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Four years later...

            "Charge to 300!" I rub the paddles against each other before applying then to the women's chest. Her body jerks in an upward motion, but otherwise remains still. I dare to raise the charges one more time.

            "Heartbeat is stabilizing."

            I check the monitor and let out a sigh of relief. "Dr. Parson, can you finish this up for me?" My intern nods eagerly as I move out of the way and occasionally instruct her on what to do.

            "Good, make sure not to damage the fallopian tu- "

            "Doctor, we have a patient whose contractions ten minutes apart and her water just broke."

            "Parson, can you close it off?"

            "Yes, ma'am."

            "Dr. Merritt, go assist her and back her up if help is needed."

            Stepping out of the room, I remove my gown and gloves and follow to wash my hands. Pulling off my mask, I find out what's happening.

            "How long has she been here?" I scan over the charts.

            "Not long, she came about an hour ago, the midwife checked and she was only at 3 centimeters."

            "But her water already broke?"

            "I believe so." Taking me into the room, I wince slightly at the agonizing screams. The man beside her desperately tries to soothe her with gentle word. The seconds pass by and she quiets down.

            Beads of sweat line her forehead and worn out expression remains on her face.

            "How are you feeling?"

            "Ready." She makes out breathlessly. I smile lightly and she returns it.

            "I would think so if your water broke."

            "Yeah... about that. It was just urine." She flushes a bright red.

            "No worries. I'm going to do a double check, okay?" She nods and lies back down. I pull the cloth over her legs to examine her opening.

            "You've been having contractions every ten minutes?" She nods in response.

            "How long are they lasting?"

            "Twenty seconds give or take."

            "Okay, you've reached five centimeters. Once at ten, you'll be ready to go." I stand up, prepared to leave the room, but she holds me back.

            "Doctor, it's my first baby." I meet her frightened expression. Offering her a small smile, I reassure her as best as I can.

            "Don't worry. It's okay. It may seem nerve-racking right now, but you'll forget all about it once the baby's out and in your arms. Can I ask what gender?"

            She turns to her husband who's standing beside her and squeezes his hand. "We wanted it to be a surprise."

            "Of course." I can't help but feel the contagious mood that surfaces around the room. Looking at her husband, he's in tears and gazes down at his wife in adoration. Wait, lingering on her husband I feel like I've seen him somewhere before.

            "I'm sorry ma'am; I didn't get your name."

            "Rachel. Rachel Matthews." Holy shit. I rake my hand through my hair and offer and strained expression. No wonder her husband looked so familiar, he was Jared Matthews, Jonathan's older brother. God, come haunt me now why don't you.

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