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"Okay, I'm just going to get a head MRI to make sure that everything is in place. I'm going to need you to clear your thoughts and just stay still." I instruct him.

"I don't think I can clear my thoughts when you're standing right there." Great, he's still a flirt. How nice. I roll my eyes to his smirk.

"Try to blank out - it's easier that way. Shouldn't be too hard for you." It's my time to smirk as I walk back into the control room where the scans should be pulled up. I page for a consult immediately just as the results appear on the screen. Fortunately, Chandler comes a few minutes after I page and I show her the results.

"Page Stephens and prep him for surgery."

"I can't."

"Why the hell not?" Her arms cross her chest and I know it's coming."

"I got you your scans, please don't make me prep him."

"Prep him or you'll do rounds the entire week."

"I pick the latter."

She glares at me in disbelief. "Dr. Henson, I don't care if that patient has some sort of rare skin disease or some massive wart on his face. You are assigned to him until he is discharged. End of discussion."

"Dr. Chandler."

"Henson, I said end of discussion. Go prep him for surgery and I will see you scrubbing in for Stephens on this."

With that, she walks out and I let out a frustrated sigh. Taking him to a patient room, I prep him for surgery and page Stephens.

"I'm sorry, but you have some internal bleeding and will have to undergo surgery to evacuate it."

He nods his head, but I don't he heard any of it. I start to back track out when he reaches for my wrist. His hand brings warmth to my cold hand and the sparks are undeniable, which is why I withdraw from his touch.

A look of hurt flashes across his face. "I'm sorry if I've upset you in any way."

"Mr. Matthews, you haven't upset me in any way..." I send an apologetic look to his direction.

"Arielle, I'd prefer if you weren't so formal. And I heard what you said back there. I don't what I've done to make you dislike me - maybe it was something from high school, but I'm apologizing."

I bite the inside of my cheek. He heard what I said to Chandler in the control room. I let out an inward groan just as Stephens walks in. For an attending, he was young and unnaturally childish, especially right now with the playful smile he sends my way.



"So, what do we have?" He asks while stepping beside me.

"Jonathan Matthews, age 28. He was in the accident. I did a MRI scan and it showed some intracranial hemorrhage." I hand him the scans and he holds them up to have a better look.

"What do you suggest, Dr. Henson?"

"Either endoscopic evacuation or stereotactic aspiration."

"Endoscopic evacuation is unlikely, so stereotactic aspiration it is. O.R. 1 and 2 are in use right now, and 3, 4 are unavailable, so prep him and I'll get him on the board."

He's about to hand back the scan before pulling them back. "Do you see that brain activity right there?" He points to a spot and I nod my head.

"Do you know what this is?" I shake my head.

"That is his frontal lobe."

"Oh..." He winks at me as I get what he's implying. The frontal lobe goes hand in hand with emotions.

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