure to appear.

Shit, why does he have to be so beautiful?

This is causing everything to feel painfully worse. Glancing at his features, attempting to avoid eye contact I could see how distressed he appeared. I immediately ignored this and instantly returned to my original mindset...I felt betrayed, used. I couldn't understand nor did I want to give him a chance to allow me to understand. Ignoring his presence completely As we trailed up the staircase I could practically feel the tension radiate between our frames.

Luckily he didn't attempt to make conversation. Though I could notice he wanted to. At one moment he was that beautiful intriguing brunette boy who I admired now...he's was practically a stranger.

One moment we're strangers, the next I'm constantly thinking about him. Now were exactly back where we originally started. How utterly destructive? I wish I didn't feel this way, this horribly broken way.

"Scott..." He Suddenly meekly whispered. ignoring him I continued down the narrow hallway, towards my room abandoning his figure.

"Scott please, just listen to me!" He begged, yet I continued to ignore him causing a muffled sob to escape his lips.

"Scott!" He cried, rushing toward my figure grasping my wrist to prevent my frame from moving forward. Attempting to release his hold, I twisted my wrist Resulting in him marly tightening his solid grip.

"I have nothing to fucking say to you." I harshly snapped. Instantly forcefully twisting my neck, glaring directly at his features, locking eye contact. He immediately noticed how defensive I got and released my wrist as he timidly began backing away, Causing a shocked expression to invaded his skin. I glared as tiny droplets began slipping down his skin as he gazed at my pupils. I could see the obvious pain in his eyes, I could practically feel it radiating off his figure.

I wanted an explanation, but I was terrified...that possibly the answer would be exactly what I feared most. that being I was marly just a new challenge, something to enjoy, something to occupy his time. so i kept quiet and decided not to question his actions. I deserved answers, but I sure as hell wasn't stable enough to hear them.

Conversation about anything besides the assignment was avoided at all costs, including eye contact. We had a mutual understanding that it was far to recent and painful to mention. So we stiffly and uncomfortably sat on the Same mattress that we've done countless times before and acted like complete strangers.

maybe...possibly that was the most painful thing, the fact that we've gotten to this point. This point where once this person who made me experience and believe like love could possibly exist transformed into this person who I couldn't seem to face.

And that's the most tragic and utterly painful part.

A/n: *cries for a year* I love you all and hope you can somewhat tolerate this mess of a fanfic... Later my loves - Laura :'(

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