Telling her

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Richie finally arrived to new york, one week passed since his discussion with his dad about freen and becky, he study their habits where they go and such and just like that three weeks passed.

The better option for him was to became friend with becky to try to get close to them, as he saw freen was very a close off person becky was more a social butterfly, he can't wait to finally get close to his sister and learned to know her. He really pitied his father, the man did everything in his power to protect them and in return all he get was hate, but ultimately it doesn't matter anymore the only thing that mattered is the safety of the two girls.

So he keep a close eye on them from afar for now.

The week was a busy week for freen and becky finally they found who was behind the attack Heidi brother the man hold a grudge against freen, but what freen doesn't know that was the young man has a grudge also against becky, the younger girl was having a hard time she didn't know how to tell the truth about herself to freen, she never tell her story even Charlotte didn't know what went down during that time.

They carefully prepared their next step to catch him with the help of engfa and Heidi, it was complicated to find evidence on him since the man was extremely careful not to let any trace of his involvement in his shady business.

Charlotte and Engfa began to worked together, when Charlotte found out what was it all about she feel guilty cause she knows who they were searching and who they were against but pretend otherwise, in order to protect her cousin she will do anything even if it would ruin her reputation or the thing going between her and engfa, cause they have definitely something going on between them. Charlotte decided to not tell becky about it cause she can handle it, plus she didn't want to worry the younger girl.

Engfa for her part was becoming paranoid she felt like someone was following her cousin and her fiancee but keep her suspicion to herself. She felt a connection with Charlotte the weeks passed together were refreshing for her she feel for once someone really gets her but something was holding her coworker back.

When Heidi found out it was her brother she was devastated, she really hoped that her brother would left this live behind himself, but apparently no he was too stubborn and too full of himself to saw what their father was doing was completely wrong. Fortunately for her tina was keeping her mind enough busy to not thinking about her brother and what they have to do to catch him, they do daily lunch sometimes they takes a drink after work, tina was fun to be around, it definitely help that tina was beautiful, she was clearly attracted to her but decided to nothing for now until the mess with her brother was finished, she doesn't wanted to involved innocent people in this.

Tina was heavily flirting with Heidi, she really likes the older woman she checked all the boxes for her she was fine as hell, smart, funny plus she was rich what was not to like about her nothing, she saw the girl was holding back but was still responsive to her advance.

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