Chapter 2 - What is up with you and this jam, dude

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Author's note:

I apologize for having changed the verb's tense, I just can't keep doing it in the present, I don't even know why I did this to myself in the first place.
So, a little inconsistency regarding that. I'm sorry. (Too tired to change the entirety of the last chapter:/)


It was Monday and you woke up to have your breakfast and do whatever else you felt like doing before you had to go. With the feelings and thoughts of the previous days still being quite fresh in your mind, you decided to finally do something about it.
-How do people even make friends when they're adults? Internet? There are apps to plan meetings and stuff, so... I guess I'll try one of those.
You picked one from the app store and checked it out. There were many different meetings being planned and some were recurring. A lot to choose from. You ended up picking a painting and wine meeting that happened every Saturday afternoon, because, even though you didn't drink wine, you liked painting and thought it might be fun to have painting friends. After doing that, you felt very satisfied and noticed it was about time to start getting ready for work.
You got to Aldi, changed and were given your tasks for the day. You had been feeling better at work since you had started taking better care of your legs when you got home every day, so they barely hurt anymore. Anyway, more of the same routine,blah blah blah, pushing boxes around the store, you know how it is. That was until one of the times you got back up from the lower shelves and straightened your back, you saw him passing beside you. The corner of your eye catched him and you quickly looked to confirm. You recognized the hat, but that was about it. The clothes were cleaner and ironed, the hair looked washed and cared for, even the boots he was wearing were polished. Completely different appearance. If you hadn't noticed the hat you probably wouldn't have noticed him at all.
"Isn't that the jam man? Huh. He really was just having a rough week." As you thought this, you watched him push his cart into the jam aisle.

"I wonder if he's looking for that jam again. I never checked if we had received it, but it might have been restocked by someone else."

You let curiosity get the best of you and made your way to the jam aisle to see if he was looking for the same thing as last time or not. You took an empty box with you and pretended to be checking for the expiration date of the jams on the shelf, because you didn't wanna look like you were spying on the customers, but you kinda did a bad job at that. The jam man, while checking the shelves, looking for the same jam, noticed you staring and looked up to make that known.
-G'day, mate.
He showed an unbothered expression, but that changed when he realized you were the person he had talked to a week before.

-Hey, have ye seen-
-Bonne Maman? -You finished his sentence.

You weren't really sure how you remembered the name of the brand, you just did. Brains do that sometimes, right? He stayed silent for a moment, also a little stunned that you had remembered.
-Hum, yeah. Weren't ye the bloke that told me ye'd have it in a couple days? Do ye have it now?

You walked to the place where you had seen the price tag the previous week, but, to your surprise, you couldn't find it. You looked around, trying to find it. Maybe it got changed, the store made renovations all the time. You spent some time searching for the tag you had seen and then for the product itself, in case your eyes were misleading you, but nothing.
-Huh. Hey, will you wait for a minute? I don't see it anywhere, but I can try to find out what is going on.
-Oh, no, ye don't have to do that.
-I don't mind. -You responded, quickly. There was no obligation for the employees to help customers like that, but it sounded like a break from stacking products. Something different to do.
-You go ahead, if you have more things to get. I'll find out when the next restocks are coming.

The jam man noded, forming a small smile in an, overall, confused expression, and you left at a fast pace. Headed to find the co-worker in charge of ordering the restocks for the store, you tried to figure out what to ask.
"'Oh, hello, Jesse! Do you know what happened to this random brand of jam that we apparently used to sell?' No, lol, that's dumb and he is probably gonna think I'm weird for even asking." You thought to yourself while entering the back of the store, where you would mostly likely find who you were looking for. And there he was. Jesse and his tablet of grocery knowledge, checking off the products that came out of the truck. You approached him cautiously with a half-smile, just trying to be friendly enough.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2023 ⏰

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