Paparazzi swarm them trying to leave dinner ✅

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"Taylor look this way!" The paparazzi shout.

I hold onto Travis's hand as we try to make our way to the car.

More paparazzi show up on the other side of the street to try to get better pictures.

"Hey guys I know you are just taking your pictures but can you give us some space please?" I ask them.

"Sorry Taylor." One paparazzi said and some of them step back and give us space but some other don't and continue to take their pictures.

Travis leads the way and stand in front of me to block as he opens up the side door and I quickly get in and Travis closes the door.

"Hey guys you are too close." Travis said raising his voice a little.

"Sorry Travis. They are new. Guys step back don't get up in their face." One paparazzi man said.

The other paparazzi step back and Travis walks around to the drivers side and gets in. Travis quickly turns on the car and drives down the road.

"That was crazy. Normally they don't get too close to me." I said.

"They were a little pushy with me as well." Travis said.

"I'm sorry that happened." I said

"No don't be sorry. I know that comes with this with my work." Travis said.

"I know. Now we know how to handle that situation again if it happens." I said.


Author's Note

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