It was hot. Matilda was sweating as was Lando as they walked through Qatar. This race would be miserable. Lando kept thinking in his head as he was just sweating from walking. They were doing a lot of window shopping making sure to stay away from any baby things as they were on everyone's radar already.Lando and Matilda had talked to the McLaren media team about it although they wanted to keep it private they knew they would most likely get more privacy if they confirm it at least that's what they were hoping of course it wasn't guaranteed nothing was.
Matilda pov
Shopping all day outside in the heat wasn't on my plan a week ago. Me and Lando walk down the street, hands intertwined like usual. We were always touching each other if we were in close range. Night time was now arriving, the sun going down below the horizon, the buildings of Qatar looking beautiful.
We had already ran into numerous fans throughout the day we arrived in Qatar last night after spending the last week in Suzuka. Tomorrow wasThursday Meaning media day for Lando, also where the world would find out our secret , but today we were shopping and taking in the view.
"Want food?" Lando asks, looking down at me I nod my head smiling excitedly cause let's be real I always want food.
Walking into a restaurant not many people in it made me feel better. Sitting next to each other in the booth laughing at the stupidest things. Both of us eating chicken tenders like little kids truth be told we were both picky eaters eating a lot of the same thing.
Eating slowly, talking about different things quietly as well as doing a happy dance every time I take a bite of food, Lando laughing at me. Getting a couple looks from the very few people in the restaurant recognizing Lando but he ignores them happily eating next to me.
"Baby shark is stuck in my head" Lando says out of the blue, making me chuckle because that may have been my fault.
"Sorry" I laugh leaning into him as I hear him hum the song I start singing the lyrics quietly. We sway together singing the toddler song quietly, a waitress giving us a weird look as she passes by which makes Lando and I laugh nearly out of breath.
"I can't breathe" I struggled to get out as I laughed. Lando also struggled next to me as we laughed louder and got more looks.
Trying to gain our composure was more difficult as our laughter got louder. Tears filling my eyes as I laugh landos as well.
"I can't" he says though his laughs I lean my head onto his shoulder trying to breathe and control her laughter.
Minutes later we stopped laughing but we were too afraid to look at each other as we both knew that we would start laughing again. Finishing our food quickly, Lando throws cash on the table enough to cover both the food and give the waiter a good tip. Hurrying out of the restaurant and back to the hotel acting like teenagers who just snuck out.
Entering the hotel room giggling and giddy surely everyone one on the same floor could hear us.
Waking up to the sun shining into the room,landos hands on my bare stomach, his shirt that I was wearing moved up only underwear covering my bottom half. Clothes cover the floor from the previous night truth be told, since getting pregnant my sex drive was high I thought it was weird but apparently it was normal at least that's what doctor google says.
Alarm going off Lando groaning next to me and moving to shut it off. I close my eyes pulling the blankets closer to me, his arms unwrapping around my waist hearing him yawn because sitting up. I could hear him as he moved around the room trying to stay quiet every time he made a loud noise I could hear him cuss right after.