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Janiya pov
*when I woke up I was no longer in the girls room but in the hallway with a horrible ass headache I walked in the kitchen and seen Tay sleep on the floor
Niya:why are you sleep in the kitchen!
*helps her down
Niya:we must of had a nice ass sleepover
Tay:where dream
*we check the rooms
Lillady:what y'all looking for
*we look at her funny
Niya:umm baby
Niya:where your eyebrows
Lillady:Sfpwm they on my face
Niya:no they not luv
*she runs to the bathroom
*we laugh at her
Lillady:mamas u do this?
Niya:no papi
Lillady:mhm ok
Niya:where dream?
Tay:ion remember shit
*we all look around
Tay:I can't find dream or nova or jay
Niya:same the cars are still here
Lillady:dis shii getting weird
*they walk in
Tay:where was y'all
Nova:the car
Dream:the roof
*we all laugh
Niya:lillady can I talk to you in the room
Lillady:ofc princess
*we walk in the room
Lillady:what's up
Niya;ok I feel myself getting depressed again and I feel like I'm about to die
Lillady:wow wassup
*I look at her
Niya:idk but I need you to be here
Lillady:baby I'm right here
Niya:no your not your busy with a war and everything I feel alone mamas I can't lose you again pls don't do it
Lillady:mamas I'm have to go and for all we know the war thing can be in another state
Niya:but I'm need you what if you meet another girl while your gone and forget about me and date her and block me and never see me again then u tell me I can't call you lillady anymore
Lillady:wow that's a lot but I have to I'll be back and we can get a house in ATL and you can go to spelmen just let me get this done first I'm not leaving you tho janiya i promised you that we was a forever thing I did not get with you to hurt you or leave you I'm doing this to make us stronger ml and wtv happens you my first love
Niya;what if you don't make it back
Lillady:you will live my legacy forever and Ik you not gone let anyone forget about me
*i hug her and she hug back her phone starts ringing
Lillady:I be back ma I gotta take this real fast
Niya:ok stink
*she walk out the room and I sit and wait 10 mins later she walk in the room
Niya:yes baby?
Lillady:umm it's time
Lillady:yes mama I promise to be back as soon as I can
Niya:I love you
Lillady:I love you more
*she hugs me and kisses me
Lillady:be good princess
Niya:always ml
*she walk downstairs and leaves with the other girls and me and dream and Tay look at each other
Dream:what now
Tay:watch movies
Niya:I'm down
*we walk in the movie theater room and watch movies
*hours later
Dream:ok then trolls
Niya:I like it
Tay:it's ok
*I hear my phone ring I grab it and walk away
Someone:is this janiya Johnson?
Niya:yes how may I help you
Someone: hi I am a doctor in ATL and I have a patient here and your name was there emergency contact
Niya:who was it?
Someone:the only name I see is lillady
Niya:is she ok!
Someone:I'm so sorry to tell you this but she is dead
Someone:she was shot like 4 times I'm so sorry
*I hung up and screamed and dream and Tay ran to me
Dream:why's wrong
Niya:she's dead
Tay:who's dead
*I broke down and went to the room and called the door and cried so hard pls don't let it be real let it be a dream

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