Chapter 6 - Quiver

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"Welcome to Y/N's Voicemail. Leave a message..." The phone rang out.

"Hey, Y/N, it's Samantha. I know you likely hate me, but I wanted to say thanks. You didn't have to do what you did yet you still chose to. I made a huge mistake, I am sorry. Please call me back?" Sam said into the phone before putting it back down.

"Quiet!" Sensei shouted. "Face front."

Sensei then proceeded to move around the dojo making fun of different kids, pointing out their insecurities.

"When I look around this dojo, I don't see Cobra Kai material. I see losers. I see nerds. I see a fat kid with a funny hat with his tits popping out. But in my short time as a sensei, I've also seen some miracles. So maybe there's some hope for you yet. First, I need to see where you're at. So everybody, fall in!" Everybody looked at each other to see if anyone understood.

"That means line up," as such, everybody lined up behind Y/N and Miguel, "No, not--not line up in a line."

"You mean, like, rows?" Demetri asked before Sensei rolled his eyes and nodded.

"Fighting positions! Jab punch! Nope, wait till I say go," Sensei said. They did multiple punches again before Sensei went around giving advice that had mixed levels of usefulness.

"Hey, Lip. Yeah, you. The one with the freaky lip. Who do you think I'm talking to?" He said, pointing at Eli, who seemed extremely uncomfortable.

"Excuse me, Mr. Lawrence," Demetri asked.

"Sensei Lawrence," Aisha corrected him.

"Okay. You really shouldn't make fun of someone's physical appearance," he told Sensei, who gave a small laugh.

"Oh, is that so? So I'm not supposed to mention his lip at all? Yeah, maybe that's what they teach you in school, but in the real world, you can't expect people to do what they're supposed to do, right? You hear that, Lip? If you can't handle someone making fun of you, how are you gonna handle an elbow to the teeth?" Sensei asked. Eli stayed completely quiet.

"By calling the police?" Demetri added his opinion. "You do realize the Nazis lost the war, right? Why should I be scared of him? Because he's got a snake on his wall? It's not like he's a teacher who can give us a bad grade. We're paying him. He works for us. It's not like he can actually hurt us."

Sensei walked over to him and had Demetri attempt to punch him. The first two punches he parried, but the third he flipped Demetri, planting him on the mat.

Y/N and Miguel walked out of the dojo side by side.

"But when you hit him with the tray. Man, I'm so glad it got caught on video. We haven't celebrated yet. Wanna go grab something to eat?" Y/N asked, his phone was in his pocket, completely out of charge.

"Sure, did you have any place in mind?" Miguel replied.

"There's this Sushi place. I've heard it is to die for, Kitada Sushi," Y/N replied. Miguel nodded, and they headed off to the sushi restaurant. Once inside, they sat down at a table and began chatting. Eventually, a server came over. She was around average height with brunette hair and dye-blond ends.

"Hi, I'm Tory. What can I get you two started off with?" She asked. She and Y/N maintained eye contact for a moment before Miguel started his order.

"Yeah, can I get Chicken Gyoza, please, and a water?" He asked, and she scribbled it down in her book.

"And you?" Tory asked, looking at Y/N.

"I'll take the Chicken Gyoza as well, please, and also a water," he responded with a small smile on his face.

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