Chapter 3 - Esqueleto

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Left, right, right, block, left, high block, low block. Y/N repeated each move meticulously, swiftly navigating the dimly lit room. His fluid motions were interrupted by the sudden ring of his phone, followed by a knock at his door. He leaped across his house, reaching the front door with agility.

"Hi, I'm Carmen from across the hall," she introduced herself, holding out a paper bag from Five Guys.

"Cheers," Y/N panted, catching his breath, "Tell Miguel I said hello."

Carmen smiled and turned back toward her house. Y/N took the food and settled onto his couch, casually turning on the TV.

The following afternoon, Y/N and Miguel were in the dojo, practicing their moves on a punching bag.

"Hey, you guys don't happen to have any friends who want to learn karate, do you? Oh, what am I saying? You two don't have any friends," Johnny shouted over to them before returning to his office, but Miguel's interest was piqued.

"Hey, Sensei, when are we going to learn some kicking? I was watching this YouTube video of a guy breaking boards, and it looked badass," Miguel asked, with Y/N backing him up.

"Yeah, no kidding. Kicking is badass, but you guys aren't ready yet. Plus, I need more students in here. If I don't, I won't be able to teach you much," Sensei replied, focused on some paperwork.

"Have you thought about advertising?" Miguel inquired.

"Yeah, of course," Sensei responded, causing Y/N to chuckle. They decided to call it a day shortly after.

"Cyberbullying is a serious issue. Sending hurtful messages online can be just as damaging as saying it to someone's face. The other day, a mother called me about her son, who was in tears because of online bullies making fun of his facial deformity," Y/N giving Eli a supportive look.

"If you're tired of being bullied, our karate dojo is looking for recruits," Miguel whispered to the table.

"Yeah, right, Eli? A bit of karate training, and you'll kick some serious ass," Demetri joked.

"I'm serious, Demetri, alright? Our sensei's the real deal, and we can probably get you both discounts," Miguel added, with Y/N nodding in agreement.

"As tempting as that sounds, I think we'd rather spend our afternoons playing Crucible Control than getting hit in the face," Demetri retorted.

"Okay, suit yourself. But you might stay a virgin forever," Y/N teased, noticing a spark of interest in Eli's eyes for a brief moment.

"Oh, and one more thing: while we're all excited about the Halloween dance, let's make sure our costumes are culturally sensitive. Instead of 'sexy nurse,' how about 'gender-neutral hospital employee'?" The school teacher suggested.

"My costume is amazing, by the way. Can't wait for you all to see it. Miguel, you still hitting up the dojo at 5?" Y/N asked, receiving a nod from Miguel.

Y/N and Miguel waited outside the dojo as Sensei Lawrence's car pulled up, and he stepped out looking somewhat grumpy.

"Sensei, you said to be here at 5," Y/N pointed out.

"Yeah, but training's canceled for today," Sensei replied, opening the dojo.

Miguel questioned, "Why is it canceled?" As Sensei walked into the dojo, Y/N caught the door and whispered something to Miguel, who pulled out his laptop.

"Sensei, wait, there's something we want to show you," Miguel said, entering the office. Y/N wore a smug expression as he watched Miguel set up the computer. "I think you'll like it. It's a Cobra Kai webpage that I made in study hall. Click on the snake. This is the sign-in page. We were thinking about creating an app to track your progress, starting a social media campaign, and spreading the word throughout the school. The possibilities are endless."

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