Chapter 1 - So, I'm just working at Aldi and it's kind of okay

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You give out a long sigh as you breathe in the fresh air outside Aldi's doors. Stacking boxes and restocking shelves all day was definitely killing your legs. Luckily, spring is almost over and the days are longer, so you can, at least, enjoy the sunset while walking home. It is a nice temperature out: just warm enough to be comfortable without a jacket; and the sky is a beautiful bright orange that makes the clouds pink toned. You walk down sidewalks, wait for traffic lights to turn green, cross streets. Though you are tired, it is always enjoyable to return home when the city is bathed in the fading sunlight, every day is a different painting-like cityscape.

You live on the 3rd floor of your building, but, even if it isn't that big of a staircase, since you were hired to be on your legs all day you find yourself using the elevator more often than not. As you open the door to come in, you notice that it has become routine to smile and be grateful for the life you have, something that didn't use to happen. You decide to explore more of that realization while you prepare a quick dinner. It was true. Since you moved from the U.S. to Australia a few months ago, you hadn't been struggling with money, hadn't felt threatened or scared for your life, your identity and sexuality were respected without any problems and controversies... Everything was decent and that felt odd. You don't really have anything to complain about or to hate. Not being dependent on a car to go places and be able to go on night walks safely is pretty great and you recognise that your mental health is the best it has been in years, which is also pretty great since you had really struggled with it in the past.

This contemplation takes quite a bit of your time and attention, but your night routine is pretty consistent, so you just kinda go about your evening on autopilot. Finish dinner, shower, brush your teeth and you are about ready for bed. You sit on your bed with your laptop next to you. You always liked watching something as you were laying in bed, since it helped you forget about real life and put you to sleep easily, and you had brought this habit with you, but tonight you decide to shut it off instead.
-I haven't even been stressed lately, maybe it's time to try and sleep without any background noise. I might even rest better. Yeah, I think I'll do that.
It takes you a while to fall asleep, since your brain isn't used to the silence, but you eventually do. There was a certain peace about knowing, overall, how your next day would go.

The next day you wake up like normal. Early enough to have a good breakfast and enjoy your morning, go through your routine of preparing to go to work and then leave. You feel rested and recharged, only your legs still hurt a bit.
"Damn it, I forgot to stretch yesterday. It would have solved the problem. Got distracted..." You think to yourself as you walk. "Now I'm gonna have to stand all day in pain. Hm. Maybe I can get away with sitting in the locker room from time to time. I doubt it though, they always make me busy."
There was always something to do and, even if you were an exemplary employee, that didn't mean they would let you sit outside of your breaks. You get to Aldi at 9:55, 5 minutes before your shift starts, to have time to change into your work clothes. The uniform is of a washed grayish blue with the Aldi logo embroidered on the top left side and you don't really like it. You look at it with a slight disgust before you put it on, embracing a brand new day with that outfit.

- Lidl did it so much better. -You say between teeth. It was kinda ugly, but in all reality, you were just more of a Lidl guy, so you were biased.

You put your regular clothes in your locker, drink some water just to prevent having to do that during your shift and leave the locker room. You greet your colleagues as you find them and are given your daily duties. It was more shelf restocking, a job that you could do mindlessly, so you use that time to fantasize about fun stuff you can do in your free time.
"Hm... I feel like going out this weekend. What are places I haven't been to? None come to mind right now, I should do some research on places I can visit that I haven't seen. Or maybe, since it's been warmer, I can go to the beach? Probably not warm enough to go swimming, though... I don't know, I'll check the weather later."

Maybe it was just a coincidence, we'll never know. -  Sniper x readerWhere stories live. Discover now